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Test Coverage
# Class: toughen::filesystem
# Parameters
# ----------
# * `tmp_device`
#  The /dev path for the fstab /tmp entry
# * `tmp_options`
#  The options to be provided to the /tmp mountpoint
# * `tmp_mode`
#  The numerical mode to be set on /tmp
# * `var_device`
#  The /dev path for the fstab /var entry
# * `var_log_device`
#  The /dev path for the fstab /var/log entry
# * `var_log_audit_device`
#  The /dev path for the fstab /var/log/audit entry
# * `ramdisk_present`
#  Whether there's a ramdisk present at all
# * `ramdisk_options`
#  The options to be provided to the /dev/shm mountpoint
# * `fstype`
#  The filesystem in use on e.g. /var, /tmp, etc.
# * `usb_disabled`
#  Whether to add 'nousb' to the kernel params.
# * `restrict_dmesg`
#  Whether to restrict access to dmesg.
class toughen::filesystem (
  $tmp_device = '/dev/mapper/rhel-tmp',
  $tmp_options = 'nodev,nosuid,noexec',
  $tmp_mode = '1777',
  $var_device = '/dev/mapper/rhel-var',
  $var_log_device = '/dev/mapper/rhel-var_log',
  $var_log_audit_device = '/dev/mapper/rhel-var_log_audit',
  $ramdisk_present = false,
  $ramdisk_options = 'nodev,nosuid,noexec',
  $fstype = 'ext4',
  $usb_disabled = false,
  $restrict_dmesg = true,

  validate_re($tmp_options, '^[a-z,]+$')
  validate_re($tmp_mode, '\d+')
  validate_re($ramdisk_options, '^[a-z,]+$')

  file {'/etc/fstab':
    owner => root,
    group => root,
    mode  => '0600',

  mount {'/tmp':
    ensure  => present,
    fstype  => $fstype,
    options => $tmp_options,
    device  => $tmp_device,

  mount { '/var':
    ensure  => present,
    fstype  => $fstype,
    device  => $var_device,
    options => 'nodev',
  mount { '/var/log':
    ensure  => present,
    fstype  => $fstype,
    device  => $var_log_device,
    options => 'nodev',
  mount { '/var/log/audit':
    ensure  => present,
    fstype  => $fstype,
    device  => $var_log_audit_device,
    options => 'nodev',

  mount { '/home':
    ensure  => present,
    fstype  => $fstype,
    options => 'nodev',

  mount {'/var/tmp':
    ensure  => 'mounted',
    device  => '/tmp',
    fstype  => 'none',
    options => 'rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid,bind',

  if $ramdisk_present {
    mount { '/dev/shm':
      ensure  => present,
      options => $ramdisk_options,

  file {'/tmp':
    ensure => directory,
    owner  => root,
    group  => root,
    mode   => $tmp_mode,

  if $usb_disabled {
    kernel_parameter { 'nousb':
      ensure => present,
  if $restrict_dmesg {
    sysctl { 'kernel.dmesg_restrict':
      value => 1