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Test Coverage
// Copyright (c) 2014 The ShadowCoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or

#include "main.h"
#include "rpcserver.h"

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

#include "smessage.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "util.h"

using namespace json_spirit;

extern void TxToJSON(const CTransaction& tx, const uint256 hashBlock, json_spirit::Object& entry);

Value smsgenable(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgenable \n"
            "Enable secure messaging.");

    if (fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is already enabled.");

    Object result;
    result.push_back(Pair("result", (SecureMsgEnable() ? "Enabled secure messaging." : "Failed to enable secure messaging.")));

    return result;

Value smsgdisable(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgdisable \n"
            "Disable secure messaging.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is already disabled.");

    Object result;
    result.push_back(Pair("result", (SecureMsgDisable() ? "Disabled secure messaging." : "Failed to disable secure messaging.")));

    return result;

Value smsgoptions(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() > 3)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgoptions [list <with_description>|set <optname> <value>]\n"
            "smsgoptions list 1\n"
            " list possible options with descriptions.\n"
            "List and manage options.");

    std::string mode = "list";
    if (params.size() > 0)
        mode = params[0].get_str();

    Object result;

    if (mode == "list")
        bool fDescriptions = false;
        if (params.size() > 1)
            std::string value = params[1].get_str();
            fDescriptions     = IsStringBoolPositive(value);

        result.push_back(Pair("option", std::string("newAddressRecv = ") + (smsgOptions.fNewAddressRecv ? "true" : "false")));

        if (fDescriptions)
            result.push_back(Pair("newAddressRecv", "Enable receiving messages for newly created addresses."));
        result.push_back(Pair("option", std::string("newAddressAnon = ") + (smsgOptions.fNewAddressAnon ? "true" : "false")));

        if (fDescriptions)
            result.push_back(Pair("newAddressAnon", "Enable receiving anonymous messages for newly created addresses."));
        result.push_back(Pair("option", std::string("scanIncoming = ") + (smsgOptions.fScanIncoming ? "true" : "false")));

        if (fDescriptions)
            result.push_back(Pair("scanIncoming", "Scan incoming blocks for public keys."));

        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Success."));
    } else
    if (mode == "set")
        if (params.size() < 3)
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Too few parameters."));
            result.push_back(Pair("expected", "set <optname> <value>"));
            return result;

        std::string optname = params[1].get_str();
        std::string value   = params[2].get_str();

        std::transform(optname.begin(), optname.end(), optname.begin(), ::tolower);

        bool fValue;
        if (optname == "newaddressrecv")
            if (GetStringBool(value, fValue))
                smsgOptions.fNewAddressRecv = fValue;
            } else
                result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown value."));
                return result;
            result.push_back(Pair("set option", std::string("newAddressRecv = ") + (smsgOptions.fNewAddressRecv ? "true" : "false")));
        } else
        if (optname == "newaddressanon")
            if (GetStringBool(value, fValue))
                smsgOptions.fNewAddressAnon = fValue;
            } else
                result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown value."));
                return result;
            result.push_back(Pair("set option", std::string("newAddressAnon = ") + (smsgOptions.fNewAddressAnon ? "true" : "false")));
        } else
        if (optname == "scanincoming")
            if (GetStringBool(value, fValue))
                smsgOptions.fScanIncoming = fValue;
            } else
                result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown value."));
                return result;
            result.push_back(Pair("set option", std::string("scanIncoming = ") + (smsgOptions.fScanIncoming ? "true" : "false")));
        } else
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Option not found."));
            return result;
    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown Mode."));
        result.push_back(Pair("expected", "smsgoption [list|set <optname> <value>]"));
    return result;

Value smsglocalkeys(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() > 3)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsglocalkeys [whitelist|all|wallet|recv <+/-> <address>|anon <+/-> <address>]\n"
            "List and manage keys.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    Object result;

    std::string mode = "whitelist";
    if (params.size() > 0)
        mode = params[0].get_str();

    if (mode == "whitelist"
        || mode == "all")
        uint32_t nKeys = 0;
        int all = mode == "all" ? 1 : 0;
        Array keys;

        for (std::vector<SecMsgAddress>::iterator it = smsgAddresses.begin(); it != smsgAddresses.end(); ++it)
            if (!all
                && !it->fReceiveEnabled)

            CBitcoinAddress coinAddress(it->sAddress);
            if (!coinAddress.IsValid())

            std::string sPublicKey;

            CKeyID keyID;
            if (!coinAddress.GetKeyID(keyID))

            CPubKey pubKey;
            if (!pwalletMain->GetPubKey(keyID, pubKey))
            if (!pubKey.IsValid()
                || !pubKey.IsCompressed())

            sPublicKey = EncodeBase58(pubKey.begin(), pubKey.end());

            Object objM;

            std::string sLabel = pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[keyID];
            std::string sInfo;
            if (all)
                sInfo = std::string("Receive ") + (it->fReceiveEnabled ? "on,  " : "off, ");
            sInfo += std::string("Anon ") + (it->fReceiveAnon ? "on" : "off");
            //result.push_back(Pair("key", it->sAddress + " - " + sPublicKey + " " + sInfo + " - " + sLabel));
            objM.push_back(Pair("address", it->sAddress));
            objM.push_back(Pair("receive",(it->fReceiveEnabled ? "1" : "0")));
            objM.push_back(Pair("anon",(it->fReceiveAnon ? "1" : "0")));

        result.push_back(Pair("keys", keys));
        result.push_back(Pair("result", strprintf("%u", nKeys)));
    } else
    if (mode == "recv")
        if (params.size() < 3)
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Too few parameters."));
            result.push_back(Pair("expected", "recv <+/-> <address>"));
            return result;

        std::string op      = params[1].get_str();
        std::string addr    = params[2].get_str();

        std::vector<SecMsgAddress>::iterator it;
        for (it = smsgAddresses.begin(); it != smsgAddresses.end(); ++it)
            if (addr != it->sAddress)

        if (it == smsgAddresses.end())
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Address not found."));
            return result;

        if (op == "+" || op == "on"  || op == "add" || op == "a")
            it->fReceiveEnabled = true;
        } else
        if (op == "-" || op == "off" || op == "rem" || op == "r")
            it->fReceiveEnabled = false;
        } else
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown operation."));
            return result;

        std::string sInfo;
        sInfo = std::string("Receive ") + (it->fReceiveEnabled ? "on, " : "off,");
        sInfo += std::string("Anon ") + (it->fReceiveAnon ? "on" : "off");
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Success."));
        result.push_back(Pair("key", it->sAddress + " " + sInfo));
        return result;

    } else
    if (mode == "anon")
        if (params.size() < 3)
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Too few parameters."));
            result.push_back(Pair("expected", "anon <+/-> <address>"));
            return result;

        std::string op      = params[1].get_str();
        std::string addr    = params[2].get_str();

        std::vector<SecMsgAddress>::iterator it;
        for (it = smsgAddresses.begin(); it != smsgAddresses.end(); ++it)
            if (addr != it->sAddress)

        if (it == smsgAddresses.end())
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Address not found."));
            return result;

        if (op == "+" || op == "on"  || op == "add" || op == "a")
            it->fReceiveAnon = true;
        } else
        if (op == "-" || op == "off" || op == "rem" || op == "r")
            it->fReceiveAnon = false;
        } else
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown operation."));
            return result;

        std::string sInfo;
        sInfo = std::string("Receive ") + (it->fReceiveEnabled ? "on, " : "off,");
        sInfo += std::string("Anon ") + (it->fReceiveAnon ? "on" : "off");
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Success."));
        result.push_back(Pair("key", it->sAddress + " " + sInfo));
        return result;

    } else
    if (mode == "wallet")
        uint32_t nKeys = 0;
        Array keys;

        BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, std::string)& entry, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook)
            if (!IsDestMine(*pwalletMain, entry.first))

            CBitcoinAddress coinAddress(entry.first);
            if (!coinAddress.IsValid())

            std::string address;
            std::string sPublicKey;
            address = coinAddress.ToString();

            CKeyID keyID;
            if (!coinAddress.GetKeyID(keyID))

            CPubKey pubKey;
            if (!pwalletMain->GetPubKey(keyID, pubKey))
            if (!pubKey.IsValid()
                || !pubKey.IsCompressed())

            sPublicKey = EncodeBase58(pubKey.begin(), pubKey.end());

            Object objM;

            objM.push_back(Pair("key", address));
            objM.push_back(Pair("publickey", sPublicKey));
            objM.push_back(Pair("label", entry.second));

        result.push_back(Pair("keys", keys));
        result.push_back(Pair("result", strprintf("%u", nKeys)));
    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown Mode."));
        result.push_back(Pair("expected", "smsglocalkeys [whitelist|all|wallet|recv <+/-> <address>|anon <+/-> <address>]"));

    return result;

Value smsgscanchain(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgscanchain \n"
            "Look for public keys in the block chain.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    Object result;
    if (!SecureMsgScanBlockChain())
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Scan Chain Failed."));
    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Scan Chain Completed."));
    return result;

Value smsgscanbuckets(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgscanbuckets \n"
            "Force rescan of all messages in the bucket store.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
        throw std::runtime_error("Wallet is locked.");

    Object result;
    if (!SecureMsgScanBuckets())
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Scan Buckets Failed."));
    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Scan Buckets Completed."));
    return result;

Value smsgaddkey(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 2)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgaddkey <address> <pubkey>\n"
            "Add address, pubkey pair to database.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    std::string addr = params[0].get_str();
    std::string pubk = params[1].get_str();

    Object result;
    int rv = SecureMsgAddAddress(addr, pubk);
    if (rv != 0)
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Public key not added to db."));
        switch (rv)
            case 2:     result.push_back(Pair("reason", "publicKey is invalid."));                  break;
            case 3:     result.push_back(Pair("reason", "publicKey does not match address."));      break;
            case 4:     result.push_back(Pair("reason", "address is already in db."));              break;
            case 5:     result.push_back(Pair("reason", "address is invalid."));                    break;
            default:    result.push_back(Pair("reason", "error."));                                 break;
    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Added public key to db."));

    return result;

Value smsggetpubkey(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsggetpubkey <address>\n"
            "Return the base58 encoded compressed public key for an address.\n"
            "Tests localkeys first, then looks in public key db.\n");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    std::string address   = params[0].get_str();
    std::string publicKey;

    Object result;
    int rv = SecureMsgGetLocalPublicKey(address, publicKey);
    switch (rv)
        case 0:
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Success."));
            result.push_back(Pair("address", address));
            result.push_back(Pair("publickey", publicKey));
            return result; // success, don't check db
        case 2:
        case 3:
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Failed."));
            result.push_back(Pair("message", "Invalid address."));
            return result;
        case 4:
            break; // check db
        //case 1:
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Failed."));
            result.push_back(Pair("message", "Error."));
            return result;

    CBitcoinAddress coinAddress(address);

    CKeyID keyID;
    if (!coinAddress.GetKeyID(keyID))
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Failed."));
        result.push_back(Pair("message", "Invalid address."));
        return result;

    CPubKey cpkFromDB;
    rv = SecureMsgGetStoredKey(keyID, cpkFromDB);

    switch (rv)
        case 0:
            if (!cpkFromDB.IsValid()
                || !cpkFromDB.IsCompressed())
                result.push_back(Pair("result", "Failed."));
                result.push_back(Pair("message", "Invalid address."));
            } else
                //cpkFromDB.SetCompressedPubKey(); // make sure key is compressed
                publicKey = EncodeBase58(cpkFromDB.begin(), cpkFromDB.end());

                result.push_back(Pair("result", "Success."));
                result.push_back(Pair("address", address));
                result.push_back(Pair("publickey", publicKey));
        case 2:
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Failed."));
            result.push_back(Pair("message", "Address not found in wallet or db."));
            return result;
        //case 1:
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Failed."));
            result.push_back(Pair("message", "Error, GetStoredKey()."));
            return result;

    return result;

Value smsgsend(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 3)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgsend <addrFrom> <addrTo> <message>\n"
            "Send an encrypted message from addrFrom to addrTo.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    std::string addrFrom  = params[0].get_str();
    std::string addrTo    = params[1].get_str();
    std::string msg       = params[2].get_str();

    Object result;

    std::string sError;
    if (SecureMsgSend(addrFrom, addrTo, msg, sError) != 0)
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Send failed."));
        result.push_back(Pair("error", sError));
    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Sent."));

    return result;

Value smsgsendanon(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() != 2)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgsendanon <addrTo> <message>\n"
            "Send an anonymous encrypted message to addrTo.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    std::string addrFrom  = "anon";
    std::string addrTo    = params[0].get_str();
    std::string msg       = params[1].get_str();

    Object result;
    std::string sError;
    if (SecureMsgSend(addrFrom, addrTo, msg, sError) != 0)
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Send failed."));
        result.push_back(Pair("error", sError));
    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Sent."));

    return result;

Value smsginbox(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) // defaults to read
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsginbox [all|unread|clear]\n"
            "Decrypt and display all received messages.\n"
            "Warning: clear will delete all messages.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
        throw std::runtime_error("Wallet is locked.");

    std::string mode = "unread";
    if (params.size() > 0)
        mode = params[0].get_str();

    Object result;

    std::vector<unsigned char> vchKey;
    memset(&vchKey[0], 0, 16);


        SecMsgDB dbInbox;

        if (!dbInbox.Open("cr+"))
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not open DB.");

        uint32_t nMessages = 0;
        char cbuf[256];

        std::string sPrefix("im");
        unsigned char chKey[18];

        if (mode == "clear")

            leveldb::Iterator* it = dbInbox.pdb->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());
            while (dbInbox.NextSmesgKey(it, sPrefix, chKey))
            delete it;

            result.push_back(Pair("result", strprintf("Deleted %u messages.", nMessages)));
        } else
        if (mode == "all"
            || mode == "unread")
            int fCheckReadStatus = mode == "unread" ? 1 : 0;

            SecMsgStored smsgStored;
            MessageData msg;


            leveldb::Iterator* it = dbInbox.pdb->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());
            Array messageList;

            while (dbInbox.NextSmesg(it, sPrefix, chKey, smsgStored))
                if (fCheckReadStatus
                    && !(smsgStored.status & SMSG_MASK_UNREAD))

                uint32_t nPayload = smsgStored.vchMessage.size() - SMSG_HDR_LEN;
                if (SecureMsgDecrypt(false, smsgStored.sAddrTo, &smsgStored.vchMessage[0], &smsgStored.vchMessage[SMSG_HDR_LEN], nPayload, msg) == 0)
                    Object objM;
                    objM.push_back(Pair("success", "1"));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("received", getTimeString(smsgStored.timeReceived, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("sent", getTimeString(msg.timestamp, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("from", msg.sFromAddress));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("to", smsgStored.sAddrTo));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("text", std::string((char*)&msg.vchMessage[0]))); // ugh

                } else
                    Object objM;
                    objM.push_back(Pair("success", "0"));

                if (fCheckReadStatus)
                    smsgStored.status &= ~SMSG_MASK_UNREAD;
                    dbInbox.WriteSmesg(chKey, smsgStored);
            delete it;

            result.push_back(Pair("messages", messageList));
            result.push_back(Pair("result", strprintf("%u", nMessages)));

        } else
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown Mode."));
            result.push_back(Pair("expected", "[all|unread|clear]."));

    return result;

Value smsgoutbox(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) // defaults to read
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgoutbox [all|clear]\n"
            "Decrypt and display all sent messages.\n"
            "Warning: clear will delete all sent messages.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
        throw std::runtime_error("Wallet is locked.");

    std::string mode = "all";
    if (params.size() > 0)
        mode = params[0].get_str();

    Object result;

    std::string sPrefix("sm");
    unsigned char chKey[18];
    memset(&chKey[0], 0, 18);


        SecMsgDB dbOutbox;

        if (!dbOutbox.Open("cr+"))
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not open DB.");

        uint32_t nMessages = 0;
        char cbuf[256];

        if (mode == "clear")

            leveldb::Iterator* it = dbOutbox.pdb->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());
            while (dbOutbox.NextSmesgKey(it, sPrefix, chKey))
            delete it;

            result.push_back(Pair("result", strprintf("Deleted %u messages.", nMessages)));
        } else
        if (mode == "all")
            SecMsgStored smsgStored;
            MessageData msg;
            leveldb::Iterator* it = dbOutbox.pdb->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());

            Array messageList;

            while (dbOutbox.NextSmesg(it, sPrefix, chKey, smsgStored))
                uint32_t nPayload = smsgStored.vchMessage.size() - SMSG_HDR_LEN;

                if (SecureMsgDecrypt(false, smsgStored.sAddrOutbox, &smsgStored.vchMessage[0], &smsgStored.vchMessage[SMSG_HDR_LEN], nPayload, msg) == 0)
                    Object objM;
                    objM.push_back(Pair("success", "1"));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("sent", getTimeString(msg.timestamp, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("from", msg.sFromAddress));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("to", smsgStored.sAddrTo));
                    objM.push_back(Pair("text", std::string((char*)&msg.vchMessage[0]))); // ugh

                } else
                    Object objM;
                    objM.push_back(Pair("success", "0"));
            delete it;

            result.push_back(Pair("messages" ,messageList));
            result.push_back(Pair("result", strprintf("%u", nMessages)));
        } else
            result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown Mode."));
            result.push_back(Pair("expected", "[all|clear]."));

    return result;

Value smsgbuckets(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
    if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "smsgbuckets [stats|dump]\n"
            "Display some statistics.");

    if (!fSecMsgEnabled)
        throw std::runtime_error("Secure messaging is disabled.");

    std::string mode = "stats";
    if (params.size() > 0)
        mode = params[0].get_str();

    Object result;

    char cbuf[256];
    if (mode == "stats")
        uint32_t nBuckets = 0;
        uint32_t nMessages = 0;
        uint64_t nBytes = 0;
            std::map<int64_t, SecMsgBucket>::iterator it;
            it = smsgBuckets.begin();

            for (it = smsgBuckets.begin(); it != smsgBuckets.end(); ++it)
                std::set<SecMsgToken>& tokenSet = it->second.setTokens;

                std::string sBucket = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(it->first);
                std::string sFile = sBucket + "_01.dat";

                std::string sHash = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(it->second.hash);

                nMessages += tokenSet.size();

                Object objM;
                objM.push_back(Pair("bucket", sBucket));
                objM.push_back(Pair("time", getTimeString(it->first, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))));
                objM.push_back(Pair("no. messages", strprintf("%u", tokenSet.size())));
                objM.push_back(Pair("hash", sHash));
                objM.push_back(Pair("last changed", getTimeString(it->second.timeChanged, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))));

                boost::filesystem::path fullPath = GetDataDir() / "smsgStore" / sFile;

                if (!boost::filesystem::exists(fullPath))
                    // -- If there is a file for an empty bucket something is wrong.
                    if (tokenSet.size() == 0)
                        objM.push_back(Pair("file size", "Empty bucket."));
                        objM.push_back(Pair("file size, error", "File not found."));
                } else
                    try {

                        uint64_t nFBytes = 0;
                        nFBytes = boost::filesystem::file_size(fullPath);
                        nBytes += nFBytes;
                        objM.push_back(Pair("file size", bytesReadable(nFBytes)));
                    } catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
                        objM.push_back(Pair("file size, error", ex.what()));

                result.push_back(Pair("bucket", objM));
        }; // LOCK(cs_smsg);

        std::string snBuckets = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(nBuckets);
        std::string snMessages = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(nMessages);

        Object objM;
        objM.push_back(Pair("buckets", snBuckets));
        objM.push_back(Pair("messages", snMessages));
        objM.push_back(Pair("size", bytesReadable(nBytes)));
        result.push_back(Pair("total", objM));

    } else
    if (mode == "dump")
            std::map<int64_t, SecMsgBucket>::iterator it;
            it = smsgBuckets.begin();

            for (it = smsgBuckets.begin(); it != smsgBuckets.end(); ++it)
                std::string sFile = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(it->first) + "_01.dat";

                try {
                    boost::filesystem::path fullPath = GetDataDir() / "smsgStore" / sFile;
                } catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
                    //objM.push_back(Pair("file size, error", ex.what()));
                    LogPrintf("Error removing bucket file %s.\n", ex.what());
        }; // LOCK(cs_smsg);

        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Removed all buckets."));

    } else
        result.push_back(Pair("result", "Unknown Mode."));
        result.push_back(Pair("expected", "[stats|dump]."));

    return result;