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namespace GitDataRepo;

class GitDataRepo
    public function __construct($repo, $remote, $logLevel = \Monolog\Logger::WARNING)
        assert($repo instanceof \Coyl\Git\GitRepo);
        $this->repo = $repo;
        $this->remote = $remote;

        $this->log = new \Monolog\Logger('GitDataRepo');
            new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(
        ); // <<< uses a stream

        $this->log->debug("repo path: ".$repo->getRepoPath());
        $remoteHiddenPassword = preg_replace(
        $this->log->debug("remote: ".$remoteHiddenPassword);

    private function keyFullPath($key)
        return $this->repo->getRepoPath()."/".$key;

    private function pull()
        $this->log->debug("pull step 1/2: pull from remote (using run)");

        # Probably no need for this since the change of the pull call above to run(pull).
        # Also, cannot have this push for read-only access.
        # $this->log->debug("pull step 2/2: push any stale data");
        # $this->repo->run("push");

    public function get($key)
        $key2 = $this->keyFullPath($key);
        if (!file_exists($key2)) {
            return null;

    // data: item passable to file_put_contents(key,data)
    public function set($key, $data)
        $key2 = $this->keyFullPath($key);
        if (file_exists($key2)) {
            $existing = file_get_contents($key2);
            if ($existing==$data) {
                $this->log->debug('data is same as in repo. Not overwriting.');

        $this->log->debug("add ".$key);

    public function remove($key)

        if (!file_exists($this->keyFullPath($key))) {
            $this->log->debug("remove key '".$key."' does not exist.");

        $this->log->debug("remove ".$key);


    private function commitAndPush($msg = "Committing from php")
        # $this->pull();
        // I don't understand the push function below
        // After the push, I would always be left with a git status `your repo is ahead of master`
        // If I just `git pull`, then the msg goes away.
        // Anyway, I'm solving it with the run call below

   * repoPath: data repo path since using git-data-repo
   *           e.g. /var/cache/ffamfe_tcm
   * authFn: e.g. __DIR__."/../auth.json", false for no credentials, e.g. read-only usage of public repo
   * remote, e.g.
   * loglevel=\Monolog\Logger::WARNING; // isset($argc)?\Monolog\Logger::DEBUG:\Monolog\Logger::WARNING;
   * gitconfig: e.g. array(''=>'',''=>'my name')
   * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.StaticAccess)
    public static function initGdrPersistentFromAuthJson($repoPath, $authFn, $remoteUrl, $loglevel = \Monolog\Logger::WARNING, $gitconfig = array())
        // copied from accounting-bdlreports-mapeditor/action.php

        // check can put files here
        if (!is_writable($repoPath)) {
            throw new \Exception("Cache folder '".$repoPath."' is not writable. You may need `[sudo] chown www-data:www-data -R ".$repoPath."`");

        // get remote credentials
        if ($authFn) {
            if (!file_exists($authFn)) {
                throw new \Exception("File not found '".$authFn."'");
            $remote=json_decode(file_get_contents($authFn), true);
            $remote=GitDataRepo::injectRemoteCredentials($remoteUrl, $remote["username"], $remote["password"]);
        } else {
            $remote = $remoteUrl;

        # copied from
        $isgit=is_dir($repoPath) && file_exists($repoPath . "/.git") && is_dir($repoPath . "/.git");
        if ($isgit) {
            $gitRepo = new \Coyl\Git\GitRepo($repoPath, false, false);
            return new \GitDataRepo\GitDataRepo($gitRepo, $remote, $loglevel);

        # case of new git repo
        $gitRepo = \Coyl\Git\GitRepo::create($repoPath, $remote);
        # run some git config if needed
        foreach ($gitconfig as $k => $v) {
            $cmd = "config ".$k." '".$v."'";

        return new \GitDataRepo\GitDataRepo($gitRepo, $remote, $loglevel);

    public static function injectRemoteCredentials($url, $username, $password)
        $regExp = "/http(s){0,1}:\/\/([^:@]*)/";
        if (!preg_match($regExp, $url)) {
            throw new \Exception("Invalid URL format: ".$url);
        $remote = preg_replace(
        return $remote;

    // get the latest full commit hash
    public function version()
        return $this->repo->logFormatted("%H", "", 1); // git log -1 --pretty=format:%H

     * Get the latest commit date
     * returns a DateTime object
     * Dev notes:
     * Using %ci instead of %ct (unix timestamp) to get timezone
     * Example UNIX timestamp case
     * > git log -1 --pretty=format:%ct # outputs 1474354919
     * > php -r 'var_dump(\DateTime::createFromFormat("U",1474354919,new \DateTimeZone("Asia/Beirut"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s O"));'
    public function date()
        $dd = $this->repo->logFormatted("%ci", "", 1);
        return \DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s e", $dd);