{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Name resolvers for @hiding@ imports.
module Importify.Resolution.Hiding
( hidingUsedIn
) where
import Universum
import Language.Haskell.Exts (Name)
import Language.Haskell.Names (NameInfo (Export, GlobalSymbol), Scoped,
Symbol (..))
import Importify.Syntax (anyAnnotation)
-- | Checks if given 'Symbol' is used in module annotations. This
-- function performs comparison by ignoring module names because we want
-- to remove @hiding@ by calling this function.
hidingUsedIn :: Symbol -> [Scoped l] -> Bool
hidingUsedIn symbol = anyAnnotation used
used :: NameInfo l -> Bool
used (GlobalSymbol global _) = lossyCompare symbol global
used (Export symbols) = any (lossyCompare symbol) symbols
used _ = False
lossyCompare :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
lossyCompare (Fun name1) (Fun name2) = name1 == name2
lossyCompare (Dat symb1) (Dat symb2) = modulelessEq symb1 symb2
lossyCompare _ _ = False
-- | Compares if two symbols are equal ignoring 'symbolModule'
-- field. Used to remove imports from @hiding@ sections.
modulelessEq :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
modulelessEq this other = this { symbolModule = symbolModule other } == other
-- Patterns for conveninet comparison
funPattern :: Symbol -> Maybe (Name ())
funPattern Value{..} = Just symbolName
funPattern Method{..} = Just symbolName
funPattern Selector{..} = Just symbolName
funPattern _ = Nothing
datPattern :: Symbol -> Maybe Symbol
datPattern symb = case funPattern symb of
Nothing -> Just symb
Just _ -> Nothing
pattern Fun :: Name () -> Symbol
pattern Fun name <- (funPattern -> Just name)
pattern Dat :: Symbol -> Symbol
pattern Dat symb <- (datPattern -> Just symb)