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Test Coverage
# There are multiple WebTranslateIt for Go, uncomment the api_key you want to use
api_key: proj_pub_sFyFJRPy8lu-r3AKvMcBEw # Sharetribe Go - Main interface
# api_key: proj_pub_rAKU_rb4rGIVa1P5nAWy-Q # Sharetribe Go - Admin panel (new version)

# Optional: locales not to sync with WebTranslateIt.
# Takes a string, a symbol, or an array of string or symbol.
# More information here:
# ignore_locales: 'en'

# Or if you prefer a list of locales to sync with WebTranslateIt:
# needed_locales: ["fi", "pl", "et", "zh", "nl", "sl", "en", "de", "cs", "sk-SK", "es", "fr", "ar", "ti", "he-IL", "lt", "lv", "sq-AL", "is", "ro", "it", "mk", "es-MX", "ca", "az-AZ", "crp", "hr", "ta-IN", "tr-TR", "zh-HK", "es-CL", "id", "hy-AM", "uk", "es-ES", "nb", "ms-MY", "el", "sw", "ru", "sr", "fr-CA", "en-AU", "zh-TW", "th-TH", "eo", "hi-IN", "ja", "hu", "sv", "bg", "en-NZ", "eu-ES", "mn", "ka", "pt-PT", "vi", "ab", "pt-BR", "da-DK", "en-GB", "ko", "bn-BD", "km-KH"]

# Optional
# before_pull: "echo 'some unix command'"   # Command executed before pulling files
# after_pull:  "touch tmp/restart.txt"      # Command executed after pulling files
# before_push: "echo 'some unix command'"   # Command executed before pushing files
# after_push:  "touch tmp/restart.txt"      # Command executed after pushing files

# Silence SSL errors
# silence_errors: true