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package gust.backend.driver.spanner;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;

/** Specifies settings for the Spanner driver and data storage implementation. */
public interface SpannerDriverSettings {
    /** Concrete hard-coded driver defaults. */
    final class DefaultSettings {
        private DefaultSettings() { /* disallow construction */ }

        /** Default value: Whether to preserve proto field names (`true`) or use JSON names (`false`, default). */
        public static final Boolean DEFAULT_PRESERVE_FIELD_NAMES = false;

        /** Default value: Whether to generate Spanner style names with initial capitals. */
        public static final Boolean DEFAULT_CAPITALIZED_NAMES = true;

        /** Default value: Whether to treat enumeration instances as numbers (`true`) or strings (`false`, default). */
        public static final Boolean DEFAULT_ENUMS_AS_NUMBERS = false;

        /** Default value: Whether to perform runtime deserialization checks (`true`, default) or not (`false`). */
        public static final Boolean DEFAULT_CHECK_EXPECTED_TYPES = true;

        /** Default value: Whether to write seemingly empty Boolean values as `false` (`true`, by default). */
        public static final Boolean DEFAULT_WRITE_EMPTY_BOOLS_AS_FALSE = true;

        /** Default size for `STRING` or `BYTES` column fields with no explicit setting. */
        private static final int DEFAULT_COLUMN_SIZE = 2048;

        /** Default native JSON field type enablement state. */
        private static final boolean NATIVE_JSON_TYPE = false;

    /** Default set of configured settings for the Spanner driver. */
    SpannerDriverSettings DEFAULTS = new SpannerDriverSettings() {};

    /** @return Whether to preserve proto field names (`true`) or use JSON names (defaults to `false`). */
    default @Nonnull Boolean preserveFieldNames() {
        return DefaultSettings.DEFAULT_PRESERVE_FIELD_NAMES;

    /** @return Whether to generate Spanner style names with initial capitals (i.e. `Name` instead of `name`). */
    default @Nonnull Boolean defaultCapitalizedNames() {
        return DefaultSettings.DEFAULT_CAPITALIZED_NAMES;

    /** @return Whether to treat enumeration instances as numbers (`true`) or strings (defaults to `false`). */
    default @Nonnull Boolean enumsAsNumbers() {
        return DefaultSettings.DEFAULT_ENUMS_AS_NUMBERS;

    /** @return Whether to perform runtime deserialization checks (defaults to `true`). */
    default @Nonnull Boolean checkExpectedTypes() {
        return DefaultSettings.DEFAULT_CHECK_EXPECTED_TYPES;

    /** @return Whether to write seemingly empty Boolean values as `false` (defaults to `true`). */
    default @Nonnull Boolean writeEmptyBoolsAsFalse() {
        return DefaultSettings.DEFAULT_WRITE_EMPTY_BOOLS_AS_FALSE;

    /** @return Default size to use for `STRING` or `BYTES` columns that don't otherwise specify a size. */
    default int defaultColumnSize() {
        return DefaultSettings.DEFAULT_COLUMN_SIZE;

    /** @return Whether to enable experimental support for native JSON columns (defaults to `false`). */
    default @Nonnull Boolean experimentalNativeJsonType() {
        return DefaultSettings.NATIVE_JSON_TYPE;