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# The Twitter Ruby Gem

## 📣 This gem is no longer maintained
The Twitter Ruby Gem is no longer maintained and will not support Twitter API v2.

## 🎉 Here’s the good news
We recommend switching to the [X gem][x], which supports both v1.1 and v2 to make
the transition easier. It’s a robust, modern libary that is designed to ensure
you’ll be able to easily integrate any new changes Twitter/X may roll out.

[x]: https://sferik.github.io/x-ruby/

## 💖 Sponsoring
The [X gem][x] is free to use, but with new API pricing tiers, it actually costs
money to develop and maintain. By contributing to the project, you help us:

1. 🛠  Maintain the library: Keeping it up-to-date and secure.
2. 🌈 Add new features: Enhancements that make your life easier.
3. 💬 Provide support: Faster responses to issues and feature requests.

⭐️ Bonus: Sponsors will get priority support and influence over the project
roadmap. We will also list your name or your company’s logo on our GitHub page.

Building and maintaining an open-source project like this takes a considerable
amount of time and effort. Your sponsorship can help sustain this project. Even
a small monthly donation makes a huge difference!

Thanks for considering sponsorship. Together we can make the X gem even better!

#### 🤑 [Sponsor today!][sponsor]

[sponsor]: https://github.com/sponsors/sferik

## Announcements
You should [follow @gem][follow] on Twitter for announcements and updates about
this library.

[follow]: https://twitter.com/gem

## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2006-2024 Erik Berlin, John Nunemaker, Wynn Netherland, Steve Richert, Steve Agalloco.
See [LICENSE][] for details.

[license]: LICENSE.md