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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


  core hooks

  :author: Sam Gammon <>
  :copyright: (c) Sam Gammon, 2014
  :license: This software makes use of the MIT Open Source License.
            A copy of this license is included as ```` in
            the root of the project.


# stdlib
import inspect

# core runtime
from . import runtime

class HookResponder(object):

  """ Provides an object that can hook into named points in runtime execution
      flow. Context is provided as keyword arguments and may be subscribed to by
      item name.

      A full list of hook points or context items is not yet available. """

  # @TODO(sgammon): make list of hook points and context items

  __slots__ = (
    '__func__',  # inner function
    '__wrap__',  # hook wrapper
    '__hooks__',  # event names to fire on
    '__argspec__',  # argspec (explicit or implied)
    '__binding__')  # binding to carry through if wrap is a bind

  def __init__(self, *events, **kwargs):

    """ Initialize this ``HookResponder``.

        :param *events: Iterable of event names to subscribe to.
        :param **kwargs: Configuration, notably ``wrap`` (which can be used to
          re-wrap the target callable). """

    self.__hooks__, self.__argspec__, self.__wrap__ = (
      frozenset(events),  # events to fire on
        kwargs.get('context'),  # explicit argspec
        kwargs.get('rollup', False),  # kwargs flag
        kwargs.get('notify', False),  # event notify
      ) if kwargs else None,
      kwargs.get('wrap'))  # function to wrap the hook in, if any

  def __register__(self, context):

    """ Register this ``HookResponder`` with the currently-active runtime, which
        will make it available when hooks are due to be executed.

        :param context: Requested context to register alongside this

        :returns: Nothing. """

    for i in self.__hooks__:  # add hook for each event name
      runtime.Runtime.add_hook(i, (context, self))

  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):

    """ Execute this local ``HookResponder``, which will dispatch the underlying
        hook target, passing along any arguments and keyword arguments.

        :param **args: Positional arguments to pass to the target callable.
        :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the target callable.

        :returns: Whatever the target callable returns. """

    from ..util import decorators

    if not hasattr(self, '__func__') or not getattr(self, '__func__'):
      # if there's no explicit argspec, inspect
      hook = args[0]
      if not self.__argspec__:
        _hook_i = inspect.getargspec(hook)
        self.__argspec__ = Context([i for i in _hook_i.args if i not in (
          'self', 'cls')], _hook_i.keywords is not None)

      # carry through DI bindings
      self.__binding__ = hook.__binding__ if (
        isinstance(self.__wrap__, decorators.bind)) else None

      # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
      def run_hook(*args, **kwargs):

        """ Execute the local hook according to the configuration held by the
            encapsulating ``HookResponder``.

            :param *args: Positional arguments to pass to the hook.
            :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the hook.

            :returns: Whatever the hook returns. """

        return self.__argspec__((
          self.__wrap__(hook) if self.__wrap__ else hook))(*args, **kwargs)
      return setattr(self, '__func__', run_hook) or self  # mount run_hook
    return self.__func__(*args, **kwargs)

class Context(object):

  """ Object that contains context for a given ``HookResponder`` instance. Holds
      hook kwargs and args for target execution. """

  __slots__ = (
    '__requested__',  # requested args
    '__rollup__',  # acceptance of kwargs
    '__notify__')  # requested hook name

  def __init__(self, requested, rollup=True, notify=False):

    """ Initialize this ``HookResponder`` ``Context`` object.

        :param requested: Context items that are explicitly requested to be
          provided at runtime.

        :param rollup: ``Bool``, indicating support in the target callable for
          accepting a ``**kwargs``-style rolled-up set of context items,
          including extra (unrequested) context items.

        :param notify: ``Bool``, indicating that the target expects the event
          name for which it is being called to be inserted as the first
          positional argument. """

    self.__requested__, self.__rollup__, self.__notify__ = (
      requested, rollup, notify)

  def __call__(self, func):

    """ Pair this ``Context`` with the target ``func`` and execute using the
        locally-attached ``requested`` args, potentially using ``rollup``.

        :param func: Target function to wrap with a closure to properly call it
          with the provided context.

        :raises RuntimeError: In the inner hook closure, if a case arises where
          a target requests a context item that is not available.

        :returns: ``with_context`` inner closure, that applies stored context to
          the target ``func`` when dispatched. """

    def with_context(*args, **context):

      """ Closure returned to execute args and context items with a provided
          target ``func``, usually the backing to a ``HookResponder``. Arguments
          are passed through to the target callable.

          Accepts positional and keyword arguments on behalf of the wrapped

          :param args: Positional arguments to pass to target hook responder.

          :param context: Keyword arguments (considered as "context" in this,
            well, context) to pass to the target hook responder.

          :raises RuntimeError: If a case is encountered where a hook function
            requests a context item that is not yet available in the runtime
            execution flow.

          :returns: Result of calling the target ``func`` with applied ``args``
            and ``context``. """

      # extract hookname from args (always 1st param)
      hookname, args = args[0], args[1:]

      # calculate materialized args
      _args, _kwargs = [], {}
      if self.__requested__:
        for prop in self.__requested__:
          if prop not in context:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot satisfy request for context entry `%s`'
                               ' in hook `%s` for event point `%s`.' % (
                                (func if not (
                                  isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)))
                                  else func.__func__.__name__), hookname))

      # honor kwargs
      if self.__rollup__: _kwargs = context

      # resolve dispatch function
      dispatch = (func if not (
        isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod))) else func.__func__)

      # notify function of hookname, if requested
      if self.__notify__: _args.insert(0, hookname)

      # dispatch
      return dispatch(*tuple(list(args) + _args), **_kwargs)
    return with_context