[]([]([]([]([]( # Laravel Dellin API WrapperAllows you to:* Find a City by query string* Find a Street by City ID and query string* Find Terminals in the City by City ID* Calculate a delivery ## Pre-requirementsYou need to get Dellin API key, login and password.Key can be obtained at ## Installation<pre>composer require sergeevpasha/laravel-dellin</pre> ## ConfigurationThis package has a few configuration values:<pre>'key' => env('DELLIN_KEY', null),'login' => env('DELLIN_LOGIN', null),'password' => env('DELLIN_PASSWORD', null),'prefix' => 'dellin','middleware' => ['web']</pre>If you only need to use DellinClient, you may completely skip this configuration. Otherwise, you can use default options and specify some data in .env file:* DELLIN_KEY* DELLIN_LOGIN* DELLIN_PASSWORD To make full use of predefined routes, you will need to publish config:<pre>php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SergeevPasha\Dellin\Providers\DellinServiceProvider" --tag="config"</pre>Now you can change routes prefix and middleware to whatever you need ### Use Case #1After installing you may just import the client<pre>use SergeevPasha\Dellin\Libraries\DellinClient;</pre>Firstly let's initialize our client<pre>$client = new DellinClient('key');/* You may also authorize your user and get a session ID. You may use it in getPrice() method to adjust prices (Authorized users have lower prices)*/$session = client->authorize('login', 'password);</pre>Now we can use these methods:<pre>$client->findCity(string $query)$client->findCityStreet(int $city, string $query)$client->getCityTerminals(int $city, bool $arrival = true)/* This one requires a Delivery Object, see next to see how to build it */$client->getPrice(Delivery $delivery)</pre>## Delivery ObjectTo build a Delivery object you will need to pass an array to fromArray() method just like that:<br><pre>Delivery::fromArray([ 'session_id' => '12345', // User Session ID, Not required 'delivery_type' => '1', // Delivery Type, see available Delivery Types below 'arrival_shipping_type' => '1', // Shipping Type, see available Shipping Types below /* Only one of the following is required */ 'arrival_terminal_id' => '123' 'arrival_address_id' => '123' 'arrival_street_code' => '123' 'arrival_city_code' => '123' /* --- */ /* Next lines are NOT required */ 'arrival_worktime_start' => '12:30', // Time format HH:MM 'arrival_worktime_end' => '13:00', 'arrival_break_start' => '15:30', 'arrival_break_end' => '16:00', 'arrival_exact_time' => '1', // Boolean flag to show that there should be an exact time pickup a cargo 'arrival_freight_lift' => '1', // Boolean flag, specify if there is a lift on arrival location 'arrival_to_floor' => '10', // Floor level to deliver 'arrival_carry' => '100', // Meters to deliver 'arrival_requirements' => [ '0x92fce2284f000b0241dad7c2e88b1655', ], // You can get these codes from getSpecialRequirements() method 'derival_produce_date' => '2020-10-10' // Date, when this order should be done (YYYY-MM-DD) /* Below are the same specs, but for the derival */ 'derival_shipping_type' => '1', // Shipping Type, see available Shipping Types below 'derival_terminal_id' => '123' 'derival_address_id' => '123' 'derival_street_code' => '123' 'derival_city_code' => '123' 'derival_worktime_start' => '12:30', // Time format HH:MM 'derival_worktime_end' => '13:00', 'derival_break_start' => '15:30', 'derival_break_end' => '16:00', 'derival_exact_time' => '1', // Boolean flag to show that there should be an exact time pickup a cargo 'derival_freight_lift' => '1', // Boolean flag, specify if there is a lift on arrival location 'derival_to_floor' => '10', // Floor level to deliver 'derival_carry' => '100', // Meters to deliver 'derival_requirements' => [ '0x92fce2284f000b0241dad7c2e88b1655', ] 'packages' => [ '0x838fc70baeb49b564426b45b1d216c15' ], // You can get these codes from getAvailablePackages() method 'ac_docs_send' => '1', // Boolean flag to send accompanying documents 'ac_docs_return' => '1', // Boolean flag to return accompanying documents 'requester_role' => '1', // Requester Role, see available Requester Roles below 'requester_uid' => 'xxxx-xxxx' // Who is ordering delivery. You can get this UID from getCounterparties() method 'cargo_quantity' => '1', // Amount of packages to ship 'cargo_length' => '10', // Max package Length in Meters 'cargo_height' => '10', // Max package Height in Meters 'cargo_width' => '10', // Max package Width in Meters 'cargo_weight' => '10', // Weight in KG 'cargo_total_volume' => '0.05, // Volume in M<sup>3</sup> 'cargo_total_weight' => '10', // Total Weight in KG /* Next lines are NOT required */ 'cargo_oversized_weight' => '10', // Total Weight of oversized packages 'cargo_oversized_volume' => '10', // Total Volume of oversized packages /* Only one is required */ 'cargo_freight_uid' => 'xxxx-xxx', // Freight UID 'cargo_freight_name' => 'mybook', // Freight Name /* --- */ 'cargo_hazard_class' => '1.1' // Cargo hazard level. Default and recommended is 0, unsless you know what you are doing 'insurance_value' => '100000', // Insurance value 'insurance_term' => '1', // Boolean flag, that specifies that you need to insure delivery time too 'payment_city' => '7700000000000000000000000' // KLADR Code of payment city 'payment_type' => '1', // Payment type, see below])</pre> ## Available Delivery Types<pre> AUTO = 0 EXPRESS = 1 LETTER = 2 AVIA = 3 SMALL = 4</pre> ## Available Payment Types<pre> CASH = 0 NONCASH = 1</pre> ## Available Requester Roles<pre> SENDER = 0 RECEIVER = 1 PAYER = 2 THIRD = 3</pre> ## Available Shipping Types<pre> ADDRESS = 0 TERMINAL = 1</pre> ### Use Case #2 There are some predefined routes, that will be merged with your routes as well. You may check it by using<code>php artisan routes:list</code>It actually exposes the same methods to the routes, so it should be pretty clear on how to use it.For more information on how to use it, please check out `src/` folder.