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# wpcheck
`wpcheck` is a Node.js CLI tool that allows you to quickly scan WordPress sites looking for known vulnerabilities, security issues and misconfigurations. `wpcheck` helps you secure and maintain your WordPress against hackers.
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### Features
- [Preinstalled rules](#default-rules) for a quick start.
- [Custom rules](#custom-rules) increase the functionality.
- [Selectively ignore](#ignore-rules) default and custom rules.
- Multiple WordPress scans from a [bulk file](#bulk-scan).
- Detection for
- WordPress directories (`wp-content`, ...).
- WordPress installed in a subdirectory.
- Changeable User-Agent string.
- Silent mode displays warnings only.
- Fix issues: [WordPress security best practices](
- Beginner friendly, easy to install.
- Lightweight, cross plattform framework.
- **Work in progress**, see [todos]( and [changelog](
### Install
npm install --global wpcheck
yarn global add wpcheck
##### Notes
* `wpcheck` requires `Node.js >= 8.10` and [npm](
* [Fix]( `npm` permissions if you get the `Permission denied` error.
### Usage
wpcheck <url> [url] [options]
`url` → WordPress site URL (e.g. ``)
Multiple URLs can be separated by spaces.
### Options
Option | Shortcut | Description
------ | -------- | -----------
`--help` | `-h` | Outputs supplied help text.
`--silent` | `-s` | Disables success and info messages. Displays warnings only.
`--version` | `-v` | Prints `wpcheck` version.
`--rules-dir` | `-r` | Loads additional rules from a directory (see [Custom rules](#custom-rules)).
`--bulk-file` | `-b` | Reads additional WordPress site URLs from a text file (see [Bulk scan](#bulk-scan)).
`--ignore-rule` | `-i` | Skips loading and execution of a specific rule (see [Ignore rules](#ignore-rules)).
`--user-agent` | `-u` | Defines a custom `User-Agent` string. Default is `wpcheck`.
### Quick examples
wpcheck --silent
wpcheck --rules-dir ~/path/to/custom/rules
wpcheck --bulk-file ~/path/to/sources.txt
wpcheck --user-agent "Netscape Gold"
wpcheck --ignore-rule wp-login.js
### Default rules
`wpcheck` has a few rules that are enabled by default. Follow also our [WordPress security best practices]( to fix vulnerabilities detected by `wpcheck` default rules.
##### 1. Checks sensitive WordPress/Apache/Dot files for their availability
- `/wp-config.php`
- `/wp-admin/maint/repair.php`
- `/.htaccess`
- `/.htpasswd`
- `/.ssh`
- `/.npmrc`
- `/.gitconfig`
- `/config.json`
- `/wp-config-sample.php`
- `/wp-content/debug.log`
##### 2. Scans WordPress login page for security issues
- Basic access authentication
- HTTPS protocol usage
##### 3. Checks whether WordPress is affected by FPD vulnerability
##### 4. Checks whether the Apache directory listing is activated
### Custom rules
The power of `wpcheck` is the flexibility: You can expand the tool functionality by building their own rules, scans and checks. The option `--rules-dir` allows loading of user-defined rules from a custom directory.
- The directory path
- can be absolute or relative to the `wpcheck` folder
- The custom rules
- must be stored as `.js` files
- can be a `Node.js` script
- can be a `npm` package
- must have an exported function named `fire`
```javascript = ( data ) => {
// Play with data
// console.log( data )
`wpcheck` will run (technically `require`) every custom rule file. The file naming does not matter, short and unique names are welcome. Feel free to create your own rules, enjoy!
##### Get inspired
- [example custom rules](example/rules)
- [wpcheck default rules](lib/rules)
### Ignore rule(s)
`wpcheck` can skip certain [default](lib/rules) and custom rules. The CLI option `--ignore-rule` takes a rule name, the rule name is the JavaScript file name of the rule without path. Multiple rule filtering is possible by a multiple use of the CLI option.
wpcheck --ignore-rule wp-login.js
wpcheck --ignore-rule wp-login.js --ignore-rule sensitive-files.js
wpcheck --rules-dir ./example/rules --ignore-rule custom-rule.js
### Bulk scan
Multiple WordPress site URLs can be imported from a single file. This is a simple text file with one URL per line.
wpcheck -b ~/path/to/sources.txt
### Use, don't abuse!