import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect';
import { compose } from 'redux';
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import VideoLabel from '@material-ui/icons/VideoLabel';
import Add from '@material-ui/icons/AddCircleOutline';
import Publications from '@material-ui/icons/LibraryBooks';
import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import List from '@material-ui/core/List';
import ListItem from '@material-ui/core/ListItem';
import ListItemIcon from '@material-ui/core/ListItemIcon';
import ListItemSecondaryAction from '@material-ui/core/ListItemSecondaryAction';
import ListItemText from '@material-ui/core/ListItemText';
import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
import injectSaga from 'utils/injectSaga';
import injectReducer from 'utils/injectReducer';
import Divider from '../../components/Divider';
import DynamicChart from '../../components/DynamicChart';
import { allSelectors } from './selectors';
import { pageActions } from './actions';
import reducer from './reducer';
import saga from './saga';
import styles from './styles';
import chartMetaData from './chartMetaData';
import getChartLabels from './getChartLabels';
/* eslint-disable react/no-array-index-key, no-param-reassign */
export class PlacementsPage extends React.Component {
renderItem({ Component, text, increment, key, color }) {
return (
<ListItem key={key} divider>
<IconButton aria-label="Add" disabled>
<Component color={color} />
<ListItemText primary={text} />
<ListItemSecondaryAction onClick={increment}>
<IconButton aria-label="Add">
<Add color={color} />
placements(data) {
const { increment } = this.props;
return [
Component: Publications,
text: `[${}] Publications`,
key: `counter-publications`,
increment: () => increment('publications'),
color: 'secondary',
Component: VideoLabel,
text: `[${}] Videos`,
key: `counter-videos`,
increment: () => increment('videos'),
color: 'primary',
placementsToDataPoints(placements) {
return Object.keys(placements).map(key => {
placements[key].label = key;
placements[key].dataSetMeta = chartMetaData[key];
return placements[key];
render() {
const { classes, title, placements, grouping } = this.props;
return (
<Paper elevation={1} className={classes.container}>
<Typography variant="headline" classes={{ root: classes.title }}>
{title} {` - `}
<Divider marginTop={10} />
<div className={classes.content}>
<Divider marginTop={10} />
PlacementsPage.propTypes = {
title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
grouping: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
placements: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
const withConnect = connect(
createStructuredSelector(allSelectors), // map state to props
pageActions, // map actions to props
const withReducer = injectReducer({ key: 'placementsPage', reducer });
const withSaga = injectSaga({ key: 'placementsPage', saga });
export default compose(