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 * Copyright © 2020, The Gust Framework Authors. All rights reserved.
 * The Gust/Elide framework and tools, and all associated source or object computer code, except where otherwise noted,
 * are licensed under the Zero Prosperity license, which is enclosed in this repository, in the file LICENSE.txt. Use of
 * this code in object or source form requires and implies consent and agreement to that license in principle and
 * practice. Source or object code not listing this header, or unless specified otherwise, remain the property of
 * Elide LLC and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to
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package gust.backend.driver.inmemory;

import gust.backend.model.*;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;

 * Reference implementation of a {@link ModelAdapter}. Stores persisted models in a static concurrent hash map. It is
 * not a good idea to use this in production, under any circumstances (especially because there is no persistence across
 * restarts or between hosts).
 * <p>This adapter can use any model codec, and any cache driver, in front of its storage operations. The backing map
 * stores entities as opaque blobs, so it doesn't care how they are serialized or inflated. Queries are not supported by
 * this engine.</p>
public final class InMemoryAdapter<Key extends Message, Model extends Message>
  implements ModelAdapter<Key, Model, EncodedModel, EncodedModel> {
  /** Specifies the format to use. One of `BINARY`, `JSON`, or `TEXT`. */
  private static final EncodingMode FORMAT = EncodingMode.BINARY;

  /** Driver for this in-memory adapter. */
  private final @Nonnull InMemoryDriver<Key, Model> driver;

  /** Codec in use for model serialization/de-serialization activities. */
  private final @Nonnull ModelCodec<Model, EncodedModel, EncodedModel> codec;

  /** Cache to use for model interactions through this adapter (optional). */
  private final @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<Key, Model>> cache;

   * Private constructor - create an in-memory adapter from scratch.
   * @param keyInstance Empty instance of the attached model's key.
   * @param codec Model codec to use with this adapter (when serializing/de-serializing instances).
   * @param cache Caching driver to use with this adapter (optional).
   * @param executorService Executor service to use for storage operations.
  private InMemoryAdapter(@Nonnull Key keyInstance,
                          @Nonnull ModelCodec<Model, EncodedModel, EncodedModel> codec,
                          @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<Key, Model>> cache,
                          @Nonnull ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService) {
    this.cache = cache;
    this.codec = codec;
    this.driver = InMemoryDriver.acquire(codec, executorService);

   * Acquire an instance of the {@link InMemoryAdapter}, specialized for the provided empty model instance.
   * <p>An empty instance can easily be acquired for any given model, via {@link Message#getDefaultInstanceForType()}.
   * The instance is used only for builder-spawning and type information. The provided {@link ExecutorService} is used
   * for model codec activities and callback dispatch.</p>
   * @param keyInstance Empty instance of the key type for <pre>instance</pre>.
   * @param instance Empty model instance with which to spawn new builders, and resolve type information.
   * @param executorService Executor to use for callbacks and model codec activities.
   * @param <M> Type of model for which an {@link InMemoryAdapter} is being requested.
   * @return Instance of an in-memory data adapter for the provided model.
   * @throws InvalidModelType If the specified model is not meant to be used for storage.
  public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> InMemoryAdapter<K, M> acquire(
    @Nonnull K keyInstance,
    @Nonnull M instance,
    @Nonnull ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService) throws InvalidModelType {
    return acquire(keyInstance, instance, Optional.empty(), executorService);

   * Acquire an instance of the {@link InMemoryAdapter}, specialized for the provided empty model instance, optionally
   * specifying a {@link CacheDriver} to use.
   * <p>An empty instance can easily be acquired for any given model, via {@link Message#getDefaultInstanceForType()}.
   * The instance is used only for builder-spawning and type information. The provided {@link ExecutorService} is used
   * for model codec activities and callback dispatch.</p>
   * <p>If {@link Optional#empty()}</p> is passed as the {@code cache}, no caching will take place. If a valid
   * {@link CacheDriver} instance is provided, it will be used only if {@code options} on a request allow for it
   * (caching defaults to being active).</p>
   * @param keyInstance Empty instance of the key type for <pre>instance</pre>.
   * @param instance Empty model instance with which to spawn new builders, and resolve type information.
   * @param cache Cache driver to use for read-path code in the adapter.
   * @param executorService Executor to use for callbacks and model codec activities.
   * @param <M> Type of model for which an {@link InMemoryAdapter} is being requested.
   * @return Instance of an in-memory data adapter for the provided model.
   * @throws InvalidModelType If the specified model is not meant to be used for storage.
  public static @Nonnull <K extends Message, M extends Message> InMemoryAdapter<K, M> acquire(
    @Nonnull K keyInstance,
    @Nonnull M instance,
    @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<K, M>> cache,
    @Nonnull ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService) throws InvalidModelType {
    return new InMemoryAdapter<>(
      ProtoModelCodec.forModel(instance, FORMAT),

  // -- Components -- //
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public @Nonnull ModelCodec<Model, EncodedModel, EncodedModel> codec() {
    return this.codec;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public @Nonnull Optional<CacheDriver<Key, Model>> cache() {
    return this.cache;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public @Nonnull InMemoryDriver<Key, Model> engine() {
    return this.driver;