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# Uber Rides Node.js Wrapper

This projects helps you to make HTTP requests to the Uber Rides API.

## Installation

Before you begin, you need to register your app in the [Uber developer dashboard]( Notice that the app gets a client ID, secret, and server token required for authenticating with the API.

After registering your application, you need to install this module in your Node.js project:

npm install node-uber

## Initialization

In order to use this module, you have to import it in your application first:

var Uber = require('node-uber');

Next, initialize the Uber object with the keys you obtained from the [Uber developer dashboard](

var uber = new Uber({
  client_id: 'CLIENT_ID',
  client_secret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
  server_token: 'SERVER_TOKEN',
  redirect_uri: 'REDIRECT URL',
  name: 'APP_NAME',
  language: 'en_US', // optional, defaults to en_US
  sandbox: true, // optional, defaults to false
  proxy: 'PROXY URL' // optional, defaults to none

> **Note**: For all available `language` options check out the [Localization page of the API](

## Authenticating

To make HTTP calls, you need to create an authenticated session with the API. User-specific operations require you to use a OAuth 2 bearer token with specific [scopes]( Jump to the [method overview section]( to identify required scopes for methods. General operations can use a simple server-token authentication.

### Step one: Authorize

To obtain an OAuth 2 bearer token, you have to authorize your application with the required scope. Available scopes are: `history`, `history_lite`, `profile`, `request`, `all_trips`, and `places`.

To do so, you are initially required to redirect your user to an authorization URL. You can generate the authorization URL using `uber.getAuthorizeUrl`. In case you are using [Express](, your route definition could look as follows:

app.get('/api/login', function(request, response) {
  var url = uber.getAuthorizeUrl(['history','profile', 'request', 'places']);

The URL will lead to a page where your user will be required to login and approve access to his/her Uber account. In case that step was successful, Uber will issue an HTTP 302 redirect to the redirect_uri defined in the [Uber developer dashboard]( On that redirect, you will receive an authorization code, which is single use and expires in 10 minutes.

### Step two: Receive redirect and get an access token

To complete the authorization you now need to receive the callback and convert the given authorization code into an OAuth access token. You can accomplish that using `uber.authorizationAsync`. This method will retrieve and store the access_token, refresh_token, authorized scopes, and token expiration date within the uber object for consecutive requests.

Using Express, you could achieve that as follows:

 app.get('/api/callback', function(request, response) {
    uber.authorizationAsync({authorization_code: request.query.code})
    .spread(function(access_token, refresh_token, authorizedScopes, tokenExpiration) {
      // store the user id and associated access_token, refresh_token, scopes and token expiration date
      console.log('New access_token retrieved: ' + access_token);
      console.log('... token allows access to scopes: ' + authorizedScopes);
      console.log('... token is valid until: ' + tokenExpiration);
      console.log('... after token expiration, re-authorize using refresh_token: ' + refresh_token);

      // redirect the user back to your actual app
    .error(function(err) {

> **Nodeback**: Looking for nodeback-style methods? Check out the [nodeback-readme](

### Step three: Make HTTP requests to available resources

Now that you are authenticated, you can issue requests using provided methods.

For instance, to obtain a list of available Uber products for a specific location, you can use `uber.products.getAllForLocationAsync`.

In case you are using Express, your route definition could look as follows:

app.get('/api/products', function(request, response) {
  // extract the query from the request URL
  var query = url.parse(request.url, true).query;

  // if no query params sent, respond with Bad Request
  if (!query || ! || !query.lng) {
  } else {
    uber.products.getAllForLocationAsync(, query.lng)
    .then(function(res) {
    .error(function(err) {

### Optional: Revoke user access (token)

If your users decide to disconnect or revoke access to their Uber accounts, you can use the `uber.revokeTokenAsync` method. This will invalidate either `access_token` or `refresh_token`. Note that per [RFC7009](, revoke will return success for any string you pass into the function provided the client_id and client_secret are correct. This includes previously revoked tokens and invalid tokens.


## Method Overview

> **Nodeback**: Looking for nodeback-style methods? Check out the [nodeback-readme](

## [Riders API](

HTTP Method | Endpoint                          | Auth Method           | Required Scope                                 | Methods
----------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------
GET         | /v1.2/products                      | OAuth or server_token |                                                | products.getAllForAddressAsync
GET         | /v1.2/products                      | OAuth or server_token |                                                | products.getAllForLocationAsync
GET         | /v1.2/products/{product_id}         | OAuth or server_token |                                                | products.getByIDAsync
PUT         | /v1.2/sandbox/products/{product_id} | OAuth or server_token | (Sandbox mode)                                 | products.setSurgeMultiplierByIDAsync
PUT         | /v1.2/sandbox/products/{product_id} | OAuth or server_token | (Sandbox mode)                                 | products.setDriversAvailabilityByIDAsync
GET         | /v1.2/estimates/price               | OAuth or server_token |                                                | estimates.getPriceForRouteAsync
GET         | /v1.2/estimates/price               | OAuth or server_token |                                                | estimates.getPriceForRouteByAddressAsync
GET         | /v1.2/estimates/time                | OAuth or server_token |                                                | estimates.getETAForAddressAsync
GET         | /v1.2/estimates/time                | OAuth or server_token |                                                | estimates.getETAForLocationAsync
GET         | /v1.2/history                     | OAuth                 | history or history_lite                        | user.getHistoryAsync
GET         | /v1.2/me                            | OAuth                 | profile                                        | user.getProfileAsync
PATCH       | /v1.2/me                          | OAuth                 | profile                                        | user.applyPromoAsync
POST        | /v1.2/requests                      | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.createAsync
GET         | /v1.2/requests/current              | OAuth                 | request (privileged) or all_trips (privileged) | requests.getCurrentAsync
PATCH       | /v1.2/requests/current              | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.updateCurrentAsync
DELETE      | /v1.2/requests/current              | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.deleteCurrentAsync
POST        | /v1.2/requests/estimate             | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.getEstimatesAsync
GET         | /v1.2/requests/{request_id}         | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.getByIDAsync
PATCH       | /v1.2/requests/{request_id}         | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.updateByIDAsync
PUT         | /v1.2/sandbox/requests/{request_id} | OAuth                 | request (privileged & Sandbox mode )           | requests.setStatusByIDAsync
DELETE      | /v1.2/requests/{request_id}         | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.deleteByIDAsync
GET         | /v1.2/requests/{request_id}/map     | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | requests.getMapByIDAsync
GET         | /v1.2/requests/{request_id}/receipt | OAuth                 | request_receipt (privileged)                   | requests.getReceiptByIDAsync
GET         | /v1.2/places/{place_id}             | OAuth                 | places                                         | places.getHomeAsync and places.getWorkAsync
PUT         | /v1.2/places/{place_id}             | OAuth                 | places                                         | places.updateHomeAsync and places.updateWorkAsync
GET         | /v1.2/payment-methods                | OAuth                 | request (privileged)                           | payment.getMethodsAsync

## [Drivers API](

HTTP Method | Endpoint           | Auth Method | Required Scope   | Methods
----------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------
GET         | /v1/partners/me       | OAuth       | partner.accounts | partnerprofile.getProfileAsync
GET         | /v1/partners/payments | OAuth       | partner.payments | partnerpayments.getPaymentsAsync
GET         | /v1/partners/trips    | OAuth       | partner.trips    | partnertrips.getTripsAsync

## Endpoint Details

### Authorization (OAuth 2.0)

#### Generate Authorize URL

After getting the authorize url, the user will be redirected to the redirect url with authorization code used in the next function.


##### Parameter

- Array of scopes

##### Example

uber.getAuthorizeUrl(['history','profile', 'request', 'places']);

#### Authorize

Used to convert authorization code or refresh token into access token.


##### Parameter

- JS Object with attribute `authorization_code` OR `refresh_token`

##### Example: Just access_token

uber.authorizationAsync({ refresh_token: 'REFRESH_TOKEN' })
  .then(function(access_token) { console.log(access_token); })
  .error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

##### Example: All properties

uber.authorizationAsync({ refresh_token: 'REFRESH_TOKEN' })
.spread(function(access_token, refresh_token, authorizedScopes, tokenExpiration) {
  // store the user id and associated access_token, refresh_token, scopes and token expiration date
  console.log('New access_token retrieved: ' + access_token);
  console.log('... token allows access to scopes: ' + authorizedScopes);
  console.log('... token is valid until: ' + tokenExpiration);
  console.log('... after token expiration, re-authorize using refresh_token: ' + refresh_token);
  .error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /products

The product endpoint can be accessed either with an OAuth `access_token` or simply with the `server_token` because it is not user-specific. It has, therefore, no required scope for access.

#### [Get available products for address](

This method utilizes [geocoder]( to retrieve the coordinates for an address using Google as the provider. It uses the first element of the response. In other words, the coordinates represent what the Google algorithm provides with most confidence value.

> **Note**: To ensure correct coordinates you should provide the complete address, including city, ZIP code, state, and country.


##### Example

uber.products.getAllForAddressAsync('1455 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, US')
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get available products for location](

uber.products.getAllForLocationAsync(latitude, longitude);

##### Example

uber.products.getAllForLocationAsync(3.1357169, 101.6881501)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get product details by product_id](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Set driver's availability by product_id](

uber.products.setDriversAvailabilityByIDAsync(product_id, availability);

> **Note**: This method is only allowed in Sandbox mode.

##### Parameter

- availability (boolean) will force requests to return a `no_drivers_available` error if set to false

##### Example

uber.products.setDriversAvailabilityByIDAsync('d4abaae7-f4d6-4152-91cc-77523e8165a4', false)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Set surge multiplier by product_id](

uber.products.setSurgeMultiplierByIDAsync(product_id, multiplier);

> **Note**: This method is only allowed in Sandbox mode.

##### Parameter

- multiplier (float) will force two stage confirmation for requests if > 2.0

##### Example

uber.products.setSurgeMultiplierByIDAsync('d4abaae7-f4d6-4152-91cc-77523e8165a4', 2.2)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /estimates

The estimates endpoint can be accessed either with an OAuth `access_token` or simply with the `server_token` because it is not user-specific. It has, therefore, no required scope for access.

#### [Get price estimates for specific address](

This method utilizes [geocoder]( to retrieve the coordinates for an address using Google as the provider. It uses the first element of the response. In other words, the coordinates represent what the Google algorithm provides with most confidence value.

> **Note**: To ensure correct coordinates you should provide the complete address, including city, ZIP code, state, and country.

> ```javascript
> uber.estimates.getPriceForRouteByAddressAsync(start_address, end_address, [, seats]);
> ```

`seats` defaults to 2, which is also the maximum value for this parameter.

##### Example

  '1455 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, US',
  '2675 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306, US')
  .then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
  .error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get price estimates for specific route](

uber.estimates.getPriceForRouteAsync(start_latitude, start_longitude, end_latitude, end_longitude [, seats]);

`seats` defaults to 2, which is also the maximum value for this parameter.

##### Example

uber.estimates.getPriceForRouteAsync(3.1357169, 101.6881501, 3.0833, 101.6500)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get ETA for address](

This method utilizes [geocoder]( to retrieve the coordinates for an address using Google as the provider. It uses the first element of the response. In other words, the coordinates represent what the Google algorithm provides with most confidence value.

> **Note**: To ensure correct coordinates you should provide the complete address, including city, ZIP code, state, and country.

uber.estimates.getETAForAddressAsync(address, [, product_id]);

##### Example

uber.estimates.getETAForAddressAsync('455 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, US')
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get ETA for location](

uber.estimates.getETAForLocationAsync(latitude, longitude [, product_id]);

##### Example

uber.estimates.getETAForLocationAsync(3.1357169, 101.6881501)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /history

The history endpoint can be accessed ONLY with an OAuth `access_token` authorized with either the `history` or `history_lite` (without city information) scope.

#### [Get user activity](

uber.user.getHistoryAsync(offset, limit);

`offset` defaults to 0 and `limit` defaults to 5 with a maximum value of 50.

##### Example

uber.user.getHistoryAsync(0, 5)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /me

The me endpoint can be accessed ONLY with an OAuth `access_token` authorized with the `profile` scope.

#### [Get user profile](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Apply promo code to user account](


##### Parameter

- user promotion code (string)

##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /requests

The requests endpoint can be accessed ONLY with an OAuth `access_token` authorized with the `request` scope.

#### [Create new request](


##### Parameter

- JS Object with at least the following attributes:
  - `start_latitude` & `start_longitude` OR `start_place_id`
  - `end_latitude` & `end_longitude` OR `end_place_id`
  -  The key for the upfront fare of a ride (`fare_id`)
- You can provide `startAddress` instead of `start_latitude` & `start_longitude` and `endAddress` instead of `end_latitude` & `end_longitude` thanks to [geocoder](

> **Note**: To ensure correct coordinates you should provide the complete address, including city, ZIP code, state, and country.

##### Example

  "fare_id": "d30e732b8bba22c9cdc10513ee86380087cb4a6f89e37ad21ba2a39f3a1ba960",
  "product_id": "a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d",
  "start_latitude": 37.761492,
  "start_longitude": -122.423941,
  "end_latitude": 37.775393,
  "end_longitude": -122.417546
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get current request](

> **Note**: By default, only details about trips your app requested will be returned. This endpoint can be used with the scope `all_trips` to get all trips irrespective of which application initiated them.


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Update current request](


##### Parameter

- JS Object with attributes to be updated (only destination-related attributes enabled)
- You can provide `startAddress` instead of `start_latitude` & `start_longitude` and `endAddress` instead of `end_latitude` & `end_longitude` thanks to [geocoder](

> **Note**: To ensure correct coordinates you should provide the complete address, including city, ZIP code, state, and country.

##### Example

  "end_latitude": 37.775393,
  "end_longitude": -122.417546
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Delete current request](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get estimates](


##### Parameter

- JS Object with at least the following attributes:
  - `start_latitude` & `start_longitude` OR `start_place_id`
  - `end_latitude` & `end_longitude` OR `end_place_id`
- You can provide `startAddress` instead of `start_latitude` & `start_longitude` and `endAddress` instead of `end_latitude` & `end_longitude` thanks to [geocoder](

> **Note**: To ensure correct coordinates you should provide the complete address, including city, ZIP code, state, and country.

##### Example

  "product_id": "a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d",
  "start_latitude": 37.761492,
  "start_longitude": -122.423941,
  "end_latitude": 37.775393,
  "end_longitude": -122.417546
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get request by request_id](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Update request by request_id](

uber.requests.updateByIDAsync(request_id, parameter);

##### Parameter

- JS Object with attributes to be updated (only destination-related attributes enabled)
- You can provide `startAddress` instead of `start_latitude` & `start_longitude` and `endAddress` instead of `end_latitude` & `end_longitude` thanks to [geocoder](

> **Note**: To ensure correct coordinates you should provide the complete address, including city, ZIP code, state, and country.

##### Example

uber.requests.updateByIDAsync('17cb78a7-b672-4d34-a288-a6c6e44d5315', {
  "end_latitude": 37.775393,
  "end_longitude": -122.417546
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Set request status by request_id](

uber.requests.setStatusByIDAsync(request_id, status);

> **Note**: This method is only allowed in Sandbox mode. Check out the [documentation]( for valid status properties.

##### Example

uber.requests.setStatusByIDAsync('17cb78a7-b672-4d34-a288-a6c6e44d5315', 'accepted')
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Delete request by request_id](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get request map by request_id](


Unless the referenced request is in status `accepted`, a 404 error will be returned.

##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get request receipt by request_id](

> **Note**: This endpoint requires OAuth authentication with the scope `request_receipt`


The referenced request must be in status `completed`.

##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /places

The places endpoint can be accessed ONLY with an OAuth `access_token` authorized with the `places` scope.

> **Note**: As of right now, only two place_ids are allowed: `home` and `work`.

#### [Get home address](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get work address](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Update home address](


##### Example

uber.places.updateHomeAsync('685 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA')
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Update work address](


##### Example

uber.places.updateWorkAsync('1455 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA')
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /payment-methods

The payment-methods endpoint can be accessed ONLY with an OAuth `access_token` authorized with the `request` scope.

#### [Get available payment methods](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

### /partners

The partners endpoints (Driver API) can be accessed ONLY with an OAuth `access_token` authorized with [the respective scopes]( (`partner.accounts`, `partner.trips`, or `partner.payments`).

#### [Get driver profile](


##### Example

.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get driver payments](

uber.partnerpayments.getPaymentsAsync(offset, limit, from_time, to_time);

##### Parameter

- offset for payments list (sorted by creation time). Defaults to `0`
- limit of payments list. Defaults to `5`
- minimum Unix timestamp for filtered payments list
- maximum Unix timestamp for filtered payments list

##### Example

uber.partnerpayments.getPaymentsAsync(0, 50, 1451606400, 1505160819)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

#### [Get driver trips](

uber.partnertrips.getTripsAsync(offset, limit, from_time, to_time);

##### Parameter

- offset for trips list (sorted by creation time). Defaults to `0`
- limit of trips list. Defaults to `5`
- minimum Unix timestamp for filtered trips list
- maximum Unix timestamp for filtered trips list

##### Example

uber.partnertrips.getTripsAsync(0, 50, 1451606400, 1505160819)
.then(function(res) { console.log(res); })
.error(function(err) { console.error(err); });

## Test

You can execute all existing tests using script `test/allTests.js`. These tests include linting, code coverage, and unit tests.

npm test

In case you would like to contribute to this project, please ensure that all the tests pass before you create a PR. We have strict code style and code coverage (>= 95%) requirements.

## Version History

The change-log can be found in the [Wiki: Version History](