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Test Coverage
_Please add only one problem per Issue. If you are facing multiple problems, add multiple Issues._

##### Sharetribe Version:

_Share the git commit hash of the version of Sharetribe that you are using. You can find it by running `git rev-parse HEAD` in your Sharetribe directory._

##### Environment:

_What's your environment? Mac OS X, Heroku, or something else?_

_What's your node version? Run the following commands and copy the result here:_

> node -v
> npm -v

##### Server mode:

_Are you running in development or production mode?_

##### Description:

_In our own words, briefly describe the issue. Please add enough details, yet be concise._

##### Steps To Reproduce:

_List the actions that will reproduce the issue._

_This is the **most important** part of the issue report. If we're not able to reproduce the issue, there's not much we can do about it. Please provide precise steps how to reproduce the issue._

1. _Step 1_
1. _Step 2_
1. _Step 3_

Expected result: _What was the expected result after running the steps above?_

Actual result: _What was the actual result after running the steps above?_

##### Additional information

_Please provide any additional information that helps debugging, e.g. log output or stack trace of the error_