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# functionKit | What's new

## `3.4.0`
added more re-exports
## `3.3.0`

more new stuff

1. Array functions
A. `max()`
B. `min()`
C. `randomize()`
2. `random()`

Also, I have documented more code.

## `3.2.0`

A new function has been added

1. `range()`

It's inspired by Python's range function
And it does the same thing.


Also, functionKit now has removed some tools that we're not used.
(Check the commit about version `3.2.0` for more details)

## `3.1.0`

A new array function has been added

1. `clean()`

It cleans your array from falsy values.

## `3.0.1`

Well, 1 bug has been discovered.

### Bug fixes

1. **`app.ts`/`app.js` re-exports**

Just because i forgot
to re-export other functions.

## `3.0.0`

Another major release!? w h a t

### Breaking changes

1. Array functions

Because, it's a 1 KB waste of
pointless methods you can do without

## `2.0.0`

Some changes were backwards-broken.

### Breaking Changes

1. `sum()`
A. Inputs/Params

The only change here is that you input an number array (`number[]`).
At least 2 numbers in the array.

But this also lets the user to sum more numbers!

### New features

1. Calculation Functions
A. `multiply()`
B. `calcPercent()`

Now you can get a percent from 2 numbers!


calcPercent(0.5, 1)
// Returns: 50

calcPercent(0.5, 1, true)
// Returns '50%'

## `1.1.0`

New Functions were added.

### New features

1. Array Functions
A. `add()`
B. `remove()`

Well of course nobody would use them right?

But there are some problems.

#### Problems

1. Array Functions
A. `remove()`
The item removed by `remove()`
Gets turned into `undefined`,
Breaking jest tests.
The good news is that the tests will not fail,
after being modified.
And for your code, It will detect it's `falsy`,
Thus, it looks, does not exist, right?