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# How to use ShellSpec with Docker

- [Official docker images](#official-docker-images)
- [Using ShellSpec docker image](#using-shellspec-docker-image)
  - [1. Run ShellSpec and your specfiles within container](#1-run-shellspec-and-your-specfiles-within-container)
  - [2. Run simple with helper script and extra hooks](#2-run-simple-with-helper-script-and-extra-hooks)
    - [Hooks](#hooks)
      - [.shellspec-docker/initrc](#shellspec-dockerinitrc)
      - [.shellspec-docker/pre-test](#shellspec-dockerpre-test)
      - [.shellspec-docker/post-test](#shellspec-dockerpost-test)
  - [3. Using ShellSpec image as parent image](#3-using-shellspec-image-as-parent-image)
  - [4. Include ShellSpec into another image](#4-include-shellspec-into-another-image)
- [Appendix](#appendix)
  - [How to build official ShellSpec docker image yourself](#how-to-build-official-shellspec-docker-image-yourself)

## Official docker images

There are official images on the [Docker Hub](

| Name                            | Linux  | Included                  |                                                                                                           Size |
| ------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| shellspec/shellspec             | Alpine | busybox (ash)             |         ![Docker Image Size (tag)]( |
| shellspec/shellspec:kcov        | Alpine | busybox (ash), bash, kcov |           ![Docker Image Size (tag)]( |
| shellspec/shellspec-debian      | Debian | dash, bash                |  ![Docker Image Size (tag)]( |
| shellspec/shellspec-debian:kcov | Debian | dash, bash, kcov          |    ![Docker Image Size (tag)]( |
| shellspec/shellspec-scratch     | None   | none (shellspec only)     | ![Docker Image Size (tag)]( |

- Version specified images are also available (VERSION: 0.21.0 and above)
  - `shellspec/shellspec[-VARIANT]:<VERSION | master>[-kcov]`

## Using ShellSpec docker image

### 1. Run ShellSpec and your specfiles within container

# Run docker command on the project root
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/src" shellspec/shellspec

# Display help
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/src" shellspec/shellspec --help

# Run with kcov (requires kcov supported image)
$ docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -v "$PWD:/src" shellspec/shellspec:kcov --kcov

# For users using Docker Desktop for Windows within WSL 1
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$(wslpath -wa .):/src" shellspec/shellspec

### 2. Run simple with helper script and extra hooks

Use [contrib/shellspec-docker](../contrib/shellspec-docker) helper script.

# Specify the Docker image to use (default: shellspec/shellspec)
$ export SHELLSPEC_DOCKER=shellspec/shellspec

# Run helper script on the project root
$ shellspec-docker

# Display help
$ shellspec-docker --help

# Run with kcov (requires kcov supported image)
$ shellspec-docker --kcov

# Enter the Docker container
$ shellspec-docker -

# Execute command with in the Docker container
$ shellspec-docker - hostname

If you want to run manually.

$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/shellspec-docker \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$PWD:/src" shellspec/shellspec

# For users using Docker Desktop for Windows within WSL 1
$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/shellspec-docker \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$(wslpath -wa .):/src" shellspec/shellspec

#### Hooks

##### .shellspec-docker/initrc

This file should be a shell script. You can override [docker_run()](../contrib/shellspec-docker) to
changes options, pass environment variables, etc.

##### .shellspec-docker/pre-test

Invoked before execute shellspec inside of the docker container.

##### .shellspec-docker/post-test

Invoked after executed shellspec inside of the docker container.

### 3. Using ShellSpec image as parent image


# Dockerfile
FROM shellspec/shellspec
RUN apk add --no-cache add-your-required-packages
COPY ./ /src

# Build and run at your project root
$ docker build -t your-project-name .
$ docker run -it your-project-name

### 4. Include ShellSpec into another image


# Dockerfile
FROM buildpack-deps
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y add-your-required-packages
COPY --from=shellspec/shellspec-scratch /opt/shellspec /opt/shellspec
ENV PATH /opt/shellspec/:$PATH
ENTRYPOINT [ "shellspec" ]
COPY ./ /src

# Build and run at your project root
$ docker build -t your-project-name .
$ docker run -it your-project-name

## Appendix

### How to build official ShellSpec docker image yourself


contrib/ .dockerhub/Dockerfile         shellspec
contrib/ .dockerhub/Dockerfile         shellspec kcov
contrib/ .dockerhub/Dockerfile.debian  shellspec-debian
contrib/ .dockerhub/Dockerfile.debian  shellspec-debian kcov
contrib/ .dockerhub/Dockerfile.scratch shellspec-scratch