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# SmsIntel PHP Api

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    <img src="logo.png" alt="SmsIntel PHP Api">

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Library provides common interface for making requests to both XML and JSON [smsintel API](

- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Sending messages](#sending-messages)
- [Groups and contacts](#groups-and-contacts)
- [Account](#account)
- [Reports](#reports)

## Dependencies
Library requires CURL extension and PHP 5.5.9 or above.

## Installation
Via [Composer](

composer require seregazhuk/smsintel-api

## Quick Start

// You may need to amend this path to locate composer's autoloader

use seregazhuk\SmsIntel\SmsIntel;

$sender = SmsIntel::create('login', 'password');

// send sms
$result = $sender->send('phoneNumber', 'From', 'Your message text');


## Sending messages

To send message to one phone number:

$result = $sender->send('phoneNumber', 'From', 'Your message text');

You can pass an array of phones:

$phones = [
$result = $sender->send($phones, 'From', 'Your message text');

Cancel sms by id:
$result = $sender->cancel($smsId);

Request a source name:

$result = $sender->requestSource('FromPHP');

## Groups and contacts

Get contact info by phone number:

$contact = $sender->getPhoneInfo('79999999999');

Get all contacts:

$contacts = $sender->getContacts();

Contacts for specific group:

$groupId = 1;
$contacts = $sender->getContacts($groupId);

Contacts by phone number:
$phone = '79999999999';
$contacts = $sender->getContacts(null, $phone);

// or with group:
$groupId = 1;
$contacts = $sender->getContacts($groupId, $phone);

Create a new contact:

$contactInfo = [
    'idGroup' => 1 // required
    'phone'   => '79999999999' // required
    'f'       => 'Second Name',
    'i'       => 'First Name',
    'o'       => 'Middle Name',
    'bday'    => 'YYYY-mm-dd',
    'sex'     => 1 // 1 - male, 2 - female
$result = $sender->addContact($contactInfo);

Remove contact by phone number:


You can pass optionally group id:

$groupId = 1;
$sender->removeContact('79999999999', $groupId);

Get all groups:
$groups = $send->getGroups();

Get group by id or name:
$groups = $sender->getGroups($groupId);
$groups = $sender->getGroups(null, $groupName);

Create a new group of contacts:

$result = $sender->createGroup('NewGroup');

Edit group name by id:

$result = $sender->editGroup($newName, $groupId);

## Account

Get account info: 

$result = $sender->getAccountInfo();

Get balance:

$result = $sender->getBalance();

Use discount coupon:

$result = $sender->checkCoupon('couponCode');

Only check discount coupon:

$result = $sender->checkCoupon('couponCode', false);

## Reports

Get report for period by phone number:

$result = $sender->getReportByNumber($dateFrom, $dateTo, '79999999999');

Get report for period and for all numbers:

$result = $sender->getReportByNumber($dateFrom, $dateTo);

Get report by smsId:

$result = $sender->getReportBySms($smsId);

Get report for period by source:

$result = $sender->getReportBySource($dateFrom, $dateTo, 'FromPHP');

Get report for period for all sources:

$result = $sender->getReportBySource($dateFrom, $dateTo);

## How can I thank you?

Why not star the github repo? I'd love the attention!
