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import {EmptyElement} from "../elements/EmptyElement";
import {NestableElement} from "../elements/NestableElement";
import {Piper} from "./Piper";
import {Renderable} from "./Renderable";
import {Attributes, SimpleObject} from "../interfaces";
import {StringLiteral} from "./StringLiteral";
import {Each, EachRenderFunction} from "../structural/Each";
import {Group} from "../structural/Group";
import {If} from "../structural/If";
import {Switch, Switchable} from "../structural/Switch";
import {kebabToCamelCase, isRenderable, isString} from "../Util";

/** @ignore Matches a valid HTML tag name */
const VALID_HTML_TAG_NAME = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(-[a-zA-Z]+)*$/g;

/** @ignore Matches a valid name for a composition */
const VALID_COMPOSITION_NAME = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/g;
 * The Aych class exposes all of the libraries features in an encapsulated package.
export class Aych {
    private static scoped: Array<string> = [];
    private static isScoped = false;

     * Factory for creating element factories.
     * @param elType The type of element to create.
     * @param tagName The name of the tag that is used.
    static create(tagName: string, elType: Aych.ElementType): string {
        tagName = tagName.trim();
        if (!tagName.match(VALID_HTML_TAG_NAME)) {
            throw new Error('Tag names should start with a letter and only contain letters, numbers, and dashes between two characters (yes: the-tag-name, no: the---tag---name).');

        // The name to use for the actual define
        const tagDefinitionName = kebabToCamelCase(tagName);
        if (elType == Aych.ElementType.NESTED) {
            // Create a nestable element factory on Aych
            const element = function (tier1?: string | Renderable | Attributes, tier2?: string | Renderable | Attributes,  ...children: (Renderable|string)[]) {
                return new NestableElement(tagName, tier1, tier2, ...children);
            Aych.define(tagDefinitionName, element);
        } else if (elType == Aych.ElementType.EMPTY) {
            // Create am empty element factory on Aych
            const element = function (tier1?: string | Attributes, tier2?: Attributes) {
                return new EmptyElement(tagName, tier1, tier2);
            Aych.define(tagDefinitionName, element);
        } else {
            throw new Error('ElementType does not exist: ' + elType);
        return tagName;

     * Remove a created tag or composition.
     * @param name Name of the tag or composition.
    static destroy(name: string) {
        name = kebabToCamelCase(name.trim());
        if (, name)) {
            delete Aych.prototype[name];

     * Defines a method on Aych that when called returns back a Renderable. These are
     * known as composables.
     * @param name Name of the composable.
     * @param composition The method that the defines what arguments the composable takes
     * and which renderable it returns.
    static compose(name: string, composition: (...args: any[]) => string | Renderable): void {
        name = name.trim();
        if (!name.match(VALID_COMPOSITION_NAME)) {
            throw new Error('Composition names should start with a letter or underscore and only contain letters, numbers, dashed, and underscores throughout.');
        Aych.define(name, composition);

     * Converts a javascript string literal into an Aych StringLiteral.
     * @param str The string literal to convert.
    string(str: any): StringLiteral {
        if (!isString(str)) {
            str = str.toString();
        return new StringLiteral(str);

     * Converts a javascript string literal into an unescaped StringLiteral.
     * @param str The string literal to convert.
    unescaped(str: any): StringLiteral {
        return new StringLiteral(str, false);

    // ---------- Statements prefixed by $ ----------

     * Scopes Aych
     * @param scope
    // @ts-ignore
    $(scope: (self: Aych) => void | string | Renderable, data: SimpleObject = {}, render = true): void | string | Renderable {
        Aych.isScoped = true;
        const callerResult =, this);
        Aych.isScoped = false;

        if (isString(callerResult)) {
            return render ? callerResult : new StringLiteral(callerResult, false);
        } else if (isRenderable(callerResult)) {
            return render ? callerResult.render(data) : callerResult;

     * Renders a renderable for each item in a list.
     * @param items The items used to iterate through.
     * @param toRender The renderable to create for each item.
     * @param indexName The index name used for the template string for each renderable.
     * @param itemName The item name used for the template string for each renderable.
    $each(items: Iterable<any>, renderable: EachRenderFunction | Renderable | string, indexName?: string, itemName?: string): Each {
        return new Each(items, renderable, indexName, itemName);

     * Renders a renderable for each key/value pair in an object.
     * @param items An object to iterate through.
     * @param renderable The renderable to iterate.
    $eachIn(items: SimpleObject, renderable: EachRenderFunction | Renderable | string): Each {
        return new Each(Object.entries(items), renderable);

     * Renders a renderable x number of times.
     * @param times Number of times to render.
     * @param renderable The renderable to render.
    $repeat(times: number, renderable: EachRenderFunction | Renderable | string) {
        return new Each([...Array(times).keys()], renderable);

     * Renders a set of Renderable one after another.
     * @param members A set of one or more members to add to the group.
    $group (...members: (Renderable|string)[]): Group {
        return new Group(...members);

     * Renders a Renderable based on a condition.
     * @param condition The condition that determines if the renderable gets rendered.
     * @param toRenderIf The renderable to render if the condition is true.
     * @param toRenderElse The renderable to render if the condition is false (and no truthy elif exists).
    $if (condition: boolean, ifRenderable: Renderable | string, elseRenderable?: Renderable | string): If {
        return new If(condition, ifRenderable, elseRenderable);

     * Renders one out of one or more renderable based on the value of the switch.
     * @param value The value determines which cases is chosen and rendered.
     * @param cases A set of cases with a value associated to it.
    $switch (value: Switchable, ...cases: Switch.Case<Switchable>[]): Switch<Switchable> {
        if (isString(value)) {
            return new Switch<string>(value as string, ...cases as Switch.Case<string>[]);
        } else {
            return new Switch<number>(value as number, ...cases as Switch.Case<number>[]);

     * A case for the switch statements.
     * @param value The value determines which cases is chosen and rendered.
     * @param renderable The renderable associated with this case.
    // @ts-ignore that the return type is not a renderable (an exception)
    $case (value: Switchable, renderable: Renderable | string): Switch.Case<Switchable> {
        if (isString(value)) {
            return new Switch.Case(value as string, renderable);
        } else {
            return new Switch.Case(value as number, renderable);

     * Exported Piper
    static Piper = Piper;

     * Defines a property on Aych's prototype.
     * @param name Name of the property.
     * @param value Value of the property.
     * @param configurable If the property can be configured.
     * @param writable If the property can be written.
    private static define(name: string, value: any, configurable = true, writable = false): void {
        let propertyName = name.trim();

        if (, propertyName)) {
            throw new Error(`You cannot define ${propertyName} on Aych because it already exists. Please call Aych.destroy("${propertyName}") before redefining.`);
        // Pushed scoped variables for deletion.
        if (Aych.isScoped) {
        Object.defineProperty(Aych.prototype, propertyName, { value, configurable, writable });

    [dynamicProperty: string]: (...args: any[]) => Renderable;

export namespace Aych {
    export enum ElementType {

/** List of nested elements available through Aych */
const nestedElements = [
nestedElements.forEach((tag) => Aych.create(tag, Aych.ElementType.NESTED));

/** List of empty elements available through Aych */
const emptyElements = [
emptyElements.forEach((tag) => Aych.create(tag, Aych.ElementType.EMPTY));