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Test Coverage
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-



  utilities for providing unittest functionality.

  :author: Sam Gammon <>
  :copyright: (c) Sam Gammon, 2014
  :license: This software makes use of the MIT Open Source License.
            A copy of this license is included as ```` in
            the root of the project.


from __future__ import print_function

if __debug__:

  # stdlib
  import os
  import sys
  import unittest
  import itertools

  # internals
  from .core import meta
  from .core import Library
  from .util import config
  from .util import ObjectProxy

  # dispatch tools
  from .dispatch import spawn

  # HTTP logic
  from .logic.http import semantics

  ## Globals
  combine = lambda *t: tuple(itertools.chain(*t))
  _get_app = lambda s, k: k.get('app', s.dispatch_endpoint())
  _dispatch = lambda m, s, a, k: (
      s.dispatch(*combine((_get_app(s, k), m), a), **k))

  class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):

    """ Provides base code testing functionality, both for framework testing
        and testing of applications written with Canteen. """

    __appconfig__ = None  # class-level assignment of app config state
    __orig_testing__ = None  # original CANTEEN_TESTING flag from environ

    def setUpClass(cls):  # pragma: no cover

      """ Test class setup hook, in this case used for forcing the env var
          ``CANTEEN_TESTING`` to exist.

          :returns: ``None``. """

      if 'CANTEEN_TESTING' not in os.environ:  # pragma: no cover
        cls.__orig_testing__ = False  # no original flag
        os.environ['CANTEEN_TESTING'] = 'on'
      super(BaseTest, cls).setUpClass()

    def tearDownClass(cls):  # pragma: no cover

      """ Test class teardown hook, in this case used to remove the env var
          ``CANTEEN_TESTING`` if it was forced into existence.

          :returns: ``None``. """

      if not cls.__orig_testing__:  # pragma: no cover
        del os.environ['CANTEEN_TESTING']

    def set_config(cls, target):

      """ Set app configuration to a testing-compatible active set.

          :param target: :py:class:`canteen.util.config.Config` instance that
            contains app/framework configuration to be used during testing.

          :returns: ``cls``, for chainability. """

      return setattr(cls, '__appconfig__', target) or cls  # pragma: no cover

    with Library('werkzeug', strict=True) as (library, werkzeug):

      __werkzeug__ = ObjectProxy({
        'test': library.load('test'),
        'testapp': library.load('testapp'),
        'wrappers': library.load('wrappers')

      def dispatch_endpoint(self):  # pragma: no cover

        """ Internal function to spawn a throwaway app instance for issuing a
            one-shot dispatch.

            :returns: Instance of :py:class:`canteen.core.Runtime`, for
              whichever runtime is active for the target app. """

        return spawn(None, config=config.Config(**self.__appconfig__))

      def _spawn_client(self, wsgi_target=None):  # pragma: no cover

        """ Internal function to spawn a throwaway :py:mod:`werkzeug`-based HTTP
            :py:class:`werkzeug.test.Client` instance, for the purpose of
            executing WSGI dispatch during testing.

            :param wsgi_target: Target WSGI application to dispatch against.
              Defaults to ``None``, indicating that a reference WSGI app (known
              to be good) should be used in its place.

            :returns: Prepared :py:class:`werkzeug.test.Client` instance, with
              the target ``wsgi_target`` wrapped and ready to dispatch. """

        return self.__werkzeug__.test.Client(*(
          wsgi_target or self.__werkzeug__.testapp.test_app,

      def dispatch(self, app, method, *args, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover

        """ Perform a WSGI dispatch against ``app``, with HTTP ``method`` and
            pass position ``args`` and keyword ``kwargs``.

            :param app: WSGI application to dispatch against.

            :param method: HTTP method to dispatch in target ``app``.

            :param *args: Positional arguments to pass to the Werkzeug test
              client dispatch method.

            :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Werkzeug test
              client dispatch method.

            :returns: Result of dispatching ``method`` against ``app`` via
              WSGI. """

        return getattr(self._spawn_client(app), method.lower())(*args, **kwargs)

      # HTTP method aliases
      GET = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('GET', self, a, k)
      PUT = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('PUT', self, a, k)
      POST = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('POST', self, a, k)
      HEAD = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('HEAD', self, a, k)
      TRACE = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('TRACE', self, a, k)
      PATCH = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('PATCH', self, a, k)
      PURGE = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('PURGE', self, a, k)
      DELETE = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('DELETE', self, a, k)
      OPTIONS = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('OPTIONS', self, a, k)
      CONNECT = lambda self, *a, **k: _dispatch('CONNECT', self, a, k)

  class AppTest(BaseTest):

    """ Provides an extension point for application developers to write tests
        against applications written for ``Canteen``. """

    __root__, __owner__, __metaclass__ = True, 'AppTest', meta.Proxy.Registry

  class FrameworkTest(BaseTest):

    """ Provides an extension point for Canteen developers (on the framework
        itself) to create tests for builtin functionality. """

    __root__, __owner__, __metaclass__ = (
      True, 'FrameworkTest', meta.Proxy.Registry)

  def run(output=None,
          scope=(AppTest, FrameworkTest),
          verbosity=1, **kwargs):  # pragma: nocover

    """ Run a suite of test cases with an optional output plan, and optionally
        scoping to only framework or application tests.

         :param output:
         :param suites:
         :param scope:
         :param _format:
         :param verbosity:
         :param kwargs:

         :returns: """

    # fill testsuite with found testcases
    master_suite, loader = [], unittest.TestLoader()

    for bucket in scope:
      suite = unittest.TestSuite()

      for child in bucket.iter_children():


    if suites:
      for _suite in suites:

    def filter_suite(_s):

      """ Filter whole testsuites from being run by this tool if they don't
          contain any substantive tests.

          :param _s: Testsuite to filter.

          :returns: ``True`` if the testsuite should be run, ``False``
            otherwise. """

      if not _s.countTestCases():
        return False
      return True

    _seen_tests = set()

    def merge_suite(left, right):

      """ Merge two testsuites' containing tests, into one testsuite.

          :param left: The first testsuite to merge from.
          :param right: The other testsuite to merge from.

          :returns: :py:class:`unittest.TestSuite` instance merged of all tests
            contained in ``left`` and ``right``. """

      _master = []
      for case in [test for test in left] + [test for test in right]:
        if isinstance(case, unittest.TestSuite):
          for _case in case:
        if case not in _seen_tests:
      return set(unittest.TestSuite(_master))

    master_suite = unittest.TestSuite(reduce(merge_suite, (
      filter(filter_suite, master_suite))))

    # allow for XML format
    if _format == 'xml':
      if output is None:
        output = ".develop/tests"
        # noinspection PyPackageRequirements
        import xmlrunner
        return xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output=output).run(master_suite)
      except ImportError:
        xmlrunner = False
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot generate XML output without `xmlrunner`.')
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=output or sys.stdout,
                                     verbosity=verbosity, **kwargs)

  def clirunner(arguments, root=None):  # pragma: nocover

    """ Discover and run known testsuites. Optionally scope to a certain
        ``root`` directory, or provide alternate output options.

        :param arguments: Command-line arguments.
        :param root: Root directory to run tests from.

        :returns: Nothing, as ``sys.exit`` is called from this tool. """

    output, _format = None, 'text'

    if not __debug__:
      raise RuntimeError('Cannot run tests with -O or -OO.')
    if not root:
      root = os.getcwd()

    if arguments:
      if len(arguments) > 2:
        print("Can only call with a maximum of 2 arguments:"
              " FORMAT and OUTPUT, or just FORMAT.")
      if len(arguments) == 2:
        _format, output = tuple(arguments)
        _format = arguments[0]

    discovered = None
    if root:
      loader = unittest.TestLoader()
      discovered =

        'output': output or (sys.stdout if _format is 'text' else None),
        'suites': discovered,
        'format': _format,
        'verbosity': 5 if 'TEST_VERBOSE' in os.environ else (
          0 if 'TEST_QUIET' in os.environ else 1)
    except Exception as e: