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Test Coverage
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or

#include "core.h"
#include "bignum.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "txmempool.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "scrypt.h"
#include "state.h"

#include <list>

class CWallet;
class CWalletTx;

class CBlockHeader;
class CBlock;
class CBlockThin;
class CBlockIndex;
class CBlockThinIndex;
class CKeyItem;
class CReserveKey;

class CAddress;
class CInv;
class CRequestTracker;
class CNode;

static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000000;
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_GEN = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/2;
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/50;
static const unsigned int MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/100;
/** Default for -maxorphanblocksmib, maximum number of memory to keep orphan blocks */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_BLOCKS = 40;
static const unsigned int MAX_INV_SZ = 50000;
static const unsigned int MAX_GETHEADERS_SZ = 2000;

static const unsigned int MAX_MULTI_BLOCK_SIZE = 5120000;    // 5MiB, most likely to hit MAX_MULTI_BLOCK_ELEMNTS first
static const unsigned int MAX_MULTI_BLOCK_ELEMENTS = 64;     // processing larger blocks is cpu intensive
static const unsigned int MAX_MULTI_BLOCK_THIN_ELEMENTS = 128;

/** No amount larger than this (in satoshi) is valid */
static const int64_t MAX_MONEY = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
inline bool MoneyRange(int64_t nValue) { return (nValue >= 0 && nValue <= MAX_MONEY); }

// Threshold for nLockTime: below this value it is interpreted as block number, otherwise as UNIX timestamp.
static const unsigned int LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD = 500000000; // Tue Nov  5 00:53:20 1985 UTC

inline int64_t FutureDriftV1(int64_t nTime) { return nTime + 10 * 60; }
inline int64_t FutureDriftV2(int64_t nTime) { return nTime + 15; }

inline int64_t FutureDrift(int64_t nTime, int nHeight) { return Params().IsProtocolV2(nHeight) ? FutureDriftV2(nTime) : FutureDriftV1(nTime); }

inline unsigned int GetTargetSpacing(int nHeight) { return Params().IsProtocolV2(nHeight) ? 64 : 60; }

extern CScript COINBASE_FLAGS;
extern CCriticalSection cs_main;
extern std::map<uint256, CBlockIndex*> mapBlockIndex;
extern std::map<uint256, CBlockThinIndex*> mapBlockThinIndex;
extern std::set<std::pair<COutPoint, unsigned int> > setStakeSeen;
extern std::set<std::pair<COutPoint, unsigned int> > setStakeSeenOrphan;
extern CBlockIndex* pindexGenesisBlock;
extern CBlockThinIndex* pindexGenesisBlockThin;
extern CBlockThinIndex* pindexRear;

extern unsigned int nStakeMinAge;
extern unsigned int nNodeLifespan;
extern int nCoinbaseMaturity;
extern int nBestHeight;
extern int nHeightFilteredNeeded;

extern uint256 nBestChainTrust;
extern uint256 nBestInvalidTrust;
extern uint256 hashBestChain;
extern CBlockIndex* pindexBest;
extern CBlockThinIndex* pindexBestHeader;
extern uint64_t nLastBlockTx;
extern uint64_t nLastBlockSize;
extern int64_t nLastCoinStakeSearchInterval;
extern const std::string strMessageMagic;
extern int64_t nTimeBestReceived;
extern bool fImporting;
extern CCriticalSection cs_setpwalletRegistered;
extern std::set<CWallet*> setpwalletRegistered;
struct COrphanBlock {
    uint256 hashBlock;
    uint256 hashPrev;
    std::pair<COutPoint, unsigned int> stake;
    std::vector<unsigned char> vchBlock;
extern std::map<uint256, COrphanBlock*> mapOrphanBlocks;
extern std::map<uint256, CBlockThin*> mapOrphanBlockThins;

extern std::map<int64_t, CAnonOutputCount> mapAnonOutputStats;

extern CTxMemPool mempool;

// Settings
extern int64_t nTransactionFee;
extern int64_t nReserveBalance;
extern int64_t nMinimumInputValue;
extern bool fUseFastIndex;

extern bool fEnforceCanonical;

// Minimum disk space required - used in CheckDiskSpace()
static const uint64_t nMinDiskSpace = 52428800;

class CReserveKey;
class CTxDB;
class CTxIndex;

void RegisterWallet(CWallet* pwalletIn);
void UnregisterWallet(CWallet* pwalletIn);
void SyncWithWallets(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlock* pblock = NULL, bool fUpdate = false, bool fConnect = true);
bool ProcessBlock(CNode* pfrom, CBlock* pblock, uint256& hash);
bool CheckDiskSpace(uint64_t nAdditionalBytes=0);
FILE* OpenBlockFile(bool fHeaderFile, unsigned int nFile, unsigned int nBlockPos, const char* pszMode="rb");
FILE* AppendBlockFile(bool fHeaderFile, unsigned int& nFileRet, const char* fmode = "ab");
int LoadBlockIndex(bool fAllowNew=true);
void PrintBlockTree();
CBlockIndex* FindBlockByHeight(int nHeight);
CBlockThinIndex* FindBlockThinByHeight(int nHeight);
bool ProcessMessages(CNode* pfrom);
bool SendMessages(CNode* pto, std::vector<CNode*> &vNodesCopy, bool fSendTrickle);

bool LoadExternalBlockFile(int nFile, FILE* fileIn);
void ThreadImport(std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> vImportFiles);

bool CheckProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits);
unsigned int GetNextTargetRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, bool fProofOfStake);
unsigned int GetNextTargetRequiredThin(const CBlockThinIndex* pindexLast, bool fProofOfStake);

int GetNumBlocksOfPeers();
bool IsInitialBlockDownload();
bool IsConfirmedInNPrevBlocks(const CTxIndex& txindex, const CBlockIndex* pindexFrom, int nMaxDepth, int& nActualDepth);
std::string GetWarnings(std::string strFor);
bool GetTransaction(const uint256 &hash, CTransaction &tx, uint256 &hashBlock);
bool GetTransactionBlockHash(const uint256 &hash, uint256 &hashBlock);

bool GetKeyImage(CTxDB* ptxdb, ec_point& keyImage, CKeyImageSpent& keyImageSpent, bool& fInMempool);
bool TxnHashInSystem(CTxDB* ptxdb, uint256& txnHash);

uint256 WantedByOrphan(const CBlock* pblockOrphan);
uint256 WantedByOrphanHeader(const CBlockThin* pblockOrphan);
const COrphanBlock* AddOrphanBlock(const CBlock* pblock);
const CBlockIndex* GetLastBlockIndex(const CBlockIndex* pindex, bool fProofOfStake);
const CBlockThinIndex* GetLastBlockThinIndex(const CBlockThinIndex* pindex, bool fProofOfStake);
void ResendWalletTransactions(bool fForce = false);

bool ChangeNodeState(int newState, bool fProcess = true);

bool AddDataToMerkleFilters(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vData);
bool AddKeyToMerkleFilters(const CTxDestination& address);

bool GetCoinAgeThin(CTransaction txCoinStake, uint64_t& nCoinAge,  std::vector<const CWalletTx*> &vWtxPrev);

bool GetWalletFile(CWallet* pwallet, std::string &strWalletFileOut);

/** Get statistics from node state */
bool GetNodeStateStats(NodeId nodeid, CNodeStateStats &stats);

/** Position on disk for a particular transaction. */
class CDiskTxPos
    unsigned int nFile;
    unsigned int nBlockPos;
    unsigned int nTxPos;


    CDiskTxPos(unsigned int nFileIn, unsigned int nBlockPosIn, unsigned int nTxPosIn)
        nFile = nFileIn;
        nBlockPos = nBlockPosIn;
        nTxPos = nTxPosIn;

    void SetNull() { nFile = (unsigned int) -1; nBlockPos = 0; nTxPos = 0; }
    bool IsNull() const { return (nFile == (unsigned int) -1); }

    friend bool operator==(const CDiskTxPos& a, const CDiskTxPos& b)
        return (a.nFile     == b.nFile &&
                a.nBlockPos == b.nBlockPos &&
                a.nTxPos    == b.nTxPos);

    friend bool operator!=(const CDiskTxPos& a, const CDiskTxPos& b)
        return !(a == b);

    std::string ToString() const
        if (IsNull())
            return "null";
            return strprintf("(nFile=%u, nBlockPos=%u, nTxPos=%u)", nFile, nBlockPos, nTxPos);

    void print() const
        LogPrintf("%s", ToString().c_str());

typedef std::map<uint256, std::pair<CTxIndex, CTransaction> > MapPrevTx;

/** The basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in
 * blocks.  A transaction can contain multiple inputs and outputs.
class CTransaction
    static const int CURRENT_VERSION=1;
    int nVersion;
    unsigned int nTime;
    std::vector<CTxIn> vin;
    std::vector<CTxOut> vout;
    unsigned int nLockTime;

    // Denial-of-service detection:
    mutable int nDoS;
    bool DoS(int nDoSIn, bool fIn) const { nDoS += nDoSIn; return fIn; }


        nVersion = this->nVersion;

    void SetNull()
        nVersion = CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION;
        nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
        nLockTime = 0;
        nDoS = 0;  // Denial-of-service prevention

    bool IsNull() const
        return (vin.empty() && vout.empty());

    uint256 GetHash() const
        return SerializeHash(*this);

    bool IsFinal(int nBlockHeight=0, int64_t nBlockTime=0) const
        // Time based nLockTime implemented in 0.1.6
        if (nLockTime == 0)
            return true;
        if (nBlockHeight == 0)
            nBlockHeight = nBestHeight;
        if (nBlockTime == 0)
            nBlockTime = GetAdjustedTime();
        if ((int64_t)nLockTime < ((int64_t)nLockTime < LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD ? (int64_t)nBlockHeight : nBlockTime))
            return true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, vin)
            if (!txin.IsFinal())
                return false;
        return true;

    bool IsNewerThan(const CTransaction& old) const
        if (vin.size() !=
            return false;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
            if (vin[i].prevout !=[i].prevout)
                return false;

        bool fNewer = false;
        unsigned int nLowest = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
            if (vin[i].nSequence !=[i].nSequence)
                if (vin[i].nSequence <= nLowest)
                    fNewer = false;
                    nLowest = vin[i].nSequence;

                if ([i].nSequence < nLowest)
                    fNewer = true;
                    nLowest =[i].nSequence;
        return fNewer;

    bool IsCoinBase() const
        return (vin.size() == 1 && vin[0].prevout.IsNull() && vout.size() >= 1);

    bool IsCoinStake() const
        // ppcoin: the coin stake transaction is marked with the first output empty
        return (vin.size() > 0 && (!vin[0].prevout.IsNull()) && vout.size() >= 2 && vout[0].IsEmpty());

    /** Check for standard transaction types
        @return True if all outputs (scriptPubKeys) use only standard transaction forms
    bool IsStandard() const;

    /** Check for standard transaction types
        @param[in] mapInputs    Map of previous transactions that have outputs we're spending
        @return True if all inputs (scriptSigs) use only standard transaction forms
        @see CTransaction::FetchInputs
    bool AreInputsStandard(const MapPrevTx& mapInputs) const;

    bool HasStealthOutput() const;

    /** Count ECDSA signature operations the old-fashioned (pre-0.6) way
        @return number of sigops this transaction's outputs will produce when spent
        @see CTransaction::FetchInputs
    unsigned int GetLegacySigOpCount() const;

    /** Count ECDSA signature operations in pay-to-script-hash inputs.

        @param[in] mapInputs    Map of previous transactions that have outputs we're spending
        @return maximum number of sigops required to validate this transaction's inputs
        @see CTransaction::FetchInputs
    unsigned int GetP2SHSigOpCount(const MapPrevTx& mapInputs) const;

    /** Amount of bitcoins spent by this transaction.
        @return sum of all outputs (note: does not include fees)
    int64_t GetValueOut() const
        int64_t nValueOut = 0;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, vout)
            nValueOut += txout.nValue;
            if (!MoneyRange(txout.nValue) || !MoneyRange(nValueOut))
                throw std::runtime_error("CTransaction::GetValueOut() : value out of range");
        return nValueOut;

    /** Amount of bitcoins coming in to this transaction
        Note that lightweight clients may not know anything besides the hash of previous transactions,
        so may not be able to calculate this.

        @param[in] mapInputs    Map of previous transactions that have outputs we're spending
        @return Sum of value of all inputs (scriptSigs)
        @see CTransaction::FetchInputs
    int64_t GetValueIn(const MapPrevTx& mapInputs) const;

    int64_t GetMinFee(unsigned int nBlockSize=1, enum GetMinFee_mode mode=GMF_BLOCK, unsigned int nBytes = 0) const;

    bool ReadFromDisk(CDiskTxPos pos, FILE** pfileRet=NULL)
        CAutoFile filein = CAutoFile(OpenBlockFile(false, pos.nFile, 0, pfileRet ? "rb+" : "rb"), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
        if (!filein)
            return error("CTransaction::ReadFromDisk() : OpenBlockFile failed");

        // Read transaction
        if (fseek(filein, pos.nTxPos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
            return error("CTransaction::ReadFromDisk() : fseek failed");

        try {
            filein >> *this;
        } catch (std::exception &e)
            return error("%s() : deserialize or I/O error", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

        // Return file pointer
        if (pfileRet)
            if (fseek(filein, pos.nTxPos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
                return error("CTransaction::ReadFromDisk() : second fseek failed");
            *pfileRet = filein.release();
        return true;

    friend bool operator==(const CTransaction& a, const CTransaction& b)
        return (a.nVersion  == b.nVersion &&
                a.nTime     == b.nTime &&
             == &&
                a.vout      == b.vout &&
                a.nLockTime == b.nLockTime);

    friend bool operator!=(const CTransaction& a, const CTransaction& b)
        return !(a == b);

    std::string ToString() const
        std::string str;
        str += IsCoinBase()? "Coinbase" : (IsCoinStake()? "Coinstake" : "CTransaction");
        str += strprintf("(hash=%s, nTime=%d, ver=%d, vin.size=%u, vout.size=%u, nLockTime=%d)\n",
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
            str += "    " + vin[i].ToString() + "\n";
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vout.size(); i++)
            str += "    " + vout[i].ToString() + "\n";
        return str;

    void print() const
        LogPrintf("%s", ToString().c_str());

    bool ReadFromDisk(CTxDB& txdb, COutPoint prevout, CTxIndex& txindexRet);
    bool ReadFromDisk(CTxDB& txdb, COutPoint prevout);
    bool ReadFromDisk(COutPoint prevout);
    bool DisconnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb);

    /** Fetch from memory and/or disk. inputsRet keys are transaction hashes.

     @param[in] txdb    Transaction database
     @param[in] mapTestPool    List of pending changes to the transaction index database
     @param[in] fBlock    True if being called to add a new best-block to the chain
     @param[in] fMiner    True if being called by CreateNewBlock
     @param[out] inputsRet    Pointers to this transaction's inputs
     @param[out] fInvalid    returns true if transaction is invalid
     @return    Returns true if all inputs are in txdb or mapTestPool
    bool FetchInputs(CTxDB& txdb, const std::map<uint256, CTxIndex>& mapTestPool,
                     bool fBlock, bool fMiner, MapPrevTx& inputsRet, bool& fInvalid);

    bool CheckAnonInputs(CTxDB& txdb, int64_t& nSumValue, bool& fInvalid, bool fCheckExists);

    /** Sanity check previous transactions, then, if all checks succeed,
        mark them as spent by this transaction.

        @param[in] inputs    Previous transactions (from FetchInputs)
        @param[out] mapTestPool    Keeps track of inputs that need to be updated on disk
        @param[in] posThisTx    Position of this transaction on disk
        @param[in] pindexBlock
        @param[in] fBlock    true if called from ConnectBlock
        @param[in] fMiner    true if called from CreateNewBlock
        @return Returns true if all checks succeed
    bool ConnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb, MapPrevTx inputs,
                       std::map<uint256, CTxIndex>& mapTestPool, const CDiskTxPos& posThisTx,
                       const CBlockIndex* pindexBlock, bool fBlock, bool fMiner, unsigned int flags = STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS);
    bool CheckTransaction() const;
    bool GetCoinAge(CTxDB& txdb, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, uint64_t& nCoinAge) const;

    const CTxOut& GetOutputFor(const CTxIn& input, const MapPrevTx& inputs) const;

bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxMemPool &pool, CTransaction &tx, CTxDB& txdb, bool *pfMissingInputs=NULL);

/** A transaction with a merkle branch linking it to the block chain. */
class CMerkleTx : public CTransaction
    int GetDepthInMainChainINTERNAL(CBlockIndex* &pindexRet) const;
    int GetDepthInMainChainINTERNAL(CBlockThinIndex* &pindexRet) const;
    uint256 hashBlock;
    std::vector<uint256> vMerkleBranch;
    int nIndex;

    // memory only
    mutable bool fMerkleVerified;


    CMerkleTx(const CTransaction& txIn) : CTransaction(txIn)

    void Init()
        hashBlock = 0;
        nIndex = -1;
        fMerkleVerified = false;

        nSerSize += SerReadWrite(s, *(CTransaction*)this, nType, nVersion, ser_action);
        nVersion = this->nVersion;

    int SetMerkleBranch(const CBlock* pblock=NULL);

    // Return depth of transaction in blockchain:
    // -1  : not in blockchain, and not in memory pool (conflicted transaction)
    //  0  : in memory pool, waiting to be included in a block
    // >=1 : this many blocks deep in the main chain
    int GetDepthInMainChain(CBlockIndex* &pindexRet) const;
    int GetDepthInMainChain(CBlockThinIndex* &pindexRet) const;
    int GetDepthInMainChain() const
        if (nNodeMode == NT_FULL)
            CBlockIndex *pindexRet;
            return GetDepthInMainChain(pindexRet);

        CBlockThinIndex *pindexRet;
        return GetDepthInMainChain(pindexRet);
    bool IsInMainChain() const
        if (nNodeMode == NT_THIN)
            CBlockThinIndex *pindexRet;
            return GetDepthInMainChainINTERNAL(pindexRet) > 0;

        CBlockIndex *pindexRet;
        return GetDepthInMainChainINTERNAL(pindexRet) > 0;

    int GetBlocksToMaturity() const;
    bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxDB& txdb);
    bool AcceptToMemoryPool();

/**  A txdb record that contains the disk location of a transaction and the
 * locations of transactions that spend its outputs.  vSpent is really only
 * used as a flag, but having the location is very helpful for debugging.
class CTxIndex
    CDiskTxPos pos;
    std::vector<CDiskTxPos> vSpent;


    CTxIndex(const CDiskTxPos& posIn, unsigned int nOutputs)
        pos = posIn;

        if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))

    void SetNull()

    bool IsNull()
        return pos.IsNull();

    friend bool operator==(const CTxIndex& a, const CTxIndex& b)
        return (a.pos    == b.pos &&
                a.vSpent == b.vSpent);

    friend bool operator!=(const CTxIndex& a, const CTxIndex& b)
        return !(a == b);
    int GetDepthInMainChainFromIndex() const;


/** Nodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree,
 * and scan through nonce values to make the block's hash satisfy proof-of-work
 * requirements.  When they solve the proof-of-work, they broadcast the block
 * to everyone and the block is added to the block chain.  The first transaction
 * in the block is a special one that creates a new coin owned by the creator
 * of the block.
 * Blocks are appended to blk0001.dat files on disk.  Their location on disk
 * is indexed by CBlockIndex objects in memory.

class CBlockHeader
    // header
    static const int CURRENT_VERSION = 7;
    int nVersion;
    uint256 hashPrevBlock;
    uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
    unsigned int nTime;
    unsigned int nBits;
    unsigned int nNonce;


    void SetHdrNull()
        nVersion = CBlockHeader::CURRENT_VERSION;
        hashPrevBlock = 0;
        hashMerkleRoot = 0;
        nTime = 0;
        nBits = 0;
        nNonce = 0;

        nVersion = this->nVersion;

    bool IsNull() const
        return (nBits == 0);

    uint256 GetHash() const
        if (nVersion > 6)
            return Hash(BEGIN(nVersion), END(nNonce));
            return scrypt_blockhash(CVOIDBEGIN(nVersion));

    int64_t GetBlockTime() const
        return (int64_t)nTime;

    CBlockHeader GetBlockHeaderOnly() const
        CBlockHeader block;
        block.nVersion       = nVersion;
        block.hashPrevBlock  = hashPrevBlock;
        block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
        block.nTime          = nTime;
        block.nBits          = nBits;
        block.nNonce         = nNonce;
        return block;


class CBlock : public CBlockHeader
    // network and disk
    std::vector<CTransaction> vtx;

    // ppcoin: block signature - signed by one of the coin base txout[N]'s owner
    std::vector<unsigned char> vchBlockSig;

    // memory only
    mutable std::vector<uint256> vMerkleTree;

    // Denial-of-service detection:
    mutable int nDoS;
    bool DoS(int nDoSIn, bool fIn) const { nDoS += nDoSIn; return fIn; }



        // ConnectBlock depends on vtx following header to generate CDiskTxPos
        else if (fRead)

    void SetNull()
        nDoS = 0;

    void UpdateTime(const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev);

    // entropy bit for stake modifier if chosen by modifier
    unsigned int GetStakeEntropyBit() const
        // Take last bit of block hash as entropy bit
        unsigned int nEntropyBit = ((GetHash().Get64()) & 1llu);
        if (fDebugPoS)
            LogPrintf("GetStakeEntropyBit: hashBlock=%s nEntropyBit=%u\n", GetHash().ToString().c_str(), nEntropyBit);
        return nEntropyBit;

    // ppcoin: two types of block: proof-of-work or proof-of-stake
    bool IsProofOfStake() const
        return (vtx.size() > 1 && vtx[1].IsCoinStake());

    bool IsProofOfWork() const
        return !IsProofOfStake();

    std::pair<COutPoint, unsigned int> GetProofOfStake() const
        return IsProofOfStake()? std::make_pair(vtx[1].vin[0].prevout, vtx[1].nTime) : std::make_pair(COutPoint(), (unsigned int)0);

    // ppcoin: get max transaction timestamp
    int64_t GetMaxTransactionTime() const
        int64_t maxTransactionTime = 0;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, vtx)
            maxTransactionTime = std::max(maxTransactionTime, (int64_t)tx.nTime);
        return maxTransactionTime;

    uint256 BuildMerkleTree() const
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& tx, vtx)
        int j = 0;
        for (int nSize = vtx.size(); nSize > 1; nSize = (nSize + 1) / 2)
            for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i += 2)
                int i2 = std::min(i+1, nSize-1);
                vMerkleTree.push_back(Hash(BEGIN(vMerkleTree[j+i]),  END(vMerkleTree[j+i]),
                                           BEGIN(vMerkleTree[j+i2]), END(vMerkleTree[j+i2])));
            j += nSize;
        return (vMerkleTree.empty() ? 0 : vMerkleTree.back());

    std::vector<uint256> GetMerkleBranch(int nIndex) const
        if (vMerkleTree.empty())
        std::vector<uint256> vMerkleBranch;
        int j = 0;
        for (int nSize = vtx.size(); nSize > 1; nSize = (nSize + 1) / 2)
            int i = std::min(nIndex^1, nSize-1);
            nIndex >>= 1;
            j += nSize;
        return vMerkleBranch;

    static uint256 CheckMerkleBranch(uint256 hash, const std::vector<uint256>& vMerkleBranch, int nIndex)
        if (nIndex == -1)
            return 0;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& otherside, vMerkleBranch)
            if (nIndex & 1)
                hash = Hash(BEGIN(otherside), END(otherside), BEGIN(hash), END(hash));
                hash = Hash(BEGIN(hash), END(hash), BEGIN(otherside), END(otherside));
            nIndex >>= 1;
        return hash;

    bool WriteToDisk(unsigned int& nFileRet, unsigned int& nBlockPosRet)
        // Open history file to append
        CAutoFile fileout = CAutoFile(AppendBlockFile(false, nFileRet), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
        if (!fileout)
            return error("CBlock::WriteToDisk() : AppendBlockFile failed");

        // Write index header
        unsigned int nSize = fileout.GetSerializeSize(*this);
        fileout << FLATDATA(Params().MessageStart()) << nSize;

        // Write block
        long fileOutPos = ftell(fileout);
        if (fileOutPos < 0)
            return error("CBlock::WriteToDisk() : ftell failed");
        nBlockPosRet = fileOutPos;
        fileout << *this;

        // Flush stdio buffers and commit to disk before returning
        if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() || (nBestHeight+1) % 500 == 0)

        return true;

    bool ReadFromDisk(unsigned int nFile, unsigned int nBlockPos, bool fReadTransactions=true)

        // Open history file to read
        CAutoFile filein = CAutoFile(OpenBlockFile(false, nFile, nBlockPos, "rb"), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
        if (!filein)
            return error("CBlock::ReadFromDisk() : OpenBlockFile failed");
        if (!fReadTransactions)
            filein.nType |= SER_BLOCKHEADERONLY;

        // Read block
        try {
            filein >> *this;
        catch (std::exception &e) {
            return error("%s() : deserialize or I/O error", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

        // Check the header
        if (fReadTransactions && IsProofOfWork() && !CheckProofOfWork(GetHash(), nBits))
            return error("CBlock::ReadFromDisk() : errors in block header");

        return true;

    void print() const
        LogPrintf("CBlock(hash=%s, ver=%d, hashPrevBlock=%s, hashMerkleRoot=%s, nTime=%u, nBits=%08x, nNonce=%u, vtx=%u, vchBlockSig=%s)\n",
            nTime, nBits, nNonce,
            HexStr(vchBlockSig.begin(), vchBlockSig.end()).c_str());

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vtx.size(); i++)
            LogPrintf("  ");
        LogPrintf("  vMerkleTree: ");
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vMerkleTree.size(); i++)
            LogPrintf("%s ", vMerkleTree[i].ToString().substr(0,10).c_str());

    CBlockThin GetBlockThinOnly() const;

    bool DisconnectBlock(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex* pindex);
    bool ConnectBlock(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex* pindex, bool fJustCheck=false);

    bool ReadFromDisk(const CBlockIndex* pindex, bool fReadTransactions=true);
    bool SetBestChain(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex* pindexNew);
    bool AddToBlockIndex(unsigned int nFile, unsigned int nBlockPos, const uint256& hashProof);
    bool CheckBlock(bool fCheckPOW=true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot=true, bool fCheckSig=true) const;
    bool AcceptBlock();
    bool SignBlock(CWallet& keystore, int64_t nFees);
    bool CheckBlockSignature() const;

    bool GetHashProof(uint256& hashProof);

    bool SetBestChainInner(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex *pindexNew);

class CBlockThin : public CBlockHeader

    unsigned int nFlags;  // PoS block index flags
    uint256 hashProof;

    // Denial-of-service detection:
    mutable int nDoS;
    bool DoS(int nDoSIn, bool fIn) const { nDoS += nDoSIn; return fIn; }


    CBlockThin(CBlock &block)
        nVersion       = block.nVersion;
        hashPrevBlock  = block.hashPrevBlock;
        hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
        nTime          = block.nTime;
        nBits          = block.nBits;
        nNonce         = block.nNonce;

        nFlags         = 0;
        if (block.IsProofOfStake())





    void SetProofOfStake()
        nFlags |= BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE;

    bool SetStakeEntropyBit(unsigned int nEntropyBit)
        if (nEntropyBit > 1)
            return false;
        nFlags |= (nEntropyBit? BLOCK_STAKE_ENTROPY : 0);
        return true;

    bool IsProofOfWork() const
        return !(nFlags & BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE);

    bool IsProofOfStake() const
        return (nFlags & BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE);

    bool WriteBlockThinToDisk(unsigned int& nFileRet, unsigned int& nBlockPosRet)
        // Open history file to append
        CAutoFile fileout = CAutoFile(AppendBlockFile(true, nFileRet), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
        if (!fileout)
            return error("CBlockThin::WriteBlockThinToDisk() : AppendBlockFile failed");

        // Write index header
        unsigned int nSize = fileout.GetSerializeSize(*this);
        fileout << FLATDATA(Params().MessageStart()) << nSize;

        // Write block
        long fileOutPos = ftell(fileout);
        if (fileOutPos < 0)
            return error("CBlockThin::WriteBlockThinToDisk() : ftell failed");

        nBlockPosRet = fileOutPos;
        fileout << *(CBlockThin*)this;

        // Flush stdio buffers and commit to disk before returning
        if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() || (nBestHeight+1) % 500 == 0)

        return true;

    bool ReadBlockThinFromDisk(unsigned int nFile, unsigned int nBlockPos)

        // Open history file to read
        CAutoFile filein = CAutoFile(OpenBlockFile(false, nFile, nBlockPos, "rb"), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
        if (!filein)
            return error("CBlockThin::ReadBlockThinFromDisk() : OpenBlockFile failed");

        //filein.nType |= SER_BLOCKHEADERONLY;

        // Read block
        try {
            filein >> *this;
        } catch (std::exception &e)
            return error("%s() : deserialize or I/O error", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

        return true;

    bool AddToBlockThinIndex(unsigned int nFile, unsigned int nBlockPos, const uint256& hashProof);

    bool CheckBlockThin(bool fCheckPOW=true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot=true, bool fCheckSig=true) const;
    bool AcceptBlockThin();

    bool DisconnectBlockThin(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockThinIndex* pindex);
    bool ConnectBlockThin(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockThinIndex* pindex, bool fJustCheck=false);

    bool SetBestThinChain(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockThinIndex* pindexNew);

    bool SetBestThinChainInner(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockThinIndex *pindexNew);

/** The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the
 * genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple
 * candidates to be the next block.  pprev and pnext link a path through the
 * main/longest chain.  A blockindex may have multiple pprev pointing back
 * to it, but pnext will only point forward to the longest branch, or will
 * be null if the block is not part of the longest chain.
class CBlockIndex
    const uint256* phashBlock;
    CBlockIndex* pprev;
    CBlockIndex* pnext;
    unsigned int nFile;
    unsigned int nBlockPos;
    uint256 nChainTrust; // ppcoin: trust score of block chain
    int nHeight;

    int64_t nMint;
    int64_t nMoneySupply;
    int64_t nAnonSupply;

    unsigned int nFlags;  // ppcoin: block index flags

    uint64_t nStakeModifier; // hash modifier for proof-of-stake
    uint256 bnStakeModifierV2;

    // proof-of-stake specific fields
    COutPoint prevoutStake;
    unsigned int nStakeTime;

    uint256 hashProof;

    // block header
    int nVersion;
    uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
    unsigned int nTime;
    unsigned int nBits;
    unsigned int nNonce;

        phashBlock = NULL;
        pprev = NULL;
        pnext = NULL;
        nFile = 0;
        nBlockPos = 0;
        nHeight = 0;
        nChainTrust = 0;
        nMint = 0;
        nMoneySupply = 0;
        nAnonSupply = 0;
        nFlags = 0;
        nStakeModifier = 0;
        bnStakeModifierV2 = 0;
        hashProof = 0;
        nStakeTime = 0;

        nVersion       = 0;
        hashMerkleRoot = 0;
        nTime          = 0;
        nBits          = 0;
        nNonce         = 0;

    CBlockIndex(unsigned int nFileIn, unsigned int nBlockPosIn, CBlock& block)
        phashBlock = NULL;
        pprev = NULL;
        pnext = NULL;
        nFile = nFileIn;
        nBlockPos = nBlockPosIn;
        nHeight = 0;
        nChainTrust = 0;
        nMint = 0;
        nMoneySupply = 0;
        nAnonSupply = 0;
        nFlags = 0;
        nStakeModifier = 0;
        bnStakeModifierV2 = 0;
        hashProof = 0;
        if (block.IsProofOfStake())
            prevoutStake = block.vtx[1].vin[0].prevout;
            nStakeTime = block.vtx[1].nTime;
            nStakeTime = 0;

        nVersion       = block.nVersion;
        hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
        nTime          = block.nTime;
        nBits          = block.nBits;
        nNonce         = block.nNonce;

    CBlock GetBlockHeader() const
        CBlock block;
        block.nVersion       = nVersion;
        if (pprev)
            block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
        block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
        block.nTime          = nTime;
        block.nBits          = nBits;
        block.nNonce         = nNonce;

        return block;

    CBlockThin GetBlockThinOnly() const
        CBlockThin block;
        block.nVersion       = nVersion;
        if (pprev)
            block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
        block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
        block.nTime          = nTime;
        block.nBits          = nBits;
        block.nNonce         = nNonce;

        block.nFlags         = nFlags;
        block.hashProof      = hashProof;

        return block;

    uint256 GetBlockHash() const
        return *phashBlock;

    int64_t GetBlockTime() const
        return (int64_t)nTime;

    uint256 GetBlockTrust() const;

    bool IsInMainChain() const
        return (pnext || this == pindexBest);

    bool CheckIndex() const
        return true;

    int64_t GetPastTimeLimit() const
        if (Params().IsProtocolV2(nHeight))
            return GetBlockTime();
            return GetMedianTimePast();

    enum { nMedianTimeSpan=11 };

    int64_t GetMedianTimePast() const
        int64_t pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
        int64_t* pbegin = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
        int64_t* pend = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];

        const CBlockIndex* pindex = this;
        for (int i = 0; i < nMedianTimeSpan && pindex; i++, pindex = pindex->pprev)
            *(--pbegin) = pindex->GetBlockTime();

        std::sort(pbegin, pend);
        return pbegin[(pend - pbegin)/2];

     * Returns true if there are nRequired or more blocks of minVersion or above
     * in the last nToCheck blocks, starting at pstart and going backwards.
    static bool IsSuperMajority(int minVersion, const CBlockIndex* pstart,
                                unsigned int nRequired, unsigned int nToCheck);

    bool IsProofOfWork() const
        return !(nFlags & BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE);

    bool IsProofOfStake() const
        return (nFlags & BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE);

    void SetProofOfStake()
        nFlags |= BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE;

    unsigned int GetStakeEntropyBit() const
        return ((nFlags & BLOCK_STAKE_ENTROPY) >> 1);

    bool SetStakeEntropyBit(unsigned int nEntropyBit)
        if (nEntropyBit > 1)
            return false;
        nFlags |= (nEntropyBit? BLOCK_STAKE_ENTROPY : 0);
        return true;

    bool GeneratedStakeModifier() const
        return (nFlags & BLOCK_STAKE_MODIFIER);

    void SetStakeModifier(uint64_t nModifier, bool fGeneratedStakeModifier)
        nStakeModifier = nModifier;
        if (fGeneratedStakeModifier)
            nFlags |= BLOCK_STAKE_MODIFIER;

    std::string ToString() const
        return strprintf("CBlockIndex(nprev=%p, pnext=%p, nFile=%u, nBlockPos=%-6d nHeight=%d, nMint=%s, nMoneySupply=%s, nFlags=(%s)(%d)(%s), nStakeModifier=%016x, hashProof=%s, prevoutStake=(%s), nStakeTime=%d merkle=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
            pprev, pnext, nFile, nBlockPos, nHeight,
            FormatMoney(nMint), FormatMoney(nMoneySupply),
            GeneratedStakeModifier() ? "MOD" : "-", GetStakeEntropyBit(), IsProofOfStake()? "PoS" : "PoW",
            prevoutStake.ToString(), nStakeTime,

    void print() const
        LogPrintf("%s\n", ToString().c_str());

class CBlockThinIndex : public CBlockThin
    const uint256* phashBlock;
    CBlockThinIndex* pprev;
    CBlockThinIndex* pnext;
    unsigned int nFile;
    unsigned int nBlockPos;
    int nHeight;
    uint256 nChainTrust; // ppcoin: trust score of block chain

    //unsigned int nFlags;  // ppcoin: block index flags

    uint64_t nStakeModifier; // hash modifier for proof-of-stake

    uint256 hashProof;

        phashBlock = NULL;
        pprev = NULL;
        pnext = NULL;
        nFile = 0;
        nBlockPos = 0;
        nHeight = 0;

        nChainTrust = 0;
        nStakeModifier = 0;

        hashProof = 0;

        nVersion       = 0;
        hashMerkleRoot = 0;
        nTime          = 0;
        nBits          = 0;
        nNonce         = 0;
        nFlags         = 0;
        nStakeModifier = 0;

    CBlockThinIndex(unsigned int nFileIn, unsigned int nBlockPosIn, CBlockThin& block)
        phashBlock = NULL;
        pprev = NULL;
        pnext = NULL;
        nFile = nFileIn;
        nBlockPos = nBlockPosIn;
        nHeight = 0;

        hashProof = 0;

        nVersion       = block.nVersion;
        hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
        nTime          = block.nTime;
        nBits          = block.nBits;
        nNonce         = block.nNonce;

        nFlags         = block.nFlags;


    CBlockThin GetBlockThin() const
        CBlockThin blockThin;
        blockThin.nVersion       = nVersion;
        if (pprev)
            blockThin.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
        blockThin.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
        blockThin.nTime          = nTime;
        blockThin.nBits          = nBits;
        blockThin.nNonce         = nNonce;

        blockThin.nFlags         = nFlags;

        return blockThin;

    CBlock GetBlock() const
        CBlock block;
        block.nVersion       = nVersion;
        if (pprev)
            block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
        block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
        block.nTime          = nTime;
        block.nBits          = nBits;
        block.nNonce         = nNonce;

        return block;

    uint256 GetBlockHash() const
        return *phashBlock;

    int64_t GetBlockTime() const
        return (int64_t)nTime;

    uint256 GetBlockTrust() const;

    bool IsInMainChain() const
        return (pnext || this == pindexBestHeader);

    bool CheckIndex() const
        return true;

    int64_t GetPastTimeLimit() const
        if (Params().IsProtocolV2(nHeight))
            return GetBlockTime();
            return GetMedianTimePast();

    enum { nMedianTimeSpan=11 };

    int64_t GetMedianTimePast() const
        int64_t pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
        int64_t* pbegin = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
        int64_t* pend = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];

        const CBlockThinIndex* pindex = this;
        for (int i = 0; i < nMedianTimeSpan && pindex; i++, pindex = pindex->pprev)
            *(--pbegin) = pindex->GetBlockTime();

        std::sort(pbegin, pend);
        return pbegin[(pend - pbegin)/2];

     * Returns true if there are nRequired or more blocks of minVersion or above
     * in the last nToCheck blocks, starting at pstart and going backwards.
    static bool IsSuperMajority(int minVersion, const CBlockIndex* pstart,
                                unsigned int nRequired, unsigned int nToCheck);

    void SetProofOfStake()
        nFlags |= BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE;

    unsigned int GetStakeEntropyBit() const
        return ((nFlags & BLOCK_STAKE_ENTROPY) >> 1);
    bool SetStakeEntropyBit(unsigned int nEntropyBit)
        if (nEntropyBit > 1)
            return false;
        nFlags |= (nEntropyBit ? BLOCK_STAKE_ENTROPY : 0);
        return true;

    void SetStakeModifier(uint64_t nModifier, bool fGeneratedStakeModifier)
        nStakeModifier = nModifier;
        if (fGeneratedStakeModifier)
            nFlags |= BLOCK_STAKE_MODIFIER;

    bool GeneratedStakeModifier() const
        return (nFlags & BLOCK_STAKE_MODIFIER);

/** Used to marshal pointers into hashes for db storage. */
class CDiskBlockIndex : public CBlockIndex
    uint256 blockHash;

    uint256 hashPrev;
    uint256 hashNext;

        hashPrev = 0;
        hashNext = 0;
        blockHash = 0;

    explicit CDiskBlockIndex(CBlockIndex* pindex) : CBlockIndex(*pindex)
        hashPrev = (pprev ? pprev->GetBlockHash() : 0);
        hashNext = (pnext ? pnext->GetBlockHash() : 0);

        if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))

        if (IsProofOfStake())
        else if (fRead)
            const_cast<CDiskBlockIndex*>(this)->nStakeTime = 0;

        // block header

    uint256 GetBlockHash() const
        if (fUseFastIndex && (nTime < GetAdjustedTime() - 24 * 60 * 60) && blockHash != 0)
            return blockHash;

        CBlock block;
        block.nVersion        = nVersion;
        block.hashPrevBlock   = hashPrev;
        block.hashMerkleRoot  = hashMerkleRoot;
        block.nTime           = nTime;
        block.nBits           = nBits;
        block.nNonce          = nNonce;

        const_cast<CDiskBlockIndex*>(this)->blockHash = block.GetHash();

        return blockHash;

    std::string ToString() const
        std::string str = "CDiskBlockIndex(";
        str += CBlockIndex::ToString();
        str += strprintf("\n                hashBlock=%s, hashPrev=%s, hashNext=%s)",
        return str;

    void print() const
        LogPrintf("%s\n", ToString().c_str());

/** Used to marshal pointers into hashes for db storage. */
class CDiskBlockThinIndex : public CBlockThinIndex
    uint256 hashPrev;
    uint256 hashNext;

        hashPrev = 0;
        hashNext = 0;

    explicit CDiskBlockThinIndex(CBlockThinIndex* pindex) : CBlockThinIndex(*pindex)
        hashPrev = (pprev ? pprev->GetBlockHash() : 0);
        hashNext = (pnext ? pnext->GetBlockHash() : 0);

        if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))


        if (IsProofOfStake())
        } else
        if (fRead)
            const_cast<CDiskBlockIndex*>(this)->nStakeTime = 0;

        // block header

    CBlock GetBlock()
        CBlock block;
        block.nVersion        = nVersion;
        block.hashPrevBlock   = hashPrev;
        block.hashMerkleRoot  = hashMerkleRoot;
        block.nTime           = nTime;
        block.nBits           = nBits;
        block.nNonce          = nNonce;

        return block;

    uint256 GetBlockHash() const
        CBlock block;
        block.nVersion        = nVersion;
        block.hashPrevBlock   = hashPrev;
        block.hashMerkleRoot  = hashMerkleRoot;
        block.nTime           = nTime;
        block.nBits           = nBits;
        block.nNonce          = nNonce;
        return block.GetHash();

    bool GeneratedStakeModifier() const
        return (nFlags & BLOCK_STAKE_MODIFIER);

    int64_t GetBlockTime() const
        return (int64_t)nTime;

/** Describes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the
 * other node doesn't have the same branch, it can find a recent common trunk.
 * The further back it is, the further before the fork it may be.
class CBlockLocator
    std::vector<uint256> vHave;


    explicit CBlockLocator(const CBlockIndex* pindex)

    explicit CBlockLocator(uint256 hashBlock)
        std::map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashBlock);
        if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())

    CBlockLocator(const std::vector<uint256>& vHaveIn)
        vHave = vHaveIn;

        if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))

    void SetNull()

    bool IsNull()
        return vHave.empty();

    void Set(const CBlockIndex* pindex)
        int nStep = 1;
        while (pindex)

            // Exponentially larger steps back
            for (int i = 0; pindex && i < nStep; i++)
                pindex = pindex->pprev;

            if (vHave.size() > 10)
                nStep *= 2;

    void SetThin(const uint256& fromHash)
        // if the block is before the thin index 'window'
        // it is probably in the chain index of the peer, and the other hashes won't be missed


    int GetDistanceBack()
        // Retrace how far back it was in the sender's branch
        int nDistance = 0;
        int nStep = 1;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vHave)
            std::map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
            if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
                CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
                if (pindex->IsInMainChain())
                    return nDistance;
            nDistance += nStep;
            if (nDistance > 10)
                nStep *= 2;
        return nDistance;

    CBlockIndex* GetBlockIndex()
        // Find the first block the caller has in the main chain
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vHave)
            std::map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
            if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
                CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
                if (pindex->IsInMainChain())
                    return pindex;
        return pindexGenesisBlock;

    uint256 GetBlockHash()
        // Find the first block the caller has in the main chain
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vHave)
            std::map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hash);
            if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
                CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
                if (pindex->IsInMainChain())
                    return hash;
        return Params().HashGenesisBlock();

    int GetHeight()
        CBlockIndex* pindex = GetBlockIndex();
        if (!pindex)
            return 0;
        return pindex->nHeight;

/** Describes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the
 * other node doesn't have the same branch, it can find a recent common trunk.
 * The further back it is, the further before the fork it may be.
class CBlockThinLocator
    std::vector<uint256> vHave;


    explicit CBlockThinLocator(const CBlockThinIndex* pindex)

    explicit CBlockThinLocator(uint256 hashBlock)
        std::map<uint256, CBlockThinIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockThinIndex.find(hashBlock);
        if (mi != mapBlockThinIndex.end())

    CBlockThinLocator(const std::vector<uint256>& vHaveIn)
        vHave = vHaveIn;

        if (!(nType & SER_GETHASH))

    void SetNull()

    bool IsNull()
        return vHave.empty();

    void Set(const CBlockThinIndex* pindex)
        int nStep = 1;
        while (pindex)

            // Exponentially larger steps back
            for (int i = 0; pindex && i < nStep; i++)
                pindex = pindex->pprev;
            if (vHave.size() > 10)
                nStep *= 2;

    int GetDistanceBack()
        // Retrace how far back it was in the sender's branch
        int nDistance = 0;
        int nStep = 1;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vHave)
            std::map<uint256, CBlockThinIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockThinIndex.find(hash);
            if (mi != mapBlockThinIndex.end())
                CBlockThinIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
                if (pindex->IsInMainChain())
                    return nDistance;
            nDistance += nStep;
            if (nDistance > 10)
                nStep *= 2;
        return nDistance;

    CBlockThinIndex* GetBlockIndex()
        // Find the first block the caller has in the main chain
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vHave)
            std::map<uint256, CBlockThinIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockThinIndex.find(hash);
            if (mi != mapBlockThinIndex.end())
                CBlockThinIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
                if (pindex->IsInMainChain())
                    return pindex;
        return pindexGenesisBlockThin;

    uint256 GetBlockHash()
        // Find the first block the caller has in the main chain
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vHave)
            std::map<uint256, CBlockThinIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockThinIndex.find(hash);
            if (mi != mapBlockThinIndex.end())
                CBlockThinIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
                if (pindex->IsInMainChain())
                    return hash;
        return (Params().HashGenesisBlock());

    int GetHeight()
        CBlockThinIndex* pindex = GetBlockIndex();
        if (!pindex)
            return 0;
        return pindex->nHeight;

/** Data structure that represents a partial merkle tree.
 * It respresents a subset of the txid's of a known block, in a way that
 * allows recovery of the list of txid's and the merkle root, in an
 * authenticated way.
 * The encoding works as follows: we traverse the tree in depth-first order,
 * storing a bit for each traversed node, signifying whether the node is the
 * parent of at least one matched leaf txid (or a matched txid itself). In
 * case we are at the leaf level, or this bit is 0, its merkle node hash is
 * stored, and its children are not explorer further. Otherwise, no hash is
 * stored, but we recurse into both (or the only) child branch. During
 * decoding, the same depth-first traversal is performed, consuming bits and
 * hashes as they written during encoding.
 * The serialization is fixed and provides a hard guarantee about the
 * encoded size:
 *   SIZE <= 10 + ceil(32.25*N)
 * Where N represents the number of leaf nodes of the partial tree. N itself
 * is bounded by:
 *   N <= total_transactions
 *   N <= 1 + matched_transactions*tree_height
 * The serialization format:
 *  - uint32     total_transactions (4 bytes)
 *  - varint     number of hashes   (1-3 bytes)
 *  - uint256[]  hashes in depth-first order (<= 32*N bytes)
 *  - varint     number of bytes of flag bits (1-3 bytes)
 *  - byte[]     flag bits, packed per 8 in a byte, least significant bit first (<= 2*N-1 bits)
 * The size constraints follow from this.
class CPartialMerkleTree
    // the total number of transactions in the block
    unsigned int nTransactions;

    // node-is-parent-of-matched-txid bits
    std::vector<bool> vBits;

    // txids and internal hashes
    std::vector<uint256> vHash;

    // flag set when encountering invalid data
    bool fBad;

    // helper function to efficiently calculate the number of nodes at given height in the merkle tree
    unsigned int CalcTreeWidth(int height)
        return (nTransactions+(1 << height)-1) >> height;

    // calculate the hash of a node in the merkle tree (at leaf level: the txid's themself)
    uint256 CalcHash(int height, unsigned int pos, const std::vector<uint256> &vTxid);

    // recursive function that traverses tree nodes, storing the data as bits and hashes
    void TraverseAndBuild(int height, unsigned int pos, const std::vector<uint256> &vTxid, const std::vector<bool> &vMatch);

    // recursive function that traverses tree nodes, consuming the bits and hashes produced by TraverseAndBuild.
    // it returns the hash of the respective node.
    uint256 TraverseAndExtract(int height, unsigned int pos, unsigned int &nBitsUsed, unsigned int &nHashUsed, std::vector<uint256> &vMatch);

    // serialization implementation
        std::vector<unsigned char> vBytes;
        if (fRead)
            CPartialMerkleTree &us = *(const_cast<CPartialMerkleTree*>(this));
            us.vBits.resize(vBytes.size() * 8);
            for (unsigned int p = 0; p < us.vBits.size(); p++)
                us.vBits[p] = (vBytes[p / 8] & (1 << (p % 8))) != 0;
            us.fBad = false;
        } else
            for (unsigned int p = 0; p < vBits.size(); p++)
                vBytes[p / 8] |= vBits[p] << (p % 8);

    // Construct a partial merkle tree from a list of transaction id's, and a mask that selects a subset of them
    CPartialMerkleTree(const std::vector<uint256> &vTxid, const std::vector<bool> &vMatch);


    // extract the matching txid's represented by this partial merkle tree.
    // returns the merkle root, or 0 in case of failure
    uint256 ExtractMatches(std::vector<uint256> &vMatch);

/** Used to relay blocks as header + vector<merkle branch>
 * to filtered nodes.
class CMerkleBlock
    CBlockThin header;
    CPartialMerkleTree txn;
    // (not relayed)
    std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, uint256> > vMatchedTxn;

    // Create from a CBlock, filtering transactions according to filter
    // Note that this will call IsRelevantAndUpdate on the filter for each transaction,
    // thus the filter will likely be modified.

    CMerkleBlock(const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex *pBlockIndex, CBloomFilter& filter);


class CMerkleBlockIncoming : public CMerkleBlock
    unsigned int nProcessed;
    int64_t nTimeRecv;
    std::vector<uint256> vMatch;


    CMerkleBlockIncoming(CMerkleBlock &mb)
        header = mb.header;
        txn = mb.txn;
        //vMatchedTxn = mb.txn;

class CMBlkThinElement
    // send txns with thin block in 'mblkt' message
    CMerkleBlock merkleBlock;
    std::vector<CTransaction> vtx;

