-- | Utilities to work with textual types.
module Extended.Data.Str
( -- * Wrapping
, wordWrap
) where
import Universum
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | Wraps given string into lines non exceeding given length
-- splitting by chars.
charWrap :: Int -> String -> Text
charWrap n = unlines . T.chunksOf n . toText
-- | Wraps given string into lines non exceeding given length
-- splitting by words.
wordWrap :: Int -> String -> Text
wordWrap n = unlines . map unwords . go 0 [] . words . toText
go :: Int -> [Text] -> [Text] -> [[Text]]
go _ row [] = [row]
go acc row (w:ws) = let wLen = length w
newAcc = acc + wLen
in if newAcc > n
then row : go wLen [w] ws
else go newAcc (row ++ [w]) ws