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# Copyright © 2020, The Gust Framework Authors. All rights reserved.
# The Gust/Elide framework and tools, and all associated source or object computer code, except where otherwise noted,
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type: google.api.Service
config_version: 3

title: Todolist API

  - name: todolist.Tasks

    - id: firebase

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.*
        - provider_id: firebase

  - name:
    allow_cors: false

    - selector: "*"
        - name: api_key
          url_query_parameter: key
        - name: api_key
          http_header: X-API-Key
        - name: trace
          http_header: X-API-Trace-ID

      type: BOOL
      description: Allows file attachments on Todolist tasks.
      type: INT64
      description: Maximum size of TodoTask file attachments.

    - selector: "*"
        - google.rpc.context.ProjectContext
        - google.rpc.context.OriginContext

  - todolist.TodolistError

  - name: "class-a-ops"
    display_name: "Todolist Operations: Class A"
    description: "Generic read-only operations executed against the Todolist API."
    value_type: INT64
    metric_kind: DELTA

  - name: "class-b-ops"
    display_name: "Todolist Operations: Class B"
    description: "Generic write or query operations executed against the Todolist API."
    value_type: INT64
    metric_kind: DELTA

  - name: "class-c-ops"
    display_name: "Todolist Operations: Class C"
    description: "Heavy write, file, or delete operations executed against the Todolist API."
    value_type: INT64
    metric_kind: DELTA

  - name: "tasks-created"
    display_name: "Todolist Tasks: Created"
    description: "Measures the rate at which new Todolist tasks are created."
    value_type: INT64
    metric_kind: DELTA

  - name: "tasks-created"
    display_name: "Todolist Tasks: Completed"
    description: "Measures the rate at which Todolist tasks are completed."
    value_type: INT64
    metric_kind: DELTA

  - name: "files-uploaded"
    display_name: "Todolist Files: Uploads"
    description: "Counts the number of files uploaded within a given timeperiod."
    value_type: INT64
    metric_kind: DELTA

    ## Project-level Quotas
    - name: "project-class-a-ops"
      metric: "class-a-ops"
      unit: "1/min/{project}"
      display_name: "Project Quota: Todolist Class A Ops"
      description: "Project-based quota for Class A (Read-Only) operations."
        STANDARD: 240
    - name: "project-class-b-ops"
      metric: "class-b-ops"
      unit: "1/min/{project}"
      display_name: "Project Quota: Todolist Class B Ops"
      description: "Project-based quota for Class B (Write/Query) operations."
        STANDARD: 120
    - name: "project-class-c-ops"
      metric: "class-c-ops"
      unit: "1/min/{project}"
      display_name: "Project Quota: Todolist Class C Ops"
      description: "Project-based quota for Class C (Heavy) operations."
        STANDARD: 60
    - name: "project-tasks-created"
      metric: "tasks-created"
      unit: "1/min/{project}"
      display_name: "Project Quota: Tasks Created/Minute"
      description: "Project-based quota for tasks-created-per-minute."
        STANDARD: 60
    - name: "project-tasks-completed"
      metric: "tasks-completed"
      unit: "1/min/{project}"
      display_name: "Project Quota: Tasks Completed/Minute"
      description: "Project-based quota for tasks-completed-per-minute."
        STANDARD: 60
    - name: "project-files-uploaded"
      metric: "files-uploaded"
      unit: "1/min/{project}"
      display_name: "Project Quota: Files Uploaded/Minute"
      description: "Project-based quota for files-uploaded-per-minute."
        STANDARD: 30

    ## User-level Quotas
    - name: "user-tasks-created"
      metric: "tasks-created"
      unit: "1/sec/{user}"
      display_name: "User Quota: Tasks Created/Minute"
      description: "User-based quota for tasks-created-per-second."
        STANDARD: 5
    - name: "user-tasks-completed"
      metric: "tasks-completed"
      unit: "1/sec/{user}"
      display_name: "User Quota: Tasks Completed/Minute"
      description: "User-based quota for tasks-completed-per-second."
        HIGH: 5
        STANDARD: 3
        LOW: 1
    - name: "user-files-uploaded"
      metric: "files-uploaded"
      unit: "1/sec/{user}"
      display_name: "User Quota: Files Uploaded/Minute"
      description: "User-based quota for files-uploaded-per-second."
        HIGH: 3
        STANDARD: 1

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.Health
        class-a-ops: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.CreateTask
        class-b-ops: 1
        tasks-created: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.UpdateTask
        class-b-ops: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.FetchTask
        class-a-ops: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.CheckOffTask
        class-b-ops: 1
        tasks-completed: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.DeleteTask
        class-b-ops: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.AttachFile
        class-b-ops: 1
        class-c-ops: 1
        files-uploaded: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.DeleteFile
        class-b-ops: 1
        class-c-ops: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.ListTasks
        class-a-ops: 1
        class-b-ops: 1
    - selector: todolist.Tasks.ClearCompleted
        class-a-ops: 1
        class-b-ops: 1

    - selector: "todolist.Tasks.*"
      allow_unregistered_calls: false

  summary: >
    Provides an API for interfacing with the Todolist application on behalf of a registered user. Allows management of a
    user's Todolist, execution of the task lifecycle, and management of attached files.

    - name: Overview
      content: >
        # Cloud API

        ## Overview
        Coming soon.

        - name: Getting Started
          content: >
            ## Cloud API: Getting Started
            Coming soon.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.Health
      description: >
        Check the health of the Tasks API. If systems are running smoothly, an empty successful response will be
        returned. If not, the request will fail with some enumerated error case describing why the system isn't ready.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.CreateTask
      description: >
        Create a new task for the currently-logged-in user, on their Todolist. If the client frontend nominates a unique
        ID for the task, the system guarantees idempotency, and the frontend may retry with the same token if transient
        errors are encountered which prevent the write operation from succeeding.

        Once the write operation completes, a reference is provided in response which describes:
        - *Key*: Provisioned key for the task record, which may differ from the nominated ID in some cases.
        - *Version*: Revision timestamp, describing the written version of this record.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.UpdateTask
      description: >
        Updates an existing task in the currently-logged-in user's Todolist. If the specified task cannot be found or is
        already archived, the request is rejected with a `CONFLICT`-style error. Alternatively, if the task is found and
        eligible for a write, but is already more up-to-date than the write offered (via a client-nominated `version`),
        the write is rejected for a `FAILED_PRECONDITION`-style error.

        During client-driven submission of a task update, the record `version` should match the base version of the task
        being mutated. If this base `version` does not match, the write will be rejected, and the client is urged to re-
        fetch the record and try again.

        Certain fields on tasks are not accessible for write via this method. Namely, this would include attached files,
        the current `status` of the task, and task timestamps. Task status may be updated with `CheckOffTask`, and files
        may be attached via `AttachFile`.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.FetchTask
      description: >
        Retrieves payload data for an individual Todolist task, referenced by the task's unique key. If the task cannot
        be found or has been tombstoned for deletion, this method will fail with `HTTP 404`/`NOT_FOUND`. Tasks not owned
        by the current user are not visible during the transaction, so, fetching a task not owned by the currently-
        logged-in user will also yield an `HTTP 404`/`NOT_FOUND`.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.CheckOffTask
      description: >
        Update an existing task into the `COMPLETED` state. This transitions the task to the completed tasks list in the
        UI, and removes any notifications regarding the due-date/deadline for the task. This transition must be
        performed in this method, rather than `UpdateTask`.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.DeleteTask
      description: >
        Permanently delete a task entirely from a user's task list. This removes the task from disk, including any
        associated content, index entries, or attached files in storage. Obviously, invoke this method with caution.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.AttachFile
      description: >
        Attach an uploaded file to an existing Todolist task. The file must exist in GCS, having already been uploaded
        by the frontend. Once this method completes, a record will have been created attached to the subject task, which
        points to the file previously uploaded.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.FetchFile
      description: >
        Retrieve an existing file attachment listed under a specified Todolist task, both of which owned by the
        currently-logged-in user. If the subject task, or the file attachment, cannot be found, a `HTTP 404`/`NOT_FOUND`
        error is returned.

        This method simply returns metadata about the file in question. That metadata may include a signed serving URL,
        which enables the client with an endpoint to download the file securely, if needed/desired.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.DeleteFile
      description: >
        Un-attach and delete an uploaded file, which is currently attached to an existing Todolist task. After this
        method completes, the file is permanently gone, including the record which pointed to it. Obviously, invoke this
        method with caution, only after confirming the user's intent.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.ListTasks
      description: >
        List tasks on a the currently-logged-in user's Todolist, optionally applying query parameters to filter, sort,
        or otherwise adjust the tasks returned. If a *query limit* is left unspecified, it defaults to `50`, limiting
        the number of records returned. If more records match the query than the returned amount, in *any* case, the
        system will indicate as such using the metadata fields for the list response.

        For instance, if the user has a total of `75` tasks, and a query is submitted with `limit=50` or no limit
        specified at all, the server will:
        - Return the first `50` results, as the "first page," so-to-speak
        - Indicate that there are a total of `2` pages (de-facto limiting the total results to `100`)
        - Indicate that there are a total of `75` tasks

        Since the client is on page 1 when it submits this query, it knows that there remain `1` pages, containing `25`
        tasks. These metrics and calculated values can thusly be used in the UI to indicate the range of records on the
        user's Todolist.

    - selector: todolist.Tasks.ClearCompleted
      description: >
        Query the currently-logged-in user's Todolist for any completed tasks, and move any tasks we find into the final
        `ARCHIVED` state. This should also adjust the UI to remove completed tasks from the active view, and hide them
        behind a *Completed Tasks* listing.

        After tasks are completed and cleared, they subsequently cease to show up in any regular listings of a user's
        Todolist, unless the invoking code specifically asks to include archived tasks. Some period after being
        completed (*7 days* at the time of this writing), `ARCHIVED` tasks are deleted, along with any associated
        content or attached files.