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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


  protocol base

  ``Protocol`` classes help the framework understand different serialization
  dialects for use in RPC. For example, the JSON format used for most browser
  is specified as a ``Protocol``.

  As is customary with :py:mod:`protorpc` (where the equivalent class used to
  be called a ``Mapper`` and is now just a sloppy collection of ``object``s),
  ``Protocol``s register ``Content-Type``s to respond to. When an RPC message
  matching that content type is submitted, the proper ``Protocol`` is used to
  decode it.

  On the client side, ``Protocol`` objects can be used by handing in a custom
  object when creating a ``Transport``.


    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import json
    from canteen import Protocol

    @Protocol.register('jsonrpc', ('application/json', 'text/json'))
    class JSONRPC(Protocol):

  :author: Sam Gammon <>
  :copyright: (c) Sam Gammon, 2014
  :license: This software makes use of the MIT Open Source License.
            A copy of this license is included as ```` in
            the root of the project.


# stdlib
import abc

# canteen util & core
from ..core import runtime
from ..util import decorators

with runtime.Library('protorpc') as (library, protorpc):

  # protorpc
  messages, protojson, remote = library.load(*(

  # noinspection PyMethodParameters
  class Protocol(object):

    """ Base ``Protocol`` class for adding serialization dialects to the RPC
        engine. Implementing subclasses is easy - just specify an encoder and
        decoder function at ``encode_message`` and ``decode_message``.

        Once a ``Protocol`` class is written, it can be registered with the RPC
        subsystem by decorating it with ``Protocol.register``, along with a
        short string name (for instance, ``jsonrpc``) and a set of content types
        to respond to. """

    __label__ = None  # string (human) name for the protocol
    __config__ = None  # local configuration info
    __protocols__ = {}  # class-level map of all protocols to their names
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta  # enforce ABC compliance
    __content_types__ = ('',)  # default to no matched content types

    ## == Multi-protocol Tools == ##

    def all(cls):

      """ Class-level generator accessor to iterate through all registered
          ``Protocol`` implementations. Used at construction time to find
          protocol classes to bundle into a :py:mod:`protorpc` ``Protocols``

          :param cls: Current ``cls``, as this is a class-level property.

          :returns: Yields ``Protocol`` implementations one at a time. """

      for protocol in cls.__protocols__.itervalues():
        yield protocol

    def mapping(cls):

      """ Class-level accessor for creating a :py:mod:`protorpc` ``Protocols``
          container, which resolves the proper ``Protocol`` object to dispatch
          an RPC with, based on the HTTP ``Content-Type`` header.

          :param cls: Current ``cls``, as this is a class-level property.

          :returns: :py:class:`protorpc.remote.Protocols` object containing all
            registered :py:class:`Protocol` objects. """

      container = remote.Protocols()  # construct a protocol container

      for protocol in cls.all:

        # construct protocol singleton and add to container
        singleton = protocol()


      return container

    ## == Registration Decorator == ##
    def register(cls, name, types, **config):

      """ Register a ``Protocol`` implementation by name and a set of content
          types. Usually used as a decorator.

          ``kwargs`` are taken as configuration to add to the protocol target.

          :param name: Name to register this protocol under. ``str`` or

          :param types: Content types to use this mapper for. Iterable of
            ``str`` or ``unicode`` ``Content-Type`` values to match on.

          :param config: Keyword arguments are accepted as extra config to be
            passed to the underlying ``Protocol`` subclass.

          :returns: Closured wrapper to register the protocol and return it. """

      assert isinstance(name, basestring), "protocol name must be a string"
      assert isinstance(types, (list, tuple)), "types must be an iterable"

      def _register_protocol(klass):

        """ Closure to register a class as an available protocol right before
            class construction. Mounts a ``Protocol``'s label, content types,
            and configuration.

            :param klass: Target class to register and return. Subclass of

            :returns: Target ``klass``, after registration. """

        # assign protocol details
        klass.__label__, klass.__content_types__, klass.__config__ = (

        if name not in Protocol.__protocols__:
          Protocol.__protocols__[name] = klass  # register :)
        return klass
      return _register_protocol

    ## == Protocol Properties == ##

    def name(cls):

      """ Class-level accessor for the 'short name' of this ``Protocol`` class.
          For example, ``jsonrpc``.

          :param cls: Current ``cls``, as this is a class-level property.

          :returns: ``str`` short name for this :py:class:`Protocol`. """

      return cls.__label__

    def content_type(cls):

      """ Class-level accessor for the primary ``Content-Type`` this
          :py:class:`Protocol` should respond to. The first entry in the
          available options is used as the primary ``Content-Type``.

          :param cls: Current ``cls``, as this is a class-level property.

          :returns: Primary ``str`` ``Content-Type`` value. """

      return cls.__content_types__[0]

    def alternative_content_types(cls):

      """ Class-level accessor for 'alternative' ``Content-Type``s that this
          :py:class:`Protocol` should respond to. Alternative content types
          will be responded to, but not used for responses (the 'primary'
          ``Content-Type`` is used as the response's type).

          :param cls: Current ``cls``, as this is a class-level property.

          :returns: ``list`` of ``str`` ``Content-Type``s. """

      return [i for i in (
        filter(lambda x: x != cls.content_type, cls.__content_types__))]

    ## == Abstract Methods == ##
    def encode_message(self, message):

      """ Encode a message according to this :py:class:`Protocol`. Must be
          implemented by child classes, and so is marked as an abstract method.

          Failure to specify this method will prevent an implementing class
          from being constructed.

          :param message: Object to encode with ``Protocol``. Passed-in from
            ProtoRPC as ``message.Message``.

          :raises NotImplementedError: Always, as this method is abstract.

          :returns: ``None``, but child class implementations are expected to
            return an encoded ``str``/``unicode`` representation of
            ``message``. """

      raise NotImplementedError('Method `Protocol.encode_message`'
                                ' is abstract.')  # pragma: no cover

    def decode_message(self, message_type, encoded_message):

      """ Decode a message according to this :py:class:`Protocol`. Must be
          implemented by child classes, and so is marked as an abstract method.

          Failure to specify this method will prevent an implementing class from
          being constructed.

          :param message_type: Type to expand from ``encoded_message``. Subclass
            of :py:class:`messages.Message`.

          :param encoded_message: Encoded message to be decoded. ``str``,
            ``unicode`` or iterable string buffer.

          :raises NotImplementedError: Always, as this method is abstract.

          :returns: ``None``, but child class implementations are expected to
            return an inflated ``message_type`` based on the provided
            ``encoded_message``. """

      raise NotImplementedError('Method `Protocol.decode_message`'
                                ' is abstract.')  # pragma: no cover

    CONTENT_TYPE = content_type
    ALTERNATIVE_CONTENT_TYPES = alternative_content_types