#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# check-process
# Finds processes matching various filters (name, state, etc). Will not
# match itself by default. The number of processes found will be tested
# against the Warning/critical thresholds. By default, fails with a
# CRITICAL if more than one process matches -- you must specify values
# for -w and -c to override this.
# Attempts to work on Cygwin (where ps does not have the features we
# need) by calling Windows' tasklist.exe, but this is not well tested.#
# plain text
# Linux
# gem: sensu-plugin
# gem: english
# # chef-client is running
# check-process.rb -p chef-client -W 1
# # there are not too many zombies
# check-process.rb -s Z -w 5 -c 10
# Copyright 2011 Sonian, Inc <>
# Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE
# for details.
require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli'
require 'English'
# Check Processes
class CheckProcess < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI
option :warn_over,
short: '-w N',
long: '--warn-over N',
description: 'Trigger a warning if over a number',
proc: proc(&:to_i)
option :crit_over,
short: '-c N',
long: '--critical-over N',
description: 'Trigger a critical if over a number',
proc: proc(&:to_i)
option :warn_under,
short: '-W N',
long: '--warn-under N',
description: 'Trigger a warning if under a number',
proc: proc(&:to_i),
default: 1
option :crit_under,
short: '-C N',
long: '--critical-under N',
description: 'Trigger a critial if under a number',
proc: proc(&:to_i),
default: 1
option :metric,
short: '-t METRIC',
long: '--metric METRIC',
description: 'Trigger a critical if there are METRIC procs',
proc: proc(&:to_sym)
option :match_self,
short: '-m',
long: '--match-self',
description: 'Match itself',
boolean: true,
default: false
option :match_parent,
short: '-M',
long: '--match-parent',
description: 'Match parent process it uses ruby {process.ppid}',
boolean: true,
default: false
option :cmd_pat,
short: '-p PATTERN',
long: '--pattern PATTERN',
description: 'Match a command against this pattern'
option :exclude_pat,
short: '-x PATTERN',
long: '--exclude-pattern PATTERN',
description: "Don't match against a pattern to prevent false positives"
option :file_pid,
short: '-f PID',
long: '--file-pid PID',
description: 'Check against a specific PID'
option :file_pid_crit,
short: '-F',
long: '--file-pid-crit',
description: 'Trigger a critical if pid file is specified but non-existent'
option :vsz,
short: '-z VSZ',
long: '--virtual-memory-size VSZ',
description: 'Trigger on a Virtual Memory size is bigger than this',
proc: proc(&:to_i)
option :rss,
short: '-r RSS',
long: '--resident-set-size RSS',
description: 'Trigger on a Resident Set size is bigger than this',
proc: proc(&:to_i)
option :cpu_utilization,
short: '-P xx',
long: '--cpu-utilization xx',
description: 'Trigger on a Proportional Set Size is bigger than this',
proc: proc(&:to_f)
option :thcount,
short: '-T THCOUNT',
long: '--thread-count THCOUNT',
description: 'Trigger on a Thread Count is bigger than this',
proc: proc(&:to_i)
option :state,
short: '-s STATE',
long: '--state STATE',
description: 'Trigger on a specific state, example: Z for zombie',
proc: proc { |a| a.split(',') }
option :user,
short: '-u USER',
long: '--user USER',
description: 'Trigger on a specific user',
proc: proc { |a| a.split(',') }
option :esec_over,
short: '-e SECONDS',
long: '--esec-over SECONDS',
proc: proc(&:to_i),
description: 'Match processes that are older than this, in SECONDS'
option :esec_under,
short: '-E SECONDS',
long: '--esec-under SECONDS',
proc: proc(&:to_i),
description: 'Match process that are younger than this, in SECONDS'
option :cpu_over,
short: '-i SECONDS',
long: '--cpu-over SECONDS',
proc: proc(&:to_i),
description: 'Match processes cpu time that is older than this, in SECONDS'
option :cpu_under,
short: '-I SECONDS',
long: '--cpu-under SECONDS',
proc: proc(&:to_i),
description: 'Match processes cpu time that is younger than this, in SECONDS'
option :encoding,
description: 'Explicit encoding when reading process list',
long: '--encoding ENCODING',
default: 'ASCII-8BIT'
# Read the pid file
# @param path [String] the path to the pid file, including the file
def read_pid(path)
if File.exist?(path)
elsif config[:file_pid_crit].nil?
unknown "Could not read pid file #{path}"
critical "Could not read pid file #{path}"
# read the output of a command
# @param cmd [String] the command to read the output from
def read_lines(cmd)
IO.popen(cmd + ' 2>&1', external_encoding: config[:encoding]) do |child|"\n")
# create a hash from the output of each line of a command
# @param line [String]
# @param cols
def line_to_hash(line, *cols)
Hash[\s+/, cols.size))]
# Is this running on cygwin
def on_cygwin?
`ps -W 2>&1`; $ # rubocop:disable Semicolon
# Acquire all the proceeses on a system for further analysis
def acquire_procs
if on_cygwin?
read_lines('ps -aWl').drop(1).map do |line|
# Horrible hack because cygwin's ps has no o option, every
# format includes the STIME column (which may contain spaces),
# and the process state (which isn't actually a column) can be
# blank. As of revision 1.35, the format is:
# const char *lfmt = "%c %7d %7d %7d %10u %4s %4u %8s %s\n";
state = line.slice!(0..0)
_stime = line.slice!(45..53)
line_to_hash(line, :pid, :ppid, :pgid, :winpid, :tty, :uid, :etime, :command, :time).merge(state: state)
read_lines('ps axwwo user,pid,vsz,rss,pcpu,nlwp,state,etime,time,command').drop(1).map do |line|
line_to_hash(line, :user, :pid, :vsz, :rss, :cpu, :thcount, :state, :etime, :time, :command)
# Match to a time
def etime_to_esec(etime)
m = /(\d+-)?(\d\d:)?(\d\d):(\d\d)/.match(etime)
(m[1] || 0).to_i * 86_400 + (m[2] || 0).to_i * 3600 + (m[3] || 0).to_i * 60 + (m[4] || 0).to_i
# Match to a time
def cputime_to_csec(time)
m = /(\d+-)?(\d\d:)?(\d\d):(\d\d)/.match(time)
(m[1] || 0).to_i * 86_400 + (m[2] || 0).to_i * 3600 + (m[3] || 0).to_i * 60 + (m[4] || 0).to_i
# The main function
def run
procs = acquire_procs
if config[:file_pid] && (file_pid = read_pid(config[:file_pid]))! { |p| p[:pid].to_i == file_pid }
procs.reject! { |p| p[:pid].to_i == $PROCESS_ID } unless config[:match_self]
procs.reject! { |p| p[:pid].to_i == Process.ppid } unless config[:match_parent]
procs.reject! { |p| p[:command] =~ /#{config[:exclude_pat]}/ } if config[:exclude_pat]! { |p| p[:command] =~ /#{config[:cmd_pat]}/ } if config[:cmd_pat]! { |p| p[:vsz].to_f > config[:vsz] } if config[:vsz]! { |p| p[:rss].to_f > config[:rss] } if config[:rss]! { |p| p[:cpu].to_f > config[:cpu_utilization] } if config[:cpu_utilization]! { |p| p[:thcount].to_i > config[:thcount] } if config[:thcount]
procs.reject! { |p| etime_to_esec(p[:etime]) >= config[:esec_under] } if config[:esec_under]
procs.reject! { |p| etime_to_esec(p[:etime]) <= config[:esec_over] } if config[:esec_over]
procs.reject! { |p| cputime_to_csec(p[:time]) >= config[:cpu_under] } if config[:cpu_under]
procs.reject! { |p| cputime_to_csec(p[:time]) <= config[:cpu_over] } if config[:cpu_over]! { |p| config[:state].include?(p[:state]) } if config[:state]! { |p| config[:user].include?(p[:user]) } if config[:user]
msg = "Found #{procs.size} matching processes"
msg += "; cmd /#{config[:cmd_pat]}/" if config[:cmd_pat]
msg += "; state #{config[:state].join(',')}" if config[:state]
msg += "; user #{config[:user].join(',')}" if config[:user]
msg += "; vsz > #{config[:vsz]}" if config[:vsz]
msg += "; rss > #{config[:rss]}" if config[:rss]
msg += "; cpu > #{config[:cpu_utilization]}" if config[:cpu_utilization]
msg += "; thcount > #{config[:thcount]}" if config[:thcount]
msg += "; esec < #{config[:esec_under]}" if config[:esec_under]
msg += "; esec > #{config[:esec_over]}" if config[:esec_over]
msg += "; csec < #{config[:cpu_under]}" if config[:cpu_under]
msg += "; csec > #{config[:cpu_over]}" if config[:cpu_over]
msg += "; pid #{config[:file_pid]}" if config[:file_pid]
if config[:metric]
count = { |p| p[config[:metric]].to_i }.reduce { |a, b| a + b }
msg += "; #{config[:metric]} == #{count}"
count = procs.size
if !!config[:crit_under] && count < config[:crit_under] # rubocop:disable Style/DoubleNegation
critical msg
elsif !!config[:crit_over] && count > config[:crit_over] # rubocop:disable Style/DoubleNegation
critical msg
elsif !!config[:warn_under] && count < config[:warn_under] # rubocop:disable Style/DoubleNegation
warning msg
elsif !!config[:warn_over] && count > config[:warn_over] # rubocop:disable Style/DoubleNegation
warning msg
ok msg