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Test Coverage
# Change Log

## [v0.7.0]( (2018-06-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- saveAction not being called [\#130](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add support for textarea [\#128]( ([rduarte](

## [v0.6.0]( (2018-06-04)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Broccoli build error after installing ember-x-editable and emberx-select. [\#91](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update ember-cli-stylelint to the latest version 🚀 [\#127]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-try to the latest version 🚀 [\#126]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update eslint-plugin-node to the latest version 🚀 [\#125]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- chore\(package\): update ember-cli-code-coverage to version 1.0.0-beta.1 [\#124]( ([rwwagner90](
- chore\(package\): update stylelint-config-ship-shape to version 0.4.0 [\#123]( ([rwwagner90](
- chore\(package\): update ember-cli-code-coverage to version 1.0.0-beta.0 [\#121]( ([rwwagner90](
- Update ember-assign-polyfill to the latest version 🚀 [\#120]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-native-dom-helpers to the latest version 🚀 [\#119]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update eslint-plugin-ember to the latest version 🚀 [\#115]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-getowner-polyfill to the latest version 🚀 [\#114]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-getowner-polyfill to the latest version 🚀 [\#113]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-cli-stylelint to the latest version 🚀 [\#112]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- chore\(package\): update ember-cli-code-coverage to version 0.4.2 [\#111]( ([rwwagner90](
- Update ember-truth-helpers to the latest version 🚀 [\#110]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-assign-polyfill to the latest version 🚀 [\#109]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-cli-uglify to the latest version 🚀 [\#108]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update babel-eslint to the latest version 🚀 [\#107]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update stylelint-config-ship-shape to the latest version 🚀 [\#106]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update stylelint-config-ship-shape to the latest version 🚀 [\#103]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update stylelint-config-ship-shape to the latest version 🚀 [\#102]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- chore\(package\): update ember-getowner-polyfill to version 2.0.1 [\#101]( ([rwwagner90](
- Update ember-assign-polyfill to the latest version 🚀 [\#99]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-cli-sass to the latest version 🚀 [\#98]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- chore\(package\): update ember-cli-code-coverage to version 0.4.1 [\#97]( ([rwwagner90](
- Update ember-cli-dependency-checker to the latest version 🚀 [\#95]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-cli-eslint to the latest version 🚀 [\#94]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](

## [v0.5.0]( (2017-06-02)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- An in-range update of ember-cli-sass is breaking the build 🚨 [\#92](
- An in-range update of ember-source is breaking the build 🚨 [\#90](
- An in-range update of ember-cli-shims is breaking the build 🚨 [\#84](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update codeclimate-test-reporter to the latest version 🚀 [\#93]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-getowner-polyfill to the latest version 🚀 [\#87]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-cli-code-coverage to the latest version 🚀 [\#86]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-assign-polyfill to the latest version 🚀 [\#81]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](

## [v0.4.2]( (2017-02-07)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- App doesn't build after installing ember-x-editable [\#59](

**Merged pull requests:**

- chore\(package\): update ember-getowner-polyfill to version 1.2.2 [\#78]( ([rwwagner90](
- Update ember-cli-code-coverage to the latest version 🚀 [\#76]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update ember-cli-code-coverage to version 0.3.10 🚀 [\#73]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-cli-eslint to version 3.0.2 🚀 [\#71]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-truth-helpers to version 1.3.0 🚀 [\#68]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-cli-sass to version 6.0.0 🚀 [\#66]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-cli-code-coverage to version 0.3.9 🚀 [\#64]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-getowner-polyfill to version 1.1.1 🚀 [\#62]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](

## [v0.4.1]( (2016-12-05)
[Full Changelog](

## [v0.4.0]( (2016-12-05)
[Full Changelog](

## [v0.3.2]( (2016-12-05)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Use suave [\#36](
- App is breaking after using npm i ember-x-editable [\#35](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update ember-load-initializers to version 0.6.2 🚀 [\#58]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-cli-code-coverage to the latest version 🚀 [\#51]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 [\#48]( ([greenkeeper[bot]](
- 👻😱 Node.js 0.10 is unmaintained 😱👻 [\#47]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-cli-sass to version 5.6.0 🚀 [\#44]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update codeclimate-test-reporter to version 0.4.0 🚀 [\#43]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update eslint-plugin-ember-suave to version 1.0.0 🚀 [\#42]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update babel-eslint to version 7.0.0 🚀 [\#41]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-cli-sass to version 5.5.2 🚀 [\#40]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](

## [v0.3.1]( (2016-08-09)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update ember-cli-sass to version 5.5.1 🚀 [\#21]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](
- Update ember-cli-sass to version 5.4.0 🚀 [\#15]( ([greenkeeperio-bot](

## [v0.3.0]( (2016-07-18)
**Closed issues:**

- Test ticket from Code Climate [\#7](
- Changing select value and focusOut does not reset [\#4](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add a Gitter chat badge to [\#6]( ([gitter-badger](
- Split components [\#5]( ([rwwagner90](
- Codeclimate [\#3]( ([rwwagner90](
- 0.1.0 updates [\#2]( ([rwwagner90](
- Update package.json [\#1]( ([kategengler](

\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*