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Test Coverage
// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The ShadowCoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or


#include <leveldb/db.h>
#include <leveldb/write_batch.h>

#include "net.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "wallet.h"
#include "lz4/lz4.h"

const unsigned int SMSG_HDR_LEN        = 104;               // length of unencrypted header, 4 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 16 + 33 + 32 + 4 +4
const unsigned int SMSG_PL_HDR_LEN     = 1+20+65+4;         // length of encrypted header in payload

const unsigned int SMSG_BUCKET_LEN     = 60 * 10;           // in seconds
const unsigned int SMSG_RETENTION      = 60 * 60 * 48;      // in seconds
const unsigned int SMSG_SEND_DELAY     = 2;                 // in seconds, SecureMsgSendData will delay this long between firing
const unsigned int SMSG_THREAD_DELAY   = 30;
const unsigned int SMSG_THREAD_LOG_GAP = 6;

const unsigned int SMSG_TIME_LEEWAY    = 60;
const unsigned int SMSG_TIME_IGNORE    = 90;                // seconds that a peer is ignored for if they fail to deliver messages for a smsgWant

const unsigned int SMSG_MAX_MSG_BYTES  = 4096;              // the user input part
const unsigned int SMSG_MAX_AMSG_BYTES = 512;               // the user input part (ANON)

// max size of payload worst case compression

#define SMSG_MASK_UNREAD            (1 << 0)

extern bool fSecMsgEnabled;

class SecMsgStored;

// Inbox db changed, called with lock cs_smsgDB held.
extern boost::signals2::signal<void (SecMsgStored& inboxHdr)> NotifySecMsgInboxChanged;

// Outbox db changed, called with lock cs_smsgDB held.
extern boost::signals2::signal<void (SecMsgStored& outboxHdr)> NotifySecMsgOutboxChanged;

// Wallet Unlocked, called after all messages received while locked have been processed.
extern boost::signals2::signal<void ()> NotifySecMsgWalletUnlocked;

class SecMsgBucket;
class SecMsgAddress;
class SecMsgOptions;

extern std::map<int64_t, SecMsgBucket>  smsgBuckets;
extern std::vector<SecMsgAddress>       smsgAddresses;
extern SecMsgOptions                    smsgOptions;

extern CCriticalSection cs_smsg;            // all except inbox and outbox
extern CCriticalSection cs_smsgDB;

#pragma pack(push, 1)
class SecureMessage
        nPayload = 0;
        pPayload = NULL;
        paid = false;

        if (pPayload)
            delete[] pPayload;
        pPayload = NULL;

    uint8_t  hash[4];
    uint8_t  version[2];
    uint8_t  flags;
    int64_t  timestamp;
    uint8_t  iv[16];
    uint8_t  cpkR[33];
    uint8_t  mac[32];
    uint8_t  nonce[4];
    uint32_t nPayload;
    uint8_t* pPayload;
    bool     paid;

#pragma pack(pop)

class MessageData
// -- Decrypted SecureMessage data
    int64_t               timestamp;
    std::string           sToAddress;
    std::string           sFromAddress;
    std::vector<uint8_t>  vchMessage;         // null terminated plaintext

class SecMsgToken
    SecMsgToken(int64_t ts, uint8_t* p, int np, long int o)
        timestamp = ts;

        if (np < 8) // payload will always be > 8, just make sure
            memset(sample, 0, 8);
            memcpy(sample, p, 8);
        offset = o;

    SecMsgToken() {};

    ~SecMsgToken() {};

    bool operator <(const SecMsgToken& y) const
        // pack and memcmp from timesent?
        if (timestamp == y.timestamp)
            return memcmp(sample, y.sample, 8) < 0;
        return timestamp < y.timestamp;

    int64_t timestamp;    // doesn't need to be full 64 bytes?
    uint8_t sample[8];    // first 8 bytes of payload - a hash
    int64_t offset;       // offset

class SecMsgBucket
        timeChanged     = 0;
        hash            = 0;
        nLockCount      = 0;
        nLockPeerId     = 0;
    ~SecMsgBucket() {};

    void hashBucket();

    int64_t               timeChanged;
    uint32_t              hash;           // token set should get ordered the same on each node
    uint32_t              nLockCount;     // set when smsgWant first sent, unset at end of smsgMsg, ticks down in ThreadSecureMsg()
    NodeId                nLockPeerId;    // id of peer that bucket is locked for
    std::set<SecMsgToken> setTokens;


// -- get at the data
class CBitcoinAddress_B : public CBitcoinAddress
    uint8_t getVersion()
        // TODO: fix
        if (vchVersion.size() > 0)
            return vchVersion[0];
        return 0;

class CKeyID_B : public CKeyID
    uint32_t* GetPPN()
        return pn;

class SecMsgAddress
    SecMsgAddress() {};
    SecMsgAddress(std::string sAddr, bool receiveOn, bool receiveAnon)
        sAddress        = sAddr;
        fReceiveEnabled = receiveOn;
        fReceiveAnon    = receiveAnon;

    std::string sAddress;
    bool        fReceiveEnabled;
    bool        fReceiveAnon;


// Secure Message Options
class SecMsgOptions
        // -- default options
        fNewAddressRecv = true;
        fNewAddressAnon = true;
        fScanIncoming   = true;

    bool fNewAddressRecv;
    bool fNewAddressAnon;
    bool fScanIncoming;

// Secure Message Crypter
class SecMsgCrypter
    uint8_t chKey[32];
    uint8_t chIV[16];
    bool fKeySet;

        // Try to keep the key data out of swap (and be a bit over-careful to keep the IV that we don't even use out of swap)
        // Note that this does nothing about suspend-to-disk (which will put all our key data on disk)
        // Note as well that at no point in this program is any attempt made to prevent stealing of keys by reading the memory of the running process.
        LockedPageManager::instance.LockRange(&chKey[0], sizeof chKey);
        LockedPageManager::instance.LockRange(&chIV[0], sizeof chIV);
        fKeySet = false;

        // clean key
        memset(&chKey, 0, sizeof chKey);
        memset(&chIV, 0, sizeof chIV);
        fKeySet = false;

        LockedPageManager::instance.UnlockRange(&chKey[0], sizeof chKey);
        LockedPageManager::instance.UnlockRange(&chIV[0], sizeof chIV);

    bool SetKey(const std::vector<uint8_t>& vchNewKey, uint8_t* chNewIV);
    bool SetKey(const uint8_t* chNewKey, uint8_t* chNewIV);
    bool Encrypt(uint8_t* chPlaintext,  uint32_t nPlain,  std::vector<uint8_t> &vchCiphertext);
    bool Decrypt(uint8_t* chCiphertext, uint32_t nCipher, std::vector<uint8_t>& vchPlaintext);

// Secure Message storage
class SecMsgStored
    int64_t              timeReceived;
    char                 status;         // read etc
    uint16_t             folderId;
    std::string          sAddrTo;        // when in owned addr, when sent remote addr
    std::string          sAddrOutbox;    // owned address this copy was encrypted with
    std::vector<uint8_t> vchMessage;     // message header + encryped payload


class SecMsgDB
        activeBatch = NULL;

        // -- deletes only data scoped to this SecMsgDB object.
        if (activeBatch)
            delete activeBatch;

    bool Open(const char* pszMode="r+");

    bool ScanBatch(const CDataStream& key, std::string* value, bool* deleted) const;

    bool TxnBegin();
    bool TxnCommit();
    bool TxnAbort();

    bool ReadPK(CKeyID& addr, CPubKey& pubkey);
    bool WritePK(CKeyID& addr, CPubKey& pubkey);
    bool ExistsPK(CKeyID& addr);

    bool NextSmesg(leveldb::Iterator* it, std::string& prefix, uint8_t* vchKey, SecMsgStored& smsgStored);
    bool NextSmesgKey(leveldb::Iterator* it, std::string& prefix, uint8_t* vchKey);
    bool ReadSmesg(uint8_t* chKey, SecMsgStored& smsgStored);
    bool WriteSmesg(uint8_t* chKey, SecMsgStored& smsgStored);
    bool ExistsSmesg(uint8_t* chKey);
    bool EraseSmesg(uint8_t* chKey);

    leveldb::DB *pdb;       // points to the global instance
    leveldb::WriteBatch *activeBatch;


int SecureMsgBuildBucketSet();
int SecureMsgAddWalletAddresses();

int SecureMsgReadIni();
int SecureMsgWriteIni();

bool SecureMsgStart(bool fDontStart, bool fScanChain);
bool SecureMsgShutdown();

bool SecureMsgEnable();
bool SecureMsgDisable();

bool SecureMsgReceiveData(CNode* pfrom, std::string strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv);
bool SecureMsgSendData(CNode* pto, bool fSendTrickle);

bool SecureMsgScanBlock(CBlock& block);
bool ScanChainForPublicKeys(CBlockIndex* pindexStart);
bool SecureMsgScanBlockChain();
bool SecureMsgScanBuckets();

int SecureMsgWalletUnlocked();
int SecureMsgWalletKeyChanged(std::string sAddress, std::string sLabel, ChangeType mode);

int SecureMsgScanMessage(uint8_t *pHeader, uint8_t *pPayload, uint32_t nPayload, bool reportToGui);

int SecureMsgGetStoredKey(CKeyID& ckid, CPubKey& cpkOut);
int SecureMsgGetLocalKey(CKeyID& ckid, CPubKey& cpkOut);
int SecureMsgGetLocalPublicKey(std::string& strAddress, std::string& strPublicKey);

int SecureMsgAddAddress(std::string& address, std::string& publicKey);

int SecureMsgRetrieve(SecMsgToken &token, std::vector<uint8_t>& vchData);

int SecureMsgReceive(CNode* pfrom, std::vector<uint8_t>& vchData);

int SecureMsgStoreUnscanned(uint8_t *pHeader, uint8_t *pPayload, uint32_t nPayload);
int SecureMsgStore(uint8_t *pHeader, uint8_t *pPayload, uint32_t nPayload, bool fUpdateBucket);
int SecureMsgStore(SecureMessage& smsg, bool fUpdateBucket);

int SecureMsgSend(std::string &addressFrom, std::string &addressTo, std::string &message, std::string &sError);

int SecureMsgValidate(uint8_t *pHeader, uint8_t *pPayload, uint32_t nPayload);
int SecureMsgSetHash (uint8_t *pHeader, uint8_t *pPayload, uint32_t nPayload);

int SecureMsgEncrypt(SecureMessage &smsg, const std::string &addressFrom, const std::string &addressTo, const std::string &message);

int SecureMsgDecrypt(bool fTestOnly, std::string &address, uint8_t *pHeader, uint8_t *pPayload, uint32_t nPayload, MessageData &msg);
int SecureMsgDecrypt(bool fTestOnly, std::string &address, SecureMessage &smsg, MessageData &msg);

#endif // SEC_MESSAGE_H