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 * Copyright © 2020, The Gust Framework Authors. All rights reserved.
 * The Gust/Elide framework and tools, and all associated source or object computer code, except where otherwise noted,
 * are licensed under the Zero Prosperity license, which is enclosed in this repository, in the file LICENSE.txt. Use of
 * this code in object or source form requires and implies consent and agreement to that license in principle and
 * practice. Source or object code not listing this header, or unless specified otherwise, remain the property of
 * Elide LLC and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to
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package gust.backend.driver.firestore;

import gust.backend.model.*;
import gust.backend.runtime.Logging;
import gust.backend.transport.GoogleAPIChannel;
import gust.backend.transport.GoogleService;
import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Context;
import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Factory;
import io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.Refreshable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import java.util.Optional;

 * Defines a built-in database adapter for interacting with Google Cloud Firestore, using business-data models defined
 * through Protobuf annotated with framework-provided metadata.
 * <p>This adapter makes use of a specialized {@link DatabaseDriver} ({@link FirestoreDriver}), and supports a custom
 * configuration class ({@link FirestoreTransportConfig}) which is loaded from application config during service channel
 * initialization. Connections are pooled and cached against a caching executor by the active transport manager.</p>
 * <p>Instantiation is disallowed to facilitate restriction of the active {@link ModelCodec} to Firestore's own model
 * codec, which uses {@link gust.backend.model.ObjectModelCodec} to produce generic collapsed messages during
 * serialization, and to translate from proto-maps during deserialization. Optionally, a compliant instance of
 * {@link CacheDriver} may be provided at construction time, which enables caching against that driver for calls that
 * are eligible (according, again, to settings from {@link FirestoreTransportConfig}).</p>
 * @param <Model> Model type which this adapter adapts to Firestore.
 * @see FirestoreDriver Driver for speaking to Firestore.
 * @see FirestoreTransportConfig Transport configuration for Firestore.
@SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "unused", "UnstableApiUsage"})
public final class FirestoreAdapter<Key extends Message, Model extends Message>
  implements DatabaseAdapter<Key, Model, DocumentSnapshot, CollapsedMessage> {
  /** Private log pipe. */
  private static final Logger logging = Logging.logger(FirestoreAdapter.class);

  /** Firestore database driver. */
  private final @Nonnull FirestoreDriver<Key, Model> driver;

  /** Serializer and deserializer for this model. */
  private final @Nonnull ModelCodec<Model, CollapsedMessage, DocumentSnapshot> codec;

  /** Cache to use for model interactions through this adapter (optional). */
  private final @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<Key, Model>> cache;

   * Setup a new Firestore adapter from scratch. Generally instances of this class are acquired through injection, or
   * static factory methods also listed on this class.
   * @param driver Database driver to use when speaking to Firestore.
   * @param codec Serializer and deserializer to use.
   * @param cache Cache to use when reading data from Firestore (optional).
  private FirestoreAdapter(@Nonnull FirestoreDriver<Key, Model> driver,
                           @Nonnull ModelCodec<Model, CollapsedMessage, DocumentSnapshot> codec,
                           @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<Key, Model>> cache) {
    this.driver = driver;
    this.codec = codec;
    this.cache = cache;

   * Create or otherwise resolve a {@link FirestoreAdapter} for the provided model type and builder. This additionally
   * resolves a model codec, driver, and optionally a caching engine as well (although one may be provided explicitly at
   * the invoking developer's discretion - see {@link #forModel(Message.Builder, FirestoreDriver, Optional)}).
   * <p>The resulting adapter may not be created fresh for the task at hand, but it is threadsafe and shares no direct
   * state with any other operation.</p>
   * @see #forModel(Message.Builder, FirestoreDriver, Optional) To provide an explicit cache driver for this type.
   * @param <M> Model type for which we are requesting a Firestore adapter instance.
   * @param builder Model builder instance, which the engine will clone for each retrieve operation.
   * @param driver Driver which we should use when handling instances of <code>M</code>.
   * @return Pre-fabricated (or otherwise resolved) Firestore adapter for the requested model.
  public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> FirestoreAdapter<K, M> forModel(
    @Nonnull Message.Builder builder,
    @Nonnull FirestoreDriver<K, M> driver) {
    return forModel(builder, driver, Optional.empty());

   * Create or otherwise resolve a {@link FirestoreAdapter} for the provided model type and builder. This additionally
   * resolves a model codec, driver, and optionally a caching engine as well.
   * <p>The resulting adapter may not be created fresh for the task at hand, but it is threadsafe and shares no direct
   * state with any other operation.</p>
   * @param <M> Model type for which we are requesting a Firestore adapter instance.
   * @param driver Driver which we should use when handling instances of <code>M</code>.
   * @param builder Model builder instance, which the engine will clone for each retrieve operation.
   * @return Pre-fabricated (or otherwise resolved) Firestore adapter for the requested model.
  public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> FirestoreAdapter<K, M> forModel(
    @Nonnull Message.Builder builder,
    @Nonnull FirestoreDriver<K, M> driver,
    @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<K, M>> cacheDriver) {
    return new FirestoreAdapter<>(

  /** Factory responsible for creating {@link FirestoreAdapter} instances from injected dependencies. */
  final static class FirestoreAdapterFactory {
     * Acquire a new instance of the Firestore adapter, using the specified component objects to facilitate model
     * serialization/deserialization, and transport communication with Firestore.
     * @param messageBuilder Builder for the instance in question.
     * @param driver Driver with which we should talk to Firestore.
     * @param cache Driver with which we should cache eligible data.
     * @return Firestore driver instance.
    public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> FirestoreAdapter<K, M> acquire(
      @Nonnull Message.Builder messageBuilder,
      @Nonnull FirestoreDriver<K, M> driver,
      @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<K, M>> cache) {
      // resolve model builder from type
      return FirestoreAdapter.forModel(

   * Acquire an instance of the {@link FirestoreAdapter} and {@link FirestoreDriver}, customized for the provided
   * `modelInstance` and `keyInstance`. This method variant makes use of a default object for the gRPC transport
   * provider and Google credential provider.
   * @param keyInstance Key type instance for the record in question.
   * @param messageInstance Message type instance for the record in question.
   * @param executorService Background executor service for Firestore operations.
   * @param <K> Key type.
   * @param <M> Message type.
   * @return Instance of the {@link FirestoreAdapter} and {@link FirestoreDriver}, customized as described.
  public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> FirestoreAdapter<K, M> acquire(
      @Nonnull K keyInstance,
      @Nonnull M messageInstance,
      @Nonnull ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService) {
    return acquire(

   * Acquire an instance of the {@link FirestoreAdapter} and {@link FirestoreDriver}, customized for the provided
   * `modelInstance` and `keyInstance`. This method variant makes use of a default object for the gRPC transport
   * provider and Google credential provider, but allows specifying custom {@link FirestoreOptions}.
   * @param baseOptions Base options to apply to the Firestore driver.
   * @param keyInstance Key type instance for the record in question.
   * @param messageInstance Message type instance for the record in question.
   * @param executorService Background executor service for Firestore operations.
   * @param <K> Key type.
   * @param <M> Message type.
   * @return Instance of the {@link FirestoreAdapter} and {@link FirestoreDriver}, customized as described.
  public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> FirestoreAdapter<K, M> acquire(
    @Nonnull K keyInstance,
    @Nonnull M messageInstance,
    @Nonnull FirestoreOptions.Builder baseOptions,
    @Nonnull ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService) {
    return acquire(

   * Acquire an instance of the {@link FirestoreAdapter} and {@link FirestoreDriver}, customized for the provided
   * `modelInstance` and `keyInstance`. This method variant allows specification of the full set of objects which
   * govern the connection and interaction with Firestore.
   * @param baseOptions Base options to apply to the Firestore driver.
   * @param firestoreChannel Transport provider for Firestore communication channels via gRPC.
   * @param credentialsProvider Provider for transport/call credentials, when interacting with Firestore.
   * @param transportOptions gRPC transport options, to apply when instantiating channels for Firestore communications.
   * @param executorService Background executor service for Firestore operations.
   * @param keyInstance Key type instance for the record in question.
   * @param messageInstance Message type instance for the record in question.
   * @param <K> Key type.
   * @param <M> Message type.
   * @return Instance of the {@link FirestoreAdapter} and {@link FirestoreDriver}, customized as described.
  public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> FirestoreAdapter<K, M> acquire(
      @Nonnull FirestoreOptions.Builder baseOptions,
      @Nonnull @GoogleAPIChannel(service = GoogleService.FIRESTORE) TransportChannelProvider firestoreChannel,
      @Nonnull CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
      @Nonnull GrpcTransportOptions transportOptions,
      @Nonnull ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService,
      @Nonnull K keyInstance,
      @Nonnull M messageInstance) {
    Message.Builder builder = messageInstance.newBuilderForType();
    return FirestoreAdapter.FirestoreAdapterFactory.acquire(

  // -- Components -- //
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public @Nonnull ModelCodec<Model, CollapsedMessage, DocumentSnapshot> codec() {
    return this.codec;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<Key, Model>> cache() {
    return this.cache;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public @Nonnull DatabaseDriver<Key, Model, DocumentSnapshot, CollapsedMessage> engine() {
    return this.driver;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public @Nonnull ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService() {
    return driver.executorService();