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Test Coverage
name: Bug report 🐛
about: Create a bug report for React-Scrollbar-Size.
labels: bug

<!-- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above -->

  Thank you very much for contributing to React-Scrollbar-Size by creating an issue! ❤️
  To avoid duplicate issues we ask you to check off the following list.

<!-- Checked checkbox should look like this: [x] -->

- [ ] The issue is present in the latest release.
- [ ] I have searched the [issues]( of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.

## Current Behavior 😯

<!-- Describe what happens instead of the expected behavior. -->

## Expected Behavior 🤔

<!-- Describe what should happen. -->

## Steps to Reproduce 🕹

  Provide a link to a live example (you can use and an unambiguous set of steps to reproduce this bug.
  Include code to reproduce, if relevant (which it most likely is).

  Issues without some form of live example have a longer response time.



## Context 🔦

  What are you trying to accomplish? How has this issue affected you?
  Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world.

## Your Environment 🌎

  Include as many relevant details about the environment with which you experienced the bug.
  If you encounter issues with typescript please include version and tsconfig.

| Tech                 | Version |
| -------------------- | ------- |
| React-Scrollbar-Size | v3.?.?  |
| React                |         |
| Browser              |         |
| TypeScript           |         |
| etc.                 |         |