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Test Coverage
 * Contains Date class for Alphred
 * PHP version 5
 * @package    Alphred
 * @copyright  Shawn Patrick Rice 2014
 * @license  MIT
 * @version    1.0.0
 * @author     Shawn Patrick Rice <>
 * @link
 * @link
 * @since      File available since Release 1.0.0

namespace Alphred;

 * Provides text filters for date objects
 * This class should be cleaned up quite a bit, and it needs to be made pluggable
 * so that it can be used by languages other than English. But, _I think_ right now
 * it is good enough to be released because it falls into "special sauce" rather
 * than necessary functionality.
 * @todo Abstract the time dictionaries so that they can be translated
 * @todo Add in a less precise version of "seconds to human time"
 * @todo Make these work with dates before Jan 1, 1970
class Date {

    private static $legend_english = [
        'millenium' => [ 'multiple' => 'millenia',  'value' => 31536000000 ],
        'century'   => [ 'multiple' => 'centuries', 'value' => 3153600000  ],
        'decade'    => [ 'multiple' => 'decades',   'value' => 315360000   ],
        'year'      => [ 'multiple' => 'years',     'value' => 31536000    ],
        'month'     => [ 'multiple' => 'months',    'value' => 2592000     ],
        'week'      => [ 'multiple' => 'weeks',     'value' => 604800      ],
        'day'       => [ 'multiple' => 'days',      'value' => 86400       ],
        'hour'      => [ 'multiple' => 'hours',     'value' => 3600        ],
        'minute'    => [ 'multiple' => 'minutes',   'value' => 60          ],
        'second'    => [ 'multiple' => 'seconds',   'value' => 1           ]

     * Returns a slightly modified array of the difference between two dates
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @todo Fix for values before Jan 1, 1970
     * @param  int $date1 a date in seconds
     * @param  int $date2 a date in seconds
     * @return array  an array that represents the difference in granular units
    private function diff_a_date( $date1, $date2 ) {

        $date1 = new \DateTime( date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', $date1 ) );
        $date2 = new \DateTime( date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', $date2 ) );
        $diff  = $date1->diff( $date2 );

        $millenia = floor( $diff->y / 1000 );
        $diff->y = $diff->y % 1000;
        $centuries = floor( $diff->y / 100 );
        $diff->y = $diff->y % 100;
        $decades = floor( $diff->y / 10 );
        $diff->y = $diff->y % 10;

        return [
            'units' => [
                'decades' => $decades,
                'years'   => $diff->y,
                'months'  => $diff->m,
                // Calculate weeks
                'weeks'   => floor( $diff->d / 7 ),
                // Calculate leftover days
                'days'    => $diff->d % 7,
                'hours'   => $diff->h,
                'minutes' => $diff->i,
                'seconds' => $diff->s
            // Is the date in the past or the future?
            'tense' => ( ( 0 === $diff->invert ) ? 'past' : 'future' )


     * Converts a time diff into a human readable approximation
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @todo Fix for values before Jan 1, 1970
     * @todo make available for non-English languages
     * @param int     $seconds a date represented in seconds since the unix epoch
     * @param string  $dictionary what language to use (currently unsupported and ignored)
     * @return string       a fuzzy time
    public function fuzzy_ago( $seconds, $dictionary = 'english' ) {

        if ( $seconds < 0 ) {
            return false;

        // Do a quick diff
        $diff = self::diff_a_date( $seconds, time() );
        // Get the tense
        $tense = $diff['tense'];
        // Get the units
        $times = $diff['units'];
        // We want it a bit more granular...

        // Table of how many are in the next
        $post_units = [
            'seconds'   => 60, // 60 seconds in a minute
            'minutes'   => 60, // 60 minutes in an hour
            'hours'     => 24, // 24 hours in a day
            'days'      => 7,  // 7 days in a week
            'weeks'     => 4,  // 4 weeks in a month
            'months'    => 12, // 12 months in a year
            'years'     => 10, // 10 years in a decade
            'decades'   => 10, // 10 decades in a century
            'centuries' => 10, // 10 centuries in a millenia

        // Plural => singular translation table
        $singular = [
            'seconds'   => 'second',
            'minutes'   => 'minute',
            'hours'     => 'hour',
            'days'      => 'day',
            'weeks'     => 'week',
            'months'    => 'month',
            'years'     => 'year',
            'decades'   => 'decade',
            'centuries' => 'century',

        // It's weird to say "last minute," so we'll say "a minute ago," etc...
        $special = [
            'seconds' => [ 'past' => 'just now',          'future' => 'in a second' ],
            'minutes' => [ 'past' => 'a minute ago', 'future' => 'in a minute' ],
            'hours'   => [ 'past' => 'an hour ago',  'future' => 'in an hour'  ],
            'days'    => [ 'past' => 'yesterday',       'future' => 'tomorrow'    ]

        // Set preliminary tense prefix and suffix strings
        if ( 'past' === $tense ) {
            $tense_prefix = '';
            $tense_suffix = ' ago';
        } else {
            $tense_prefix = 'in ';
            $tense_suffix = '';

        // We're going to define two thresholds to use. These will indicate whether or not we
        // should use the next unit up to define the time.
        $threshold1 = 0.6;
        $threshold2 = 0.8;

        // Cycle through the array to try to find the right values
        foreach( $times as $unit => $value ) :
            if ( ( 0 == $value ) && ( ! isset( $main_unit ) ) ) {
                $previous_unit = $unit;
            } else if ( isset( $main_unit ) ) {
                $next_unit = $unit;
                $next_value = $value;
            if ( ( 0 != $value ) && ( ! isset( $main_unit ) ) ) {
                $main_unit = $unit;
                $main_value = $value;

        // Add on the remainder of the "next unit" so that we can get it in base 10
        $main_value += ( $post_units[ $next_unit ] ) ? ( $next_value / $post_units[ $next_unit ] ) : 0;

        // So, we've defined two thresholds that will have us "round up" to the next
        // unit (i.e. day -> week and week->month). Check, first, if they're close enough
        // that we should use the greater unit.
        if ( $main_value / $post_units[ $main_unit ] > $threshold2 ) {
            // The first threshold ($threshold2) rounds to "almost a {next unit}"
            // So, "almost a week" instead of "5 days ago"
            if ( 'hours' == $singular[ $previous_unit ] ) {
                $string = "almost an {$singular[ $previous_unit ]}";
            } else {
                $string = "almost a {$singular[ $previous_unit ]}";
        } else if ( $main_value / $post_units[ $main_unit ] > $threshold1 ) {
            // The second threshold rounds to "last {next unit}"
            // So, "last week" or "next week" instead of "4 days ago"

            if ( isset( $special[ $previous_unit ] ) ) {
                $string = $special[ $previous_unit ][ $tense ];
                $tense_prefix = '';
                $tense_suffix = '';
            } else {
                $string = "{$singular[ $previous_unit ]}";
                if ( $tense_prefix ) {
                    $tense_prefix = 'next ';
                } else {
                    $tense_prefix = 'last ';
                    $tense_suffix = '';
        } else {
            // If it's close enough to 1, then we'll use a singular
            if ( 1 == $main_value || 1 == round( $main_value ) ) {
                if ( isset( $special[ $main_unit ] ) ) {
                    $string = $special[ $main_unit ][ $tense ];
                    $tense_prefix = '';
                    $tense_suffix = '';
                } else {
                    $string = "a {$singular[ $main_unit ]}";
            } else if ( 2 == $main_value || 2 == round( $main_value ) ) {
                // If it's close enough to 2, then we'll use 'a couple'
                $string = "a couple {$main_unit}";
            } else {
                // We'll default to 'a few' because other cases should have already been taken care of.
                $string = "a few {$main_unit}";

        // We're going to return a string that has a prefix, the main string, and a suffix.
        // The prefix and suffix may be empty, but that depends on whether or not it's in the future
        // or the past and a few other things.
        return "{$tense_prefix}{$string}{$tense_suffix}";


     * Converts seconds to a human readable string or an array
     * @param  integer  $seconds  a number of seconds
     * @param  boolean  $words    whether or not the numbers should be numerals or words
     * @param  string   $type     either 'string' or 'array'
     * @return string|array             a string or an array, depending on $type
    public function seconds_to_human_time( $seconds, $words = false, $type = 'string' ) {
        $data = [];
        $legend = self::$legend_english;

        // Start with the greatest values and whittle down until we're left with seconds
        foreach ( $legend as $singular => $values ) :
            // If the seconds is greater than the unit, then do some math
            if ( $seconds >= $values['value'] ) {
                // How many units are in those seconds?
                $value = floor( $seconds / $values['value'] );
                if ( $words ) {
                    // We want words, not numbers, so convert to words
                    $value = Date::convert_number_to_words( $value );
                // Did we get single or multiple?
                if ( $seconds / $values['value'] >= 2 ) {
                    // Use plural units
                    $data[ $values['multiple'] ] = $value;
                } else {
                    // Use singlur units
                    $data[ $singular ] = $value;
                // Remove what we just converted and continue
                $seconds = $seconds % $values['value'];

        // If we want this as an array, then return that
        if ( 'array' == $type ) {
            return $data;

        // We want a string, so let's convert it to one with an Oxford Comma
        // because Oxford Commas are important. If you don't agree, then look here:
        // If you still don't agree, "fuck off," says the grammarian.
        // This. is. not. optional.
        return Text::add_commas_to_list( $data, true );

     * Explains how long ago something happened...
     * This also works with the future.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @todo Make this work with values before 1 Jan, 1970
     * @param  integer  $seconds  a number of seconds
     * @param  boolean     $words       whether or not to return numerals or the word-equivalent
     * @return string             a string indicating a time in words
    public function ago( $seconds, $words = false ) {
        $tense = 'past';
        $seconds = ( time() - $seconds ); // this needs to be converted with the date function
        if ( $seconds < 0 ) {
            $tense = 'future';
            $seconds = abs( $seconds ); // We need a positive number

        $string = Date::seconds_to_human_time( $seconds, $words, 'string' );
        if ( 'past' == $tense ) {
            return "{$string} ago";
        } else {
            return "in {$string}";

     * Converts a number to words
     * @todo Add in an option for a shorter version...
     * @todo Add in translation options so that we don't support _only_ English
     * @param  int $number a number
     * @return string      the number, but, as words
    public function convert_number_to_words( $number, $dictionary = 'english' ) {
        // This is a complex function, but I'm not sure if it can be simplified.
        // adapted from
        $hyphen      = '-';
        $conjunction = ' and ';
        $separator   = ', ';
        $negative    = 'negative ';
        $decimal     = ' point ';
        // This is our map of numerals to letters
        $dictionary  = [
            0                   => 'zero',
            1                   => 'one',
            2                   => 'two',
            3                   => 'three',
            4                   => 'four',
            5                   => 'five',
            6                   => 'six',
            7                   => 'seven',
            8                   => 'eight',
            9                   => 'nine',
            10                  => 'ten',
            11                  => 'eleven',
            12                  => 'twelve',
            13                  => 'thirteen',
            14                  => 'fourteen',
            15                  => 'fifteen',
            16                  => 'sixteen',
            17                  => 'seventeen',
            18                  => 'eighteen',
            19                  => 'nineteen',
            20                  => 'twenty',
            30                  => 'thirty',
            40                  => 'fourty',
            50                  => 'fifty',
            60                  => 'sixty',
            70                  => 'seventy',
            80                  => 'eighty',
            90                  => 'ninety',
            100                 => 'hundred',
            1000                => 'thousand',
            1000000             => 'million',
            1000000000          => 'billion',
            1000000000000       => 'trillion',
            1000000000000000    => 'quadrillion',
            1000000000000000000 => 'quintillion'

        if ( ! is_numeric( $number ) ) {
            // You didn't feed this a number
            return false;

        if ( ( $number >= 0 && (int) $number < 0 ) || (int) $number < 0 - PHP_INT_MAX ) {
            // overflow
                'convert_number_to_words only accepts numbers between -' . PHP_INT_MAX . ' and ' . PHP_INT_MAX,
            return false;

        if ( $number < 0 ) {
            // The number is negative, so re-run the function with the positive value but prepend the negative sign
            return $negative . Date::convert_number_to_words( abs( $number ) );

        $string = $fraction = null;

        if ( false !== strpos( $number, '.' ) ) {
            list( $number, $fraction ) = explode( '.', $number );

        // We're going to run through what we have now
        switch ( true ) {
            case $number < 21:
                $string = $dictionary[ $number ];
            case $number < 100:
                $tens   = ( (int) ( $number / 10 ) ) * 10;
                $units  = $number % 10;
                $string = $dictionary[ $tens ];
                if ( $units ) {
                    $string .= $hyphen . $dictionary[ $units ];
            case $number < 1000:
                $hundreds  = $number / 100;
                $remainder = $number % 100;
                $string = $dictionary[ $hundreds ] . ' ' . $dictionary[100];
                if ( $remainder ) {
                    // We have some leftover number, so let's run the function again on what's left
                    $string .= $conjunction . Date::convert_number_to_words( $remainder );
                $baseUnit = pow( 1000, floor( log( $number, 1000 ) ) );
                $numBaseUnits = (int) ( $number / $baseUnit );
                $remainder = $number % $baseUnit;
                $string = Date::convert_number_to_words( $numBaseUnits ) . ' ' . $dictionary[ $baseUnit ];
                if ( $remainder ) {
                    $string .= $remainder < 100 ? $conjunction : $separator;
                    // We have some leftover number, so let's run the function again on what's left
                    $string .= Date::convert_number_to_words( $remainder );

        if ( null !== $fraction && is_numeric( $fraction ) ) {
            $string .= $decimal;
            $words = [];
            foreach ( str_split( (string) $fraction ) as $number ) {
                $words[] = $dictionary[ $number ];
            $string .= implode( ' ', $words );

        return $string;
