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# Changelog

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Deprecated as of 10.7.0. Please use highlight(code, options) instead.

## v2.0.0 (2021-03-26)

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* [#713]( Ensure parent still exists when removing event listeners ([@drewjenkins](
* [#692]( Guard against undefined markers type ([@rwwagner90](

#### :memo: Documentation
* [#668]( Remove Bootstrap from list ([@MartijnCuppens](
* [#600]( Small Typo Fix ([@SebYLim](

#### Committers: 5
- Andrew Jenkins ([@drewjenkins](
- Martijn Cuppens ([@MartijnCuppens](
- Robert Wagner ([@rwwagner90](
- Sebastian Lim ([@SebYLim](
- [@dependabot-preview[bot]](

## [v2.0.0-beta.5]( (2019-12-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Allow zeroElement parent to be configurable. [\#374]( ([deanmarano](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump rollup from 1.27.5 to 1.27.8 [\#403]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup-plugin-visualizer from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 [\#402]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump autoprefixer from 9.7.2 to 9.7.3 [\#400]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump cypress from 3.6.1 to 3.7.0 [\#399]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint from 6.7.1 to 6.7.2 [\#397]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup-plugin-browsersync from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 [\#396]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 23.0.4 to 23.1.1 [\#395]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint from 6.6.0 to 6.7.1 [\#394]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump autoprefixer from 9.7.1 to 9.7.2 [\#393]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.7.1 to 7.7.4 [\#392]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/core from 7.7.2 to 7.7.4 [\#391]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump postcss from 7.0.21 to 7.0.23 [\#390]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.27.1 to 1.27.5 [\#389]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup-plugin-visualizer from 3.1.1 to 3.2.2 [\#388]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 23.0.3 to 23.0.4 [\#387]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4 [\#386]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup-plugin-visualizer from 2.7.2 to 3.1.1 [\#385]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.26.5 to 1.27.1 [\#384]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.6.3 to 7.7.1 [\#383]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup-plugin-visualizer from 2.6.0 to 2.7.2 [\#382]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.26.0 to 1.26.5 [\#381]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump cypress from 3.5.0 to 3.6.1 [\#380]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/core from 7.6.4 to 7.7.2 [\#379]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 4.2.0 to 4.2.3 [\#378]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump autoprefixer from 9.7.0 to 9.7.1 [\#377]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 23.0.0 to 23.0.3 [\#376]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- test: Add more coverage to the module [\#375]( ([chuckcarpenter](

## [v2.0.0-beta.4]( (2019-10-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Simplify Evented code [\#339]( ([rwwagner90](

**Closed issues:**

- Tether is harder to update due to a missing changelog [\#40](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump eslint from 6.5.1 to 6.6.0 [\#372]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump postcss from 7.0.20 to 7.0.21 [\#371]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 22.20.0 to 23.0.0 [\#370]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.25.2 to 1.26.0 [\#369]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 4.1.2 to 4.2.0 [\#368]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Split constraints into smaller functions [\#367]( ([rwwagner90](
- Add dependabot config [\#366]( ([rwwagner90](
- Bump postcss from 7.0.18 to 7.0.20 [\#365]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump autoprefixer from 9.6.5 to 9.7.0 [\#364]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump cypress from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 [\#363]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.25.1 to 1.25.2 [\#362]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 22.19.0 to 22.20.0 [\#361]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.24.0 to 1.25.1 [\#360]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Update getClass to util and add tests [\#359]( ([chuckcarpenter](
- Bump start-server-and-test from 1.10.5 to 1.10.6 [\#357]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup-plugin-filesize from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 [\#356]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.23.1 to 1.24.0 [\#355]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump autoprefixer from 9.6.4 to 9.6.5 [\#354]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 22.17.0 to 22.19.0 [\#353]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/core from 7.6.3 to 7.6.4 [\#352]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump start-server-and-test from 1.10.4 to 1.10.5 [\#350]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.6.2 to 7.6.3 [\#349]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/core from 7.6.2 to 7.6.3 [\#348]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 [\#347]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 [\#345]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.23.0 to 1.23.1 [\#344]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump autoprefixer from 9.6.1 to 9.6.4 [\#343]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0 [\#342]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump start-server-and-test from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 [\#341]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump start-server-and-test from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3 [\#340]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- chore: Add basic landing page for reloading and contribution [\#338]( ([chuckcarpenter](
- Bump eslint from 6.5.0 to 6.5.1 [\#337]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump eslint from 6.4.0 to 6.5.0 [\#336]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump rollup from 1.21.4 to 1.22.0 [\#335]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Move some bounds utils [\#334]( ([rwwagner90](

## [v2.0.0-beta.3]( (2019-09-30)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Option to disable `position: fixed` [\#152](
- Use type-check utils instead of typeof [\#333]( ([rwwagner90](
- Move TetherBase and use imports [\#328]( ([rwwagner90](
- Split out some utils [\#325]( ([rwwagner90](
- More offset utils and tests [\#319]( ([rwwagner90](
- Move offset to utils, add tests, test getClass [\#318]( ([rwwagner90](
- Refactor rollup config, add tests for pin and out-of-bounds [\#317]( ([rwwagner90](
- Move deferred utils to their own file [\#315]( ([rwwagner90](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Uglify breaks library: "Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined" [\#298](
- production build with angular cli \(uglify\) results in `undefined` error [\#295](
- Does not compile with parcel-bundler [\#284](
- Tether not initialize window.Tether when loaded by ReqireJS [\#257](
- Can't disable classes [\#253](
- Duplicate Identifiers within Tether.js Library [\#206](
- Remove classes when set to false [\#329]( ([rwwagner90](

**Closed issues:**

- Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨 [\#304](
- Import of Evented from TetherBase.Utils instead of global scope [\#261](
- SVGAnimatedString is not defined [\#201](
- Option to not append to the body [\#189](
- UglifyJS warnings [\#183](
- Clean up on destroy [\#36](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Document events [\#331]( ([rwwagner90](
- Add test for fixed anchoring on scroll [\#330]( ([chuckcarpenter](
- Remove facebook example [\#327]( ([rwwagner90](
- chore: Remove example of 3rd party lib [\#326]( ([chuckcarpenter](
- Bump eslint-plugin-ship-shape from 0.6.0 to 0.7.1 [\#324]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- test: Remove tooltip example from outside lib [\#323]( ([chuckcarpenter](
- Bump sinon from 7.4.2 to 7.5.0 [\#322]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/core from 7.6.0 to 7.6.2 [\#321]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.6.0 to 7.6.2 [\#320]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Remove classes on destroy [\#316]( ([rwwagner90](
- Bump rollup from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4 [\#314]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](

## [v2.0.0-beta.2]( (2019-09-18)

[Full Changelog](

## [v2.0.0-beta.1]( (2019-09-18)

[Full Changelog](

## [v2.0.0-beta.0]( (2019-09-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Remove dist from git [\#311]( ([rwwagner90](
- Move class utils to a utils file, drop IE9 support [\#310]( ([rwwagner90](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Return `this` in Evented class for easy chaining [\#309]( ([rwwagner90](
- Add `allowPositionFixed` optimization option [\#308]( ([rwwagner90](

**Closed issues:**

- Transferring ownership [\#303](
- No test cases to run the package [\#293](
- Not Compatible with TypeScript compiler [\#263](
- dist/js/tether.min.js is outdated [\#256](
- no version information in min.js [\#239](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add tests for enable/disable [\#306]( ([rwwagner90](
- Add basic tests, sass -\> scss, gulp -\> rollup, etc [\#305]( ([rwwagner90](
- Fix code example in [\#216]( ([Stanton](
- Add reactstrap to examples of projects using tether [\#211]( ([eddywashere](

## v1.3.0
- Tether instances now fire an 'update' event when attachments change due to constraints (#119)

## v1.0.1
- Update arrow mixin to change arrow pointer event

## v1.0.0
- Coffeescript -> ES6
- Proper UMD Wrapper
- Update build steps
- Add changelog
- Provide minified CSS

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*