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# Stove

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A utility for releasing and managing Chef Infra Cookbooks. Stove will:

- Tag and push a new release to git
- Upload the cookbook to a private or public Supermarket


Stove is no longer maintained. It *may* continue to work for users, but we recommend using `knife supermarket share` as that now respects the chefignore to build minimal build artifacts for Supermarket upload.

## Why?

Existing tools to package cookbooks (such as [Knife Community]( and `knife supermarket share`) require a dependency on Chef Infra Client. Because of their dependency on Chef Infra Client, they enforce the use of a "cookbook repo". Especially with the evolution of [Berkshelf](, cookbooks are individualized artifacts and are often contained in their own repositories. [stove]( is **cookbook-centric, rather than Chef-centric**.

## Installation

1. Add Stove to your project's Gemfile:

  gem 'stove'

2. Run the `bundle` command to install:

  $ bundle install --binstubs

## Configuration

Stove requires your username and private key to upload a cookbook. You can pass these to each command call, or you can set them Stove:

$ stove login --username sethvargo --key ~/.chef/sethvargo.pem

These values will be saved in Stove's configuration file (`~/.stove`) and persisted across your workstation.

The default publishing endpoint is the [Chef Supermarket](, but this is configurable. If you want to publish to an internal Supermarket, you can specify the `--endpoint` value:

$ stove --endpoint

Please note: depending on which version of Chef and which version of Supermarket you are running, you may support the new "extended" metadata fields. By default, Stove writes these new fields when uploading cookbooks, which require Chef 12 or later. If you would like to retain compatibility with Chef 11 you can disable extended metadata with `--no-extended-metadata`:

$ stove --no-extended-metadata

## Usage

There are two ways to use Stove. You can either use the `stove` command directly or use the embedded rake task.

### Command

Execute the `stove` command from inside the root of a cookbook:

$ bin/stove

This will package (as a tarball) the cookbook in the current working directory, tag a new version, push to git, and publish to a cookbook share.

### Rake task

If you are familiar with the Bundler approach to publishing Ruby gems, this approach will feel very familiar. Simply add the following to your `Rakefile`:

require 'stove/rake_task'

And then use rake to publish the cookbook:

$ bin/rake publish

## Artifactory Support

In addition to uploading to a standard [Supermarket]( server, Stove can upload to an Artifactory repository [configured to be in Chef mode](

You specify the URL to upload to via `--artifactory`, which you can find the URL Artifactory repository configuration. Your API key can be specified either in the `$ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY` environment variable or via `--artifactory-key`:

$ stove --artifactory
# API key in a file
$ stove --artifactory --artifactory-key=@path/to/key/file
# API key on the command line
$ stove --artifactory --artifactory-key=XZg6tefUZYfiglmSbQ1s1e6habk

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## See Also

- [Knife Community](
- [Emeril](

## License & Authors

- Author: Seth Vargo (

Copyright 2013-2018 Seth Vargo <>
Copyright 2013-2018 Chef Software, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.