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# API library (in process)

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Provides a friendly API interface for HeadHunter ( service.

Official API docs available [here](

 - [Installation](#installation)
 - [Quick Start](#quick-start)
 - [Vacancies](#vacancies)
 - [Employers](#employers)
 - [Employer Managers](#employer-managers)
 - [Artifacts](#artifacts)
 - [User](#user)
 - [Comments](#comments)
 - [Industries](#industries)
 - [Negotiations](#employee-negotiations)
 - [Regions](#regions)
 - [Resumes](#resumes)
 - [Saved searches](#saved-searches)
 - [Specializations](#specializations)
 - [Dictionaries](#dictionaries)
 - [Suggests](#suggests)
 - [Metro](#metro)
 - [Languages](#languages)
 - [Custom requests](#custom-requests)

## Dependencies

Requires PHP 5.6 or above.

## Installation

The recommended way to install this library is via [Composer]( 
[New to Composer?](

composer require seregazhuk/headhunter-api

## Quick Start

// You may need to amend this path to locate composer's autoloader
use seregazhuk\HeadHunterApi\Api;

 * Token is optional. Your need token only
 * for resources that require authentication
$api = Api::create('YOUR_TOKEN');
$userInfo = $api->me->info();

You can create an instance without token, and later change it.
$api = Api::create();

## API Resources

### Vacancies

View vacancy by id ([official docs](
$vacancy = $api->vacancies->view($id);

Get similar vacancies for the current one ([official docs](
$similarVacancies = $api->vacancies->similar($id);

Get black listed vacancies ([official docs](
$blacklisted = $api->vacancies->blacklisted();

Get list of favorited vacancies ([official docs](
$vacancies = $api->vacancies->favorited();

// with pagination
$vacancies = $api->vacancies->favorited(['page' => 2]);

Search ([official docs](
$vacancies = $api->vacancies->search($params);

Vacancy statistics ([official docs](
$stats = $api->vacancies->statistics($vacancyId);

Employer's active vacancies ([official docs](Список-опубликованных-вакансий)):
$vacancies = $api->vacancies->active();

// you can specify a manager, by default uses current manager
$vacancies = $api->vacancies->active($managerId);
// with pagination
$vacancies = $api->vacancies->active($managerId, ['page'=>2]);

Employer's archived vacancies ([official docs](Архивация-вакансий)):

$archived = $api->vacancies->archived();
// with pagination
$archived = $api->vacancies->archived(['page'=>2]);

Employer's hidden vacancies ([official docs](

$hidden = $api->vacancies->hidden();
// with pagination
$hidden = $api->vacancies->hidden(['page'=>2]);

Hide a vacancy ([official docs](


Restore a vacancy ([official docs](


### Employers

View employee by id ([official docs](
$employee = $api->employers->view($id);

Search ([official docs](
$employers = $api->employers->search($params);
### Employer Managers

Reference types and the rights of the manager ([official docs](
$reference_type = $api->employers->getManagerTypes();
$reference_type = $api->employers->getManagerTypes($employerId);
When used without parameters your employer id will be automatically resolved from your profile

Get employer managers ([official docs](
$managers = $api->employers->getManagers();
$managers = $api->employers->getManagers($employerId);
$managerWhoHasVacancies = $api->employers->getManagersWhoHasVacancies();
$managerWhoHasVacancies = $api->employers->getManagersWhoHasVacancies($employerId);
When used without parameters your employer id will be automatically resolved from your profile

Get manager information ([official docs](
$managers = $api->employers->getManager($managerId);
$managers = $api->employers->getManager($managerId, $employerId);
When used without parameters your employer id will be automatically resolved from your profile

### Artifacts:

Get your photos ([official docs](
$photos = $api->artifacts->photos();

Get your portfolio ([official docs](
$portfolio = $api->artifacts->portfolio();

Delete photo by id ([official docs](

Edit photo attributes ([official docs](
$api->artifacts->editPhoto($photoId, $attributes);

Upload photo ([official docs](
$api->artifacts->uploadPhoto('photo.jpg', 'my picture description');

Upload portfolio ([official docs](
$api->artifacts->uploadPortfolio('portfolio.jpg', 'my portfolio description');

### User:

Get current user info ([official docs](
$info = $api->me->info();

Update name(last, first, middle). All parameters are required ([official docs](
$api->me->editName($lastName, $firstName, $middleName);

Update flag 'is_in_search' ([official docs](Флаг-ищу--не-ищу-работу)):
$isInSearch = true; // or false;

Manager preferences by managerId. You can get your manager id from user object,
returned from `$api->me->info()`. When used without parameters your manager id will be
automatically resolved from your profile ([official docs](

$me = $api->me->info();
$managerId = $me['manager']['id'];
$preferences = $api->manager->preferences($managerId);

// automatically get manager id from your profile
$preferences = $api->manager->preferences($managerId);

### Applicant comments

Get all comments about applicant ([official docs](
$comments = $api->comments->view($applicantId);

Create a comment ([official docs](
You need an applicant id, to create a comment. Applicant id can be received from resume:

$resumeInfo = $api->resume->view($resumeId);
$applicantCommentsUrl = $resumeInfo['owner']['comments']['url']; //
// You need to parse id from this url

// Create a comment, that is visible for coworkers
$result = $api->comments($applicantId, 'my comment');

// Create a comment, that is visible only for you
$result = $api->createPrivate($applicantId, 'my comment');

Edit comment ([official docs](

// Edit a comment, that is visible for coworkers
$api->comments->edit($applicantId, $commentId, 'new comment text')

// Edit a comment, that is visible only for you
$result = $api->editPrivate($applicantId, $commentId, 'new comment text');

Delete a comment ([official docs](

$api->comments->delete($applicantId, $commentId);

### Industries
Get all industries ([official docs](
$industries = $api->industries->all();

### Employee Negotiations

Get all negotiations ([official docs](
$negotiations = $api->negotiations->all();

Get only active negotiations ([official docs](
$negotiations = $api->negotiations->active();

View the list of messages.

- For employee: get messages of negotiation ([official docs](
- For employer: view the list of messages in the response/invitation ([official docs](
// with pagination
$api->negotiations->messages($negotiationId, ['page'=>2]);

Sending new message.

- For employee: create a new message ([official docs](
- For employer: sending a message in the response/invitation ([official docs](

$api->negotiations->message($negotiationId, $messageText);

Git list of responses/invitation for ([official docs](
$responses = $api->negotiations->invited($vacancyId);

#### There are several types of invitations. For each of them you can pass a pagination array as a second argument:
$responses = $api->negotiations->invitedResponses($vacancyId);
// with pagination
$responses = $api->negotiations->invitedResponses($vacancyId, ['page'=>2]);

$toConsider = $api->negotiations->invitedConsider($vacancyId);

Phone interview
$phoneInterviews = $api->negotiations->invitedPhoneInterviews($vacancyId);

$assessments = $api->negotiations->invitedAssessments($vacancyId);

$interviews = $api->negotiations->invitedInterviews($vacancyId);

$offers = $api->negotiations->invitedOffers($vacancyId);

$hired = $api->negotiations->invitedHired($vacancyId);

Discard by employer
$discard = $api->negotiations->invitedDiscardByEmployer($vacancyId);

View the response/invitation by id. NegotiationId can be taken from key url in the `invited` call response.
([official docs](
$response = $api->negotiations->view($negotiationId);

### Regions

Get all regions ([official docs](
$regions = $api->regions->all();

### Resumes

Get my resumes ([official docs](
$resumes = $api->resumes->mine();

View resume ([official docs](
$views = $api->resumes->view($resumeId);

Edit resume ([official docs](
$api->resumes->edit($resumeId, ['first_name' => 'New name']);

Create a new resume ([official docs](
$attributes = ['first_name' => 'New name'];
$result = $api->resumes->create($attributes);

Views history ([official docs](
$views = $api->resumes->views($resumeId);

// with pagination

$views = $api->resumes->views($resumeId, ['page'=>2]);

Negotiations history ([official docs](
$negotiations = $api->resumes->negotiations($resumeId);
// with pagination
$negotiations = $api->resumes->negotiations($resumeId, ['page' => 2]);

Update resume publish date ([official docs](

Get resume conditions ([official docs](
$conditions = $api->resumes->conditions($resumeId);

Remove resume ([official docs](

Get current status (if it is blocked or ready to publish) ([official docs](
$status = $api->resumes->status($resumeId);

Get jobs recommendations for resume ([official docs](
$jobs = $api->resumes->jobs($resumeId)

// with pagination
$jobs = $api->resumes->jobs($resumeId, ['page' => 2])

#### Resume visibility
[official docs](

Get resume black/white list:
$blackList = $api->resumes->getBlackList($resumeId);
// ...
$whiteList = $api->resumes->getWhiteList($resumeId);

Add a company to black/white list:
$api->resumes->addToBlackList($resumeId, $companyId);
// ...
$api->resumes->addToWhiteList($resumeId, $companyId);

Remove a company from black/white list:
$api->resumes->removeFromBlackList($resumeId, $companyId);
// ...
$api->resumes->removeFromWhiteList($resumeId, $companyId);

Clear black/white list:
// ...

Search in black/white list:
$companies = $api->resumes->searchInBlackList($resumeId, 'some-key-word');
$companies = $api->resumes->searchInWhiteList($resumeId, 'some-key-word');

Search in black/white list:

### Saved searches:

List searches ([official docs](
$searches = $api->savedSearches->all();

Get one search ([official docs](
$searches = $api->savedSearches->view($searchId);

### Specializations

Get all specializations ([official docs](
$specializations = $api->specializations->all();

### Dictionaries

Get list of entities that are used in API ([official docs](
$dictionaries = $api->dictionaries->all();

### Suggests

Educational institutions ([official docs](Подсказки-по-названиям-университетов)):
$suggests = $api->suggests->educational_institutions($text);

Companies ([official docs](
$suggests = $api->suggests->companies($text);

Specialization ([official docs](
$suggests = $api->suggests->fieldsOfStudy($text);

Key skills ([official docs](
$suggests = $api->suggests->skillSet($text);

Position ([official docs](
$suggests = $api->suggests->positions($text);

Region ([official docs](
$suggests = $api->suggests->areas($text);

Tips for vacancy search key words ([official docs](
$suggests = $api->suggests->vacancySearchKeyword($text);

## Metro
Obtaining all metro stations of all cities ([official docs](
$stations = $api->metro->all();

List of metro stations and lines in a specific city ([official docs](
$stations = $api->metro->forCity($cityId);

## Languages
Obtaining available languages ([official docs](
$languages = $api->languages->all();

## Faculties
Get list of faculties of the educational institutions ([official docs](
Uses institutionId that can be obtained from the suggestions for educational institutions.
$faculties = $api->faculties->forInstitution($institutionId);

## Custom requests ([official docs](

### Locale
You can set a locale for your requests, the results will be returned in the selected locale. `RU` is set by
default ([official docs](

// chain methods

### Host
Get data from different websites of the HeadHunter group.
([official docs](

// chain methods