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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`AbsolutePathReporter When calling toSonarReport should map a test result file to a sonar report 1`] = `
"<testExecutions version=\\"1\\">
<file path=\\"/the/root/my-test/my-test.spec.js\\">
<testCase name=\\"When doing this should &quot;be&quot; ok\\" duration=\\"30\\" />
<testCase name=\\"When this is failing the sonar report should contain the failure\\" duration=\\"10\\">
<failure message=\\"Error\\"><![CDATA[A failure]]></failure>
<file path=\\"/the/root/my-test/my-test.spec.js\\">
<testCase name=\\"Some crazy title with  red color  and &#x1f525;\\" duration=\\"30\\" />
<testCase name=\\"When this is failing the sonar report should contain the failure\\" duration=\\"10\\">
<failure message=\\"Error\\"><![CDATA[A crazy failure  and &#x1f525;]]></failure>
<file path=\\"/the/root/my-second-test.spec.js\\">
<testCase name=\\"When doing this should be ok\\" duration=\\"35\\" />
<file path=\\"/the/root/my-skipped-test.spec.js\\">
<testCase name=\\"Skipped &quot;this test is skipped&quot;\\" duration=\\"10\\">
<skipped message=\\"Skipped &quot;this test is skipped&quot;\\"/>
<file path=\\"/the/root/my-skipped-test.spec.js\\">
<testCase name=\\"Skipped &quot;this test is skipped&quot;\\" duration=\\"0\\">
<skipped message=\\"Skipped &quot;this test is skipped&quot;\\"/>