### Option.fromNullable
Create option of passed value.
Option.fromNullable :: Option f => a -> f a
`None` returned if passed `null` or `undefined` to `Option.fromNullable`, otherwise returns `Some`.
Option.fromNullable(null).isNone() === true
Option.fromNullable('').isSome() === true
Option.fromNullable([]).isSome() === true
Option.fromNullable(123).isSome() === true
### Option.isOption
Check if option passed.
Option.isOption :: Option f => f a -> Boolean
If passed instance of `Option` returns `true`.
Option.isOption(1) === false
Option.isOption(None()) === true
Option.isOption(Option.some(1)) === true
### Option.encase
Wrap function that throws to function that returns `Option`.
Option.encase :: Option f => (r -> a) -> (r -> f a)
const foo = (value) => {
if (!value) {
throw new Error('Not exists')
return value + 2
const safeFoo = Option.encase(foo)
safeFoo().isNone() === true
safeFoo(2).isSome() === true
safeFoo(2).unwrap() === 4
### Option.wrap
Wrap function that throws or returns `null`, `undefined`, `Nan` to function that returns `Option`.
Option.wrap :: Option f => (r -> a) -> (r -> f a)
const bar = (a, b) => a / b
const safeBar = Option.wrap(bar)
const panic = () => {
throw new Error('PANIC TEST')
const safePanic = Option.wrap(panic)
safeBar(0, 0).isNone() === true
safePanic().isNone() === true
safeBar(2, 1).unwrap() === 2
### Option.into
Convert any value to option.
Option.into :: Option f => a -> f a
If passed `Option` just returns it.<br/>
Otherwise wrap result with `Option.fromNullable`.
Option.into(1).isSome() === true
Option.into(Some(1)).unwrap() === 1
Option.into(null).isNone() === true
Option.into(None()).isNone() === true
### Some
Create some value.
Option.some :: Option f => a -> f a
Some :: Option f => a -> f a
Some.of :: Option f => a -> f a
Wrap any passed value to `Some`
Some(null) /** @see Option.fromNullable */
### None
Create none value.
Option.none :: Option f => () -> f a
None :: Option f => () -> f a
None.of :: Option f => () -> f a
Just return empty `Option` (instance of Some).
Option.none().equals(None()) === true
### isSome
Check if passed `Some`.
isSome :: Option f => f a ~> Boolean
Some.isSome :: Option f => f a -> Boolean
`exampleOption.isSome()` is shortcut for `Some.isSome(exampleOption)`
Some(1).isSome() === true
None.isNone(Some(1)) === false
None(1).isSome() === false
### isNone
Check if passed `None`.
isNone :: Option f => f a ~> Boolean
None.isNone :: Option f => f a -> Boolean
`exampleOption.isNone()` is shortcut for `None.isNone(exampleOption)`
Some(1).isNone() === false
None.isNone(Some(1)) === false
None(1).isNone() === true
### equals
Check if passed options is equals.
equals :: Option f => f a ~> f b -> Boolean
If passed `Some` and `None` returns `false`. Check equality with `===`.
Some(1).equals(Some(1)) === true
Some(1).equals(Some(2)) === false
Some([1]).equals(Some([1])) === false
const list = [1, 2]
Some(list).equals(Some(list)) === true
None().equals(None()) === true
None().equals(Some(1)) === false
### unwrap
Get value from option.
unwrap :: Option f => f a ~> a!
If `unwrap` called on `None` throws `OptionException('unwrap() called on None value')`<br/>
Otherwise return value.
Some(1).unwrap() === 1
None().unwrap() // Oops! 'unwrap() called on None value'
### unwrapOr
Get value from option, or use default.
unwrapOr :: Option f => f a ~> a -> a
If `unwrapOr` called on `None` returns argument.
Some(1).unwrapOr(2) === 1
None().unwrapOr(2) === 2
### unwrapOrElse
Get value from option, or call function.
unwrapOrElse :: Option f => f a ~> (() -> a) -> a
If `unwrapOrElse` passed on `None` calls argument function to get default value.
Some(1).unwrapOrElse(() => 2) === 1
None(1).unwrapOrElse(() => 2) === 2
### map
Apply function to a value inside option.
map :: Option f => f a ~> (a -> b) -> f b
If `map` called on `None` returns `None`, function do not call.<br/>
If passed function returns `null` or `undefined` returns `Null`.<br/>
`map` call always returns `Option`.
const incr = (v) => v + 1
Some(1).map(incr).unwrap() === 2
None().map(incr).isNone() === true
### mapOr
Apply function to a value inside option or default.
mapOr :: Option f => f a ~> (b, (a -> b)) -> b
If `mapOr` called on `None` function called on default value (first argument).<br/>
If passed function returns `null` or `undefined` returns `None`.<br/>
If default value is `null` or `undefined` returns `None`.<br/>
`mapOr` call always returns `Option`.
const incr = (v) => v + 1
const def = 2
Some(1).mapOr(def, incr).unwrap() === 2
None().mapOr(def, incr).unwrap() === 3
### mapOrElse
Apply function to a value inside option or call function to get value.
mapOrElse :: Option f => f a ~> ((() -> b), (a -> b)) -> b
If `mapOrElse` called on `None` first argument called to get default value.<br/>
If any passed function returns `null` or `undefined` returns `None`.<br/>
`mapOrElse` call always returns `Option`.
const incr = (v) => v + 1
const getDef = () => 2
Some(1).mapOrElse(getDef, incr).unwrap() === 2
None().mapOrElse(getDef, incr).unwrap() === 3
### chain
Apply function that returns `Option` to value inside `Option`. <br/>
If passed function returns not option, `Option.fromNullable` used to convert to option.
chain :: Option f => f a ~> (a -> f b) -> f b
`chain` is an alias for [`andThen`](#andthen).
### iter
Get iterator of option value.
iter :: (Option f, Iterator i) => f a ~> i a
If `iter` called on `None` returns done iterator.
Some(5).iter().next().value === 5
None().iter().next().done === true
None().iter().next().value === undefined
### and
Return passed option if current is `Some`.
and :: Option f => f a ~> f b -> f b
If `and` called on `None` returns `None`.<br/>
If passed not option, `Option.fromNullable` used to convert to option.<br/>
Otherwise returns passed option.
Like ecmascript type casting in `&&`.
// null && 5
None().and(Some(5)).isNone() === true
// 1 && 2
Some(1).and(Some(2)).unwrap() === 2
// 5 && null
Some(5).and(None()).isNone() === true
### andThen
Call function that returns option if current is `Some`.
andThen :: Option f => f a ~> (a -> f b) -> f b
If `andThen` called on `None` returns `None`.<br/>
If passed function returns not option, `Option.fromNullable` used to convert to option.<br/>
Otherwise call passed function to get `Option`.
Like ecmascript type casting in `&&`.
const sq = (x) => Some(x * x)
// 2 && sq(2) && sq(2)
Some(2).andThen(sq).andThen(sq).unwrap() === 16
// null && sq(null)
None().andThen(sq).isNone() === true
// 2 && (() => null)(2)
Some(2).andThen(() => None()).isNone() === true
### filter
Check value inside option.
filter :: Option f => f a ~> (a -> Boolean) -> f a
If `filter` called on `None` passed function not called and returns `None`. <br/>
If passed function returns "falsy" value, `filter` call returns `None`. <br/>
Otherwise returns `Some` with current value.
const isEven = (n) => n % 2 === 0
None().filter(isEven).isNone() === true
Some(2).filter(isEven).unwrap() === 2
Some(3).filter(isEven).isNone() === true
### or
Return passed option if current is `None`.
or :: Option f => f a ~> f a -> f a
If `or` called on `None` returns passed option. <br/>
If passed not option, `Option.fromNullable` used to convert to option.<br/>
Otherwise return `Some` with current value.
Like ecmascript type casting in `||`.
// 2 || 3
Some(2).or(Some(3)).unwrap() === 2
// null || 3
None().or(Some(3)).unwrap() === 3
// 2 || null
Some(2).or(None()).unwrap() === 2
// null || null
None().or(None()).isNone() === true
### orElse
Call function to get option if current `None`.
orElse :: Option f => f a ~> (() -> f a) -> f a
If `orElse` called on `None` calls passed function to get option.<br/>
If passed function returns not option, `Option.fromNullable` used to convert to option.<br/>
Otherwise return `Some` with current value.
Like ecmascript type casting in `||`.
// 2 || (() => 1)()
Some(2).orElse(() => Some(1)).unwrap() === 2
// null || (() => 1)()
None().orElse(() => Some(1)).unwrap() === 1