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# Pinterest Bot for PHP

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    <img src="logo.jpg" alt="Pinterest PHP Bot">

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A PHP library to help you work with your Pinterest account without API credentials. 

The Pinterest API is painful: receiving an access token involves registering a developer account, 
registering an application, then waiting for confirmation. Not to mention, the
public API itself is poorly implemented and has a limited set of features. 

This library offers the full functionality available on Pinterest's website, with **no need to register an
application to receive an access token**. All that's needed is your account login information (but even this is not required
if you don't plan on creating pins, writing comments or sending messages)!

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [How to avoid ban](#how-to-avoid-ban)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Account](docs/
- [Boards](docs/
- [Pins](docs/
- [Pinners](docs/
- [Interests and topics](docs/
- [Search](docs/
- [Inbox](docs/
- [Keywords](docs/
- [Error handling](docs/
- [Use proxy](docs/
- [Custom request settings](docs/
- [Cookies](docs/
- [Pagination](docs/

## Installation

### Dependencies
Library requires CURL extension and PHP 7.0 or above.

The recommended way to install this library is via [Composer]( 
[New to Composer?](

composer require seregazhuk/pinterest-bot

## Quick Start

// You may need to amend this path to locate Composer's autoloader

use seregazhuk\PinterestBot\Factories\PinterestBot;

$bot = PinterestBot::create();

// Login
$bot->auth->login('mypinterestlogin', 'mypinterestpassword');

// Get lists of your boards
$boards = $bot->boards->forUser('yourUserName');

// Create a pin
$bot->pins->create('', $boards[0]['id'], 'Pin description');

*Note*: Some methods (e.g. get user followers/following, pins
likes/dislikes, search and other feed queries) use Pinterest navigation through results (with bookmarks). This means that for every batch of results, a 
call is made to Pinterest and a [Pagination](#pagination) object with Pinterest API results is returned.

## How to avoid ban

**To avoid being banned by Pinterest**, do not aggressively pin or write comments (e.g. creating hundreds of pins in a single minute).
Do this by inserting timeouts (`sleep($seconds)`) with calls.

## Examples
These articles provide examples of common tasks that can be performed with the bot:

 - [Automate pinning]( ([source code](examples/auto_pins.php))
 - [Multiple Accounts and Proxy]( ([source code](examples/multiple_accounts_and_proxy.php))
 - [Comments, Likes And Repins]( ([source code](examples/comments_likes_repins.php))
 - [Followers]( ([source code](examples/followers.php))
 - [Parsing Pins]( ([source code](examples/pins_parser.php))

## How can I thank you?
Why not star this GitHub repo? I'd love the attention!
Or, you can donate to my project on PayPal:

[![Support me with some coffee](](
