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Shadowcoin Release Notes

 - Added BIP44 support
 - Added BIP39 support
 - Added smaller ring signatures
 - The goal for this release is to implement a framework for BIP32
   on which to build, the more interesting features possible with bip32 keys can
   be implemented later.  For this release we aim to implement a hierarchical 
   deterministic wallet - which means you can recover all the keys in a wallet
   using only the master key.
 - Added basic BIP32 support
    - Each extended key can derive 2^31 normal child keys and 2^31 hardened
      child keys.
    - All new keys are deterministically generated from a master key.
        - The complete wallet state (except key labels) can be recreated from 
          a single master key.
    - When the wallet is first started a new master bip32 key will be generated
      from the master key, internal (child 1) and external (child 0) chains are 
      derived from the master key.
      The wallet will only generate a master key automatically once.
      If the first master key is removed a new key will need to be imported
      manually for the wallet to be able to generate keys.
    - New prefix for base58 data
        - extended key identifiers are represented in the same way as normal 
          shadow addresses, to prevent confusion a new prefix has been added.
          Extended key identifiers begin with 'x' on live, on testnet with 'X'
    - New rpc function extkey, alias: bip32
        - path
            The path is a backslash deliminated string of digits.
            Only backslashes, digits and m, h and ' may occur in the path.
            The tokens m and 0 can only be first or last in the path.
        - examples:
            - extkey <bip32_key> <path>
                - returns the child key according to the path
            - extkey gen 
                - generates new key from random data
                - extkey <passphrase> <nun hashes> <seed string>
                    Match keys: bip32 gen "pass" 50000 "Bitcoin seed"
    - Notes
        - The change address of anon transactions is picked as the first stealth
          address of default account else the first legacy stealth address.
 - Added Gitian build descriptors
    - See contrib/gitian-descriptors/README
 - SMSG ScanBlock harvest public keys from coinstake transactions
 - Added "Txn Type" field to txnreport
 - Added 'env' parameter to getinfo
    - returns more environment specific information
 - Added simple command line interface to shadowcoind
    - enabled with new parameter "cli" when not started as a daemon

 - Added createmultisig rpc command
    - createmultisig does the same as existing command addmultisigaddress
      except that the resulting address and script are not added to the wallet.

 - decoderawtransaction scriptPubKey includes the hex representation
    - hex of a prevout scriptPubKey is required for signrawtransaction
 - signrawtransaction works when private keys are passed in as parameters
    - adds redeemScript to the tempKeystore

 - Added option to disable SMSG scanning of incoming blocks.
    - smsgoptions set scanIncoming false

 - smsgoptions command is now case insensitive
 - smsgoptions list takes a bool parameter to list option descriptions
 - dumpprivkey takes a pubkey as input
 - More unit tests enabled
  - The coin_selection_tests sometimes fail, it's related to the nSpendTime
    parameter and isn't a real error.

 - Gui improvements
  - Lock icon goes orange when system unlocked for staking only.
  - Table pagination icons limited to 5.


 - Implemented PoS V2
 - Removed Thin mode staking
    The network relies on full nodes for security.
    Staking should be a reward for maintaining a full node.

 - Removed hash from DiskBlockIndex
    hash is saved in the key, no need to save it twice, 32 bytes saved per block
    Key prefix "blockindex" changed to "bidx", 36 bytes saved per block
    The TXDB version has been raised to 70510.
    On first boot the nodes will wipe any database before 70509 and initialise
    a reindex, which will reload the TXDB from the stored blockchain.
    For Databases of verson 70509 an migration will run, significantly faster
    than a reindex.  All existing nodes should be on txdb version 70509.
    Thin nodes don't store the blockchain and will need to redownload.
    Note: Reindexing the chain could cause your failed stake transactions to be
    detected as occuring during the reindex, and displayed at the top of the
    transaction list.  They can be removed by running clearwallettransactions
    followed by reloadanondata.

 - Enabled unit tests
    Compile: make -f makefile.unix test_shadow
    Run: ./test_shadow --log_level=all

 - printstakemodifier, printcoinstake and printcoinage are replaced by debugpos