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/* eslint-env commonjs */

// This file has three tasks:
// 1. Initialize global.I18n if we are in server environment
// 1. Load the language bundle if we are in server environment
// 2. Require the i18n-js library and export it
// The language bundle is loaded in a global I18n variable like this:
// `global.I18n.translations["en"] = <translation json>`
// The i18n-js library is able to read the language bundle from that global

import { span } from 'r-dom';
import { bind, includes } from 'lodash';

const isServer = function isServer() {
  return typeof window === 'undefined';

if (isServer()) {

  // Initialize global.I18n
  // In browser we initialize this in a script-tag manually
  global.I18n = {};

  // Load the translation bundle in the global.I18n variable.
  // In browser the bundle is loaded in a separate script-tag.

  try {
    // The translation bundle will be loaded to the global I18n
    // variable. Initialize the variable here.
  } catch (e) {
    console.warn("Can't load language bundle all.js"); // eslint-disable-line no-console

// Load the i18n-js library. The library is able to read the
// translations from the global.I18n variable. This variable needs to
// be initialized before loading the i18n-js library, so that the
// library can use the existing I18n object
const I18n = require('i18n-js');

const missingTranslationMessage = function missingTranslationMessage(scope) {
  return `[missing "${scope}" translation]`;

const initialize = function initialize(i18nLocale, i18nDefaultLocale, env, localeInfo) {
  I18n.locale = i18nLocale;
  I18n.defaultLocale = i18nDefaultLocale;
  I18n.interpolationMode = 'split';
  I18n.localeInfo = localeInfo != null ? localeInfo : { ident: i18nLocale };

  if (env === 'development') {
    I18n.missingTranslation = function displayMissingTranslation(scope) {
      return span({ className: 'missing-translation', style: { backgroundColor: 'red !important' } }, missingTranslationMessage(scope));
  } else {
    I18n.missingTranslation = function guessMissingTranslation(scope) {
      // This is a sligthly modified guess function. Original:

      // Get only the last portion of the scope
      const s = scope.split('.').slice(-1)[0];

      // Replace underscore with space && camelcase with space and lowercase letter
      const guess = s
              .replace(/_/g, ' ')
              .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, (match, p1, p2) => `${p1} ${p2.toLowerCase()}`);

      const uppercasedGuess = guess[0].toUpperCase() + guess.substr(1);

      return (this.missingTranslationPrefix.length > 0 ? this.missingTranslationPrefix : '') + uppercasedGuess;

const localizedString = function localizedString(localizationMap, scope) {
  if (localizationMap == null || localizationMap.size === 0) {
    return missingTranslationMessage(scope);

  if (localizationMap.get(I18n.locale)) {
    return localizationMap.get(I18n.locale);
  } else if (localizationMap.get(I18n.defaultLocale)) {
    return localizationMap.get(I18n.defaultLocale);
  } else {
    return localizationMap.first();

const localizedPricingUnit = function localizedPricingUnit(pricingUnit) {
  const pricingUnitType = pricingUnit.get(':unit');
  if (pricingUnitType === 'custom') {
    return localizedString(pricingUnit.get(':customTranslations'), 'pricing unit');
  } else if (includes(['piece', 'hour', 'day', 'night', 'week', 'month'], pricingUnitType)) {
    return I18n.t(`web.listings.pricing_units.${pricingUnitType}`);
  return missingTranslationMessage(pricingUnitType);

const currentLocale = function currentLocale() {
  return I18n.localeInfo;

const fullLocaleCode = function fullLocaleCode() {
  const localeInfo = currentLocale();
  if (!(localeInfo && localeInfo.language && localeInfo.region)) {
    throw new Error('No locale found');

  return `${localeInfo.language.toLowerCase()}-${localeInfo.region.toUpperCase()}`;

// Bind functions to I18n
const translate = bind(I18n.translate, I18n);
const localize = bind(I18n.localize, I18n);
const pluralize = bind(I18n.pluralize, I18n);
const t = bind(I18n.t, I18n);
const l = bind(I18n.l, I18n);
const p = bind(I18n.p, I18n);

export {