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Test Coverage

v 1.3.7
 - Rails 4.0.13

v 1.3.6
 - Title improvement by @netmarkjp
 - Rails 4.0.5

v 1.3.5
  - Markdown support in comments by @cb372
  - Disabled scripts in markdown bodies
  - Rails 4.0.3

v 1.3.4
  - Removed email from profile page
  - Added GISTUB_APP_NAME environment variable to customize header

v 1.3.3
  - #28 Link to latest raw file when single file (feedback by @rngtng)
  - Improved error pages
  - Fixed fork error after omniauth callbacks
  - Bumped some dependencies

v 1.3.2
  - #26 Show Gravatar icons using email provided by OmniAuth by @shuhei

v 1.3.1
  - #25 Prevented gist timestamp from overlapping with code box by @shuhei

v 1.3.0 
  - Bumped Rails from 3.2 to 4.0.2
  - Added GISTUB_SECRET_TOKEN, GISTUB_SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variables support

v 1.2.7
  - Added GISTUB_AUTO_LINK, GISTUB_ALLOWS_ANONYMOUS environment variables support

v 1.2.6 
  - Fixed the issue that font-awesome icons don't appear

v 1.2.5
  - Introduced GISTUB_OPENID_IDENTIFIER env value to specify auth server instead of Google OpenID

v 1.2.4
  - Changed source, git repo access from git protocol to https protocol

v 1.2.3
  - Enabled using tags in comments

v 1.2.2
  - Fixed the issue ace editor doesn't work for several new files
  - Made the ids of gist file inputs and textareas unique by @shuhei

v 1.2.1
  - Removed git submodule and added ace js files to app/assets/javascripts

v 1.2.0 
  - Add ace editor for gist file body by @shuhei

v 1.1.21
  - Improved CSS for google-code-prettify

v 1.1.20
  - Changed user page's gist/fav order to desc
  - Bumped google-code-prettify to the lastest version
v 1.0.19
  - Added coveralls

v 1.0.18
  - Started using Code Climate

v 1.0.17
  - Fixed #17 Disabling anonymous posts
  - deafult filename if absent (refs #15)

v 1.0.14
  - Added client side validation for gist creation thanks to @pellegrino

v 1.0.13
  - Working on Ruby 2.0.0 and JRuby(again) thanks to @pellegrino

v 1.0.12
  - Changed kaminari paging windows size because of broken layout for over 200 gists

v 1.0.11
  - Enabled using rails_autolink 

v 1.0.10
  - Bumped Rails version to 3.2.13
  - Markdown support

v 1.0.9
  - Bumped Rails version to 3.2.12

v 1.0.8
  - Show the nickname of user who likes the gist by @tototoshi

v 1.0.7
  - Fixed issue #10 Icons are not displayed after updating twitter-bootstrap-rails

v 1.0.6
  - Fixed search paging

v 1.0.5
  - Fixed issue #3 Searching gists

v 1.0.4
  - Added likes, comments for list pages
  - Fixed issue #9 Fails to display gist if commented users are dropped

v 1.0.3
  - Fixed appearance
  - Fixed an error at user page

v 1.0.2
  - Fixed issue #8 Use not /tmp dir but tmp dir under rails root

v 1.0.1
  - Fixed issue #4 font-resizing

v 1.0.0
  - Initial versioning
  - Fixed root path issue #7 thanks to @fujiwara