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# Ember-x-editable

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**[ember-x-editable is built and maintained by Ship Shape. Contact us for Ember.js consulting, development, and training for your project](**.

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Ember-x-editable is inspired by x-editable. It does not have all the same features, and it possibly never will, but I needed an x-editable that played nicely with Ember, so I decided to write this. 
If you would like to add functionality, please feel free to submit a PR.

Currently, Bootstrap is bundled with this addon. Eventually, I'd like to just add a dependency on the ember bootstrap addon, or allow it to work without bootstrap. This addon also only works with HTMLBars and Ember 1.11+.


* Ember.js v3.12 or above
* Ember CLI v2.13 or above
* Node.js v10 or above


ember install ember-x-editable

## Demo
[![Ember-x-editable demo](](


**NOTE**: This addon now uses contextual components, so if you were using it previously, and you update, you will need to fix things.

### Text Inputs
value='TestString' as |x|}}
    cancelAction=(action 'cancelAction')
    saveAction=(action 'saveAction')
- ```cancelAction``` (optional) a string representing the action on the controller that you want to execute whenever the user clicks the cancel x.
- ```fontFamilyConfig``` an array of custom font families that will be passed to the font loader and ensured to be loaded and used for calculating the width of the text in pixels
- ```isFieldEditing``` a boolean variable that allows you to access the isEditing value outside of the component
- ```saveAction``` a string representing the action on the controller that you want to execute whenever the user clicks the save check mark.
- ```validator``` (optional) a function reference to execute against the content string before saving
- ```value``` a string of text to display 

### Textarea
value='Textarea test value' as |x|}}
    cancelAction=(action 'cancelAction')
    saveAction=(action 'saveAction')
- ```cancelAction``` (optional) a string representing the action on the controller that you want to execute whenever the user clicks the cancel x.
- ```fontFamilyConfig``` an array of custom font families that will be passed to the font loader and ensured to be loaded and used for calculating the width of the text in pixels
- ```isFieldEditing``` a boolean variable that allows you to access the isEditing value outside of the component
- ```saveAction``` a string representing the action on the controller that you want to execute whenever the user clicks the save check mark.
- ```validator``` (optional) a function reference to execute against the content string before saving
- ```value``` a string of text to display 

### Dropdown (Select)
value=2 as |x|}}
    cancelAction=(action "cancelAction")
    saveAction=(action "saveAction")
- ```cancelAction``` (optional) a string representing the action on the controller that you want to execute whenever the user clicks the cancel x.
- ```content``` An array of objects of the format: ```[{value: 1, text: 'TestString}]``` 
- ```fontFamilyConfig``` an array of custom font families that will be passed to the font loader and ensured to be loaded and used for calculating the width of the text in pixels
- ```isFieldEditing``` a boolean variable that allows you to access the isEditing value outside of the component
- ```saveAction``` (optional) a string representing the action on the controller that you want to execute whenever the user clicks the save check mark.
- ```validator``` (optional) a function reference to execute against the content string before saving
- ```value``` the 'value' of the object in the content array that should be selected


See the [Contributing]( guide for details.


This project is licensed under the [MIT License](