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1) Lots more documentation. All public methods and All classes need rdoc, including example usage where applicable

2) Other non-code documentation:
  - Gamebox convensions (data dir is the big one)
  - High level: what is a Stage, Actor, Director, etc, the description of the concepts Gamebox uses
  - update / render loop
  - Parallax and view layers
  - Publisher usage. how why and where

 * visibility should be a part of graphical

 * To reiterate the documentation point, given that Behaviors are the core of Gamebox, this class will need a
    lot of documentation on what they are, why it's done this way, how to make your own, etc.

 * Potential confusion with #add_collision_func. The comment implies that :foo and :bar won't be registerd to collide, nor will :baz or :yar. Would it make more sense to change the signature to:

     add_collision_func(*these_things, *can_collide_with) 
   or make it just a straight *args and Gamebox will register all permutations of the given arguments?

 * Potentially doing too much? Split out font, sound, image loading into seperate manager subclasses?

 * create_actors_from_svg sounds more like a resource manager job than the stage

 * seems to handle too much. This class shouldn't care about physics, possibly have a PhysicalActorView instead for rendering according to Chipmunk?


 - Auto dependency detection and resolution for behaviors

 - Possible implementation for dynamic behavior parameters (see mjr_ruby background.rb)
   * In line w/ procs that get evaluated later:
      has_behaviors :graphical => {:tiled => true, :num_x_tiles => proc{|alksjdfla| alkdjfasd }
   * Can set later
      has_behaviors :graphical => {:tiled => true}

      def initialize
         self.graphical.num_x_tiles = ...