-- | Utility functions to work with 'GenericPackageDescription' and
-- other miscellaneous stuff in .cabal files.
module Importify.Cabal.Package
( extractFromTargets
, packageDependencies
, readCabal
) where
import Universum hiding (fromString)
import Distribution.Package (Dependency (..), unPackageName)
import Distribution.PackageDescription (Benchmark (benchmarkBuildInfo),
BuildInfo (..), CondTree,
Executable (..),
GenericPackageDescription (..),
Library (..),
TestSuite (testBuildInfo),
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Verbosity (normal)
-- | Parse 'GenericPackageDescription' from given path to .cabal file.
readCabal :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m GenericPackageDescription
readCabal = liftIO . readPackageDescription normal
dependencyName :: Dependency -> String
dependencyName (Dependency name _) = unPackageName name
-- | Retrieve list of unique names for all package dependencies inside
-- library, all executables, all test suites and all benchmarks for a
-- given package.
packageDependencies :: GenericPackageDescription -> [String]
packageDependencies = ordNub
. concatMap (map dependencyName . targetBuildDepends)
. allBuildInfos
allBuildInfos :: GenericPackageDescription -> [BuildInfo]
allBuildInfos = extractFromTargets libBuildInfo
-- | Extract some uniform data from every target if it's present.
extractFromTargets :: (Library -> r) -- ^ 'Library' extractor
-> (Executable -> r) -- ^ 'Executable' extractor
-> (TestSuite -> r) -- ^ 'TestSuite' extractor
-> (Benchmark -> r) -- ^ 'Benchmakr' extractor
-> GenericPackageDescription -- ^ Package
-> [r] -- ^ List of results collected from each target
extractFromTargets fromLib fromExe fromTst fromBnc GenericPackageDescription{..} =
[ maybe [] (one . fromLib . condTreeData) condLibrary
, mapTargets fromExe condExecutables
, mapTargets fromTst condTestSuites
, mapTargets fromBnc condBenchmarks
mapTargets :: (t -> r) -> [(s, CondTree v c t)] -> [r]
mapTargets extractor = map (extractor . condTreeData . snd)