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Simple python script that convert csv file to LaTeX table.  
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="PyPI version" height="18"></a>


## Installation ##
### Source Code
- Download [Version 0.11]( or [Latest Source ](

- `python3 install` or `python install` (Need root access)                

### PyPI

- Check [Python Packaging User Guide](     
- `pip install csv2latex` or `pip3 install csv2latex` (Need root access)

## Usage ##
- Run csv2latex near csv files :
```python -m csv2latex``` or ```python3 -m csv2latex```    
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<img src="" alt="csv2latex usage" title="csv2latex usage">


## Issues & Bug Reports            

Just fill an issue and describe it. We'll check it ASAP!                            
or send an email to []( ""). 

## Contribution            

You can fork the repository, improve or fix some part of it and then send the pull requests back if you want to see them here. I really appreciate that. ❤️            

Remember to write a few tests for your code before sending pull requests. 

## License

<a href=""><img src=""/></a>        

## Donate to our project
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