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# Association Scopes

This section concerns association scopes, which are similar but not the same as [model scopes](scopes.html).

Association scopes can be placed both on the associated model (the target of the association) and on the through table for Many-to-Many relationships.

## Concept

Similarly to how a [model scope](scopes.html) is automatically applied on the model static calls, such as `Model.scope('foo').findAll()`, an association scope is a rule (more precisely, a set of default attributes and options) that is automatically applied on instance calls from the model. Here, *instance calls* mean method calls that are called from an instance (rather than from the Model itself). Mixins are the main example of instance methods (`instance.getSomething`, `instance.setSomething`, `instance.addSomething` and `instance.createSomething`).

Association scopes behave just like model scopes, in the sense that both cause an automatic application of things like `where` clauses to finder calls; the difference being that instead of applying to static finder calls (which is the case for model scopes), the association scopes automatically apply to instance finder calls (such as mixins).

## Example

A basic example of an association scope for the One-to-Many association between models `Foo` and `Bar` is shown below.

* Setup:

    const Foo = sequelize.define('foo', { name: DataTypes.STRING });
    const Bar = sequelize.define('bar', { status: DataTypes.STRING });
    Foo.hasMany(Bar, {
        scope: {
            status: 'open'
        as: 'openBars'
    await sequelize.sync();
    const myFoo = await Foo.create({ name: "My Foo" });

* After this setup, calling `myFoo.getOpenBars()` generates the following SQL:

        `id`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `fooId`
    FROM `bars` AS `bar`
    WHERE `bar`.`status` = 'open' AND `bar`.`fooId` = 1;

With this we can see that upon calling the `.getOpenBars()` mixin, the association scope `{ status: 'open' }` was automatically applied into the `WHERE` clause of the generated SQL.

## Achieving the same behavior with standard scopes

We could have achieved the same behavior with standard scopes:

// Foo.hasMany(Bar, {
//     scope: {
//         status: 'open'
//     },
//     as: 'openBars'
// });

Bar.addScope('open', {
    where: {
        status: 'open'
Foo.hasMany(Bar.scope('open'), { as: 'openBars' });

With the above code, `myFoo.getOpenBars()` yields the same SQL shown above.