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 * jQuery Json Presenter Plugin v1.0.0
 * Copyright 2014 Steven Pease
 * Released under the MIT license:
( function( $ ) {
     * @param numberOfIndents
    function getIndentString( numberOfIndents ) {
        if ( typeof numberOfIndents === "undefined" ) {
            numberOfIndents = 1;

        var result = '';
        for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfIndents; i++ ) {

            // Use two spaces to represent an indentation
            result += '  ';
        return result;

    function isJsonArray( jsonValue ) {
        return jsonValue && typeof jsonValue === 'object' && typeof jsonValue.length === 'number' && !jsonValue.propertyIsEnumerable( 'length' );

     * @param {unknown_type} jsonValue The JSON value to test
     * @return {Boolean} Whether the provided JSON value is a Date object
    var isJsonDate = ( function() {
        var dateObject = new Date();

        return function( jsonValue ) {
            return jsonValue && jsonValue.constructor === dateObject.constructor;
    } )();

     * @param {unknown_type} jsonValue The JSON value to test
     * @return {Boolean} Whether the provided JSON value is a NULL value
    var isJsonNull = function( jsonValue ) {
        return jsonValue === null;

     * @param {unknown_type} jsonValue The JSON value to test
     * @return {Boolean} Whether the provided JSON value is a RegExp object
    var isJsonRegExp = ( function() {
        var regExpObject = new RegExp();

        return function( jsonValue ) {
            return jsonValue && jsonValue.constructor === regExpObject.constructor;
    } )();

    function processJsonPrimitive( className, value, alternateDisplayValue ) {
        var cleanValue = function( value ) {
            var result = value;

            // Remove any "<" or ">" characters that could be interpretted as HTML
            if ( typeof result === 'string' ) {
                result = result.replace( /</g, '&lt;' ).replace( />/g, '&gt;' );

            return result;

        if ( alternateDisplayValue ) {
            value = '<span>' + cleanValue( value ) + '</span><span class="hidden">' + cleanValue( alternateDisplayValue ) + '</span>';
        } else {
            value = cleanValue( value );

        return '<span class="parsed-json-value-' + className + ( alternateDisplayValue ? ' parsed-json-has-alternate-value' : '' ) + '">' + value + '</span>';

    function processJsonValue( settings, jsonValue, indentLevel, propertyName ) {
        if ( typeof indentLevel === 'undefined' ) {
            indentLevel = 0;

        var isExpandable = false,
            isToggleable = false,
            result = '';

        if ( isJsonArray( jsonValue ) ) {
            if ( jsonValue.length ) {
                result += '<span class="parsed-json-array-bracket">[</span><span class="parsed-json-expandable-ellipsis hidden">...</span><span class="parsed-json-expandable">';

                for ( var i = 0; i < jsonValue.length; i++ ) {
                    result += processJsonValue( settings, jsonValue[ i ], indentLevel + 1 );

                    if ( i < jsonValue.length - 1 ) {
                        result += '<span class="parsed-json-object-comma">,</span>';

                result += "\n" + getIndentString( indentLevel ) + '</span><span class="parsed-json-array-bracket">]</span>';
                isExpandable = true;
            } else {
                result += '<span class="parsed-json-array-bracket">[]</span>';
        } else {
            var valueType = typeof jsonValue;

            switch ( valueType ) {
                case 'object':
                    if ( isJsonNull( jsonValue ) ) {
                        result += processJsonPrimitive( 'null', null );
                    } else if ( isJsonDate( jsonValue ) ) {
                        result += processJsonPrimitive( 'date', 'new Date(' + jsonValue.getTime() + ')', jsonValue.toString() );
                        isToggleable = true;
                    } else if ( isJsonRegExp( jsonValue ) ) {
                        result += processJsonPrimitive( 'regexp', jsonValue );
                    } else {

                        // Determine the number of properties this object has
                        var propertyCount = ( function() {
                            var result = 0;
                            for ( var i in jsonValue ) { // jshint ignore:line
                            return result;
                        } )();

                        if ( propertyCount > 0 ) {
                            result += '<span class="parsed-json-object-bracket">{</span><span class="parsed-json-expandable-ellipsis hidden">...</span><span class="parsed-json-expandable">';
                            ( function() {
                                var propertyCounter = 0;
                                for ( var propertyName in jsonValue ) {
                                    result += processJsonValue( settings, jsonValue[ propertyName ], indentLevel + 1, propertyName );

                                    if ( ++propertyCounter < propertyCount ) {
                                        result += '<span class="parsed-json-object-comma">,</span>';
                            } )();
                            result += "\n" + getIndentString( indentLevel ) + '</span><span class="parsed-json-object-bracket">}</span>';
                            isExpandable = true;
                        } else {
                            result += '<span class="parsed-json-object-bracket">{}</span>';
                case 'number':
                    result += processJsonPrimitive( 'number', jsonValue );
                case 'boolean':
                    result += processJsonPrimitive( 'boolean', jsonValue );
                case 'function':
                    var expandedFunction = ( jsonValue.toString() ).replace( /\n/g, "\n" + getIndentString( indentLevel ) ),
                        nonExpandedFunction = ( jsonValue.toString() ).replace( /\s+/g, ' ' );

                    if ( expandedFunction !== nonExpandedFunction ) {
                        result += processJsonPrimitive( 'function', nonExpandedFunction, expandedFunction );
                        isToggleable = true;
                    } else {
                        result += processJsonPrimitive( 'function', nonExpandedFunction );
                case 'undefined':
                    result += processJsonPrimitive( 'undefined', jsonValue );
                    var displayValue = '"' + jsonValue.replace( /\n/g, "\\n" ) + '"',
                        alternateDisplayValue = '"' + jsonValue + '"';

                    if ( displayValue !== alternateDisplayValue ) {
                        result += processJsonPrimitive( 'string', displayValue, alternateDisplayValue );
                        isToggleable = true;
                    } else {
                        result += processJsonPrimitive( 'string', displayValue );


        var resultPrefix = ( indentLevel !== 0 ? "\n" : '' ) + getIndentString( indentLevel );
        if ( typeof propertyName !== 'undefined' ) {
            var propertyNameLabel = settings.wrapPropertiesInQuotes ? '"' + propertyName + '"' : propertyName;
            resultPrefix += '<span class="parsed-json-property-name' + ( isExpandable ? ' parsed-json-property-expandable' : '' ) + ( isToggleable ? ' parsed-json-property-toggleable' : '' ) + '">' + propertyNameLabel + '</span>: ';

        result = resultPrefix + result;

        if ( isExpandable || isToggleable ) {
            return '<span class="' + ( isToggleable ? 'parsed-json-node-toggleable ' : '' ) + ( isExpandable ? 'parsed-json-node-expandable ' : '' ) + '">' + result + '</span>';
        } else {
            return result;

    function expandNode( expandableNodeElement ) {
        if ( expandableNodeElement.children( '.parsed-json-expandable' ).is( ':not(:visible)' ) ) {
            toggleExpandNode( expandableNodeElement );

    function collapseNode( expandableNodeElement ) {
        if ( expandableNodeElement.children( '.parsed-json-expandable' ).is( ':visible' ) ) {
            toggleExpandNode( expandableNodeElement );

    function toggleExpandNode( expandableNodeElement ) {
        expandableNodeElement.children( '.parsed-json-expandable,.parsed-json-expandable-ellipsis' ).toggleClass( 'hidden' );

    function togglePresentationNode( toggleableNodeElement ) {
        toggleableNodeElement.children( '.parsed-json-has-alternate-value' ).find( 'span' ).toggleClass( 'hidden' );

    function getExpandableChildNodes( expandableNodeElement ) {
        return expandableNodeElement.find( '> .parsed-json-expandable > .parsed-json-node-expandable' );

    function expandAll( expandableElement ) {
        expand( expandableElement );

    function collapseAll( expandableElement ) {
        collapse( expandableElement );

    function expand( expandableNodeElement, depth ) {
        expandNode( expandableNodeElement );
        if ( !( typeof depth === 'number' && depth <= 0 ) ) {
            getExpandableChildNodes( expandableNodeElement ).each( function() {
                expandNode( $( this ) );
                expand( $( this ), typeof depth !== 'undefined' ? depth - 1 : depth );
            } );

    function collapse( expandableNodeElement, depth ) {
        if ( !( typeof depth === 'number' && depth <= 0 ) ) {
            getExpandableChildNodes( expandableNodeElement ).each( function() {
                collapse( $( this ), typeof depth !== 'undefined' ? depth - 1 : depth );
                collapseNode( $( this ) );
            } );
        collapseNode( expandableNodeElement );

    function getRootNode( containerElement ) {
        return containerElement.find( '> .parsed-json > .parsed-json-node-expandable' );

    function onToggleableValueClick( event ) {
        togglePresentationNode( $( $( event.currentTarget ).parents( '.parsed-json-node-toggleable' ).get( 0 ) ) );

    function onExpandableValueClick( event ) {
        toggleExpandNode( $( $( event.currentTarget ).parents( '.parsed-json-node-expandable' ).get( 0 ) ) );

    function onExpandablePropertyClick( event ) {
        toggleExpandNode( $( event.currentTarget ).parent() );

    function onToggleablePropertyClick( event ) {
        togglePresentationNode( $( event.currentTarget ).parent() );

    function destroy( containerElement ) {
        .off( 'click', '.parsed-json-has-alternate-value span', onToggleableValueClick )
        .off( 'click', '.parsed-json-property-expandable', onExpandablePropertyClick )
        .off( 'click', '.parsed-json-expandable-ellipsis', onExpandableValueClick )
        .off( 'click', '.parsed-json-property-toggleable', onToggleablePropertyClick );

        containerElement.html( '' );

    function create( containerElement, settings ) {

        // Make sure that the JSON Presenter is not stacking event listeners on top of existing ones
        if ( isAlreadyPresentingJson( containerElement ) ) {
            destroy( containerElement );

        .on( 'click', '.parsed-json-has-alternate-value span', onToggleableValueClick )
        .on( 'click', '.parsed-json-property-expandable', onExpandablePropertyClick )
        .on( 'click', '.parsed-json-expandable-ellipsis', onExpandableValueClick )
        .on( 'click', '.parsed-json-property-toggleable', onToggleablePropertyClick );

        containerElement.html( '<pre class="parsed-json">' + processJsonValue( settings, settings.json ) + '</pre>' );

     * @param {DOMNode} containerElement The container element to check whether it already has JSON being presented within it
     * @return {Boolean} Whether the provided container element already has JSON being presented within it
    function isAlreadyPresentingJson( containerElement ) {
        return !!containerElement.find( '> pre.parsed-json' ).length;

    $.fn.jsonPresenter = function( options ) {
        if ( options && typeof options === 'object' ) {
            var defaults = {
                json: {},
                wrapPropertiesInQuotes: false

            var settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );

            return this.each( function() {
                create( $( this ), settings );

                if ( typeof settings.expand !== 'undefined' ) {
                    $( this ).jsonPresenter( 'expand', settings.expand );
            } );
        } else if ( arguments[ 0 ] === 'destroy' ) {
            return this.each( function() {
                destroy( $( this ) );
            } );
        } else if ( arguments[ 0 ] === 'expandAll' ) {
            return this.each( function() {
                expandAll( getRootNode( $( this ) ) );
            } );
        } else if ( arguments[ 0 ] === 'collapseAll' ) {
            return this.each( function() {
                collapseAll( getRootNode( $( this ) ) );
            } );
        } else if ( arguments[ 0 ] === 'expand' ) {
            var depth = arguments[ 1 ];
            return this.each( function() {
                collapseAll( getRootNode( $( this ) ) );
                expand( getRootNode( $( this ) ), depth );
            } );
} )( jQuery );