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## Sensu-Plugins-sidekiq

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## Functionality

Check various metrics and checks for Sidekiq.
The following scripts:

 * bin/check-sidekiq.rb
 * bin/sidekiq-metrics.rb
require [sidekiq-monitor-stats](
running on your application. Pass the `--url URL` option with the url to your monitor stats. Both scripts also accept a
`--auth USER:PASSWORD` option in case the monitor stats url sits behind basic authorization.

 * bin/check-sidekiq-dead-queue.rb
uses the native sidekiq JSON dashboard under `<mount point>/dashboard/stats`
[More info](

### check-sidekiq.rb

Uses the maximum latency to figure out when to raise warnings. The latency is the time a job has been waiting in the queue (without
being processed). It's generally a good metric to know when there's trouble with Sidekiq. There are some options you can pass to this

* `--warn SECONDS`: Warn after job has been SECONDS seconds in a queue. The default is 120.
* `--crit SECONDS`: Critical after job has been SECONDS seconds in a queue. The default is 300.

### sidekiq-metrics.rb

Generates total concurrency (`concurrency`), total busy (`busy`) and maximum latency (`latency`) metrics for your sidekiq. A graph of
busy vs. concurrency is specially useful for capacity planning. The latency metric should let you know if something is wrong (or there
are spikes that don't trigger a warning or a critical). Accepts an `--scheme SCHEME` option to know what scheme to append to the
metrics (the default is `sidekiq`).

### check-sidekiq-dead-queue.rb
Checks the dead queue and raises a CRITICAL if it's not empty. Jobs in the dead queue have failed over 25 times. Some organisations might consider this an issue to address and could benefit from this check.

## Files
 * bin/check-sidekiq.rb
 * bin/sidekiq-metrics.rb
 * bin/check-sidekiq-dead-queue.rb

## Usage

## Installation

[Installation and Setup](

## Notes

Thanks to [xxxxxx]() for contributing.