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import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from inspect import isclass

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc, inspect, text

from .tablib import tablib

DATABASE_URL = os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')

def is_exception(obj):
    """Given an object, return a boolean indicating whether it is an instance
    or subclass of :py:class:`Exception`.
    if isinstance(obj, Exception):
        return True
    if isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, Exception):
        return True
    return False

class Record(object):
    """A row, from a query, from a database."""
    __slots__ = ('_keys', '_values')

    def __init__(self, keys, values):
        self._keys = keys
        self._values = values

        # Ensure that lengths match properly.
        assert len(self._keys) == len(self._values)

    def keys(self):
        """Returns the list of column names from the query."""
        return self._keys

    def values(self):
        """Returns the list of values from the query."""
        return self._values

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Record {}>'.format(self.export('json')[1:-1])

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # Support for index-based lookup.
        if isinstance(key, int):
            return self.values()[key]

        # Support for string-based lookup.
        if key in self.keys():
            i = self.keys().index(key)
            if self.keys().count(key) > 1:
                raise KeyError("Record contains multiple '{}' fields.".format(key))
            return self.values()[i]

        raise KeyError("Record contains no '{}' field.".format(key))

    def __getattr__(self, key):
            return self[key]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise AttributeError(e)

    def __dir__(self):
        standard = dir(super(Record, self))
        # Merge standard attrs with generated ones (from column names).
        return sorted(standard + [str(k) for k in self.keys()])

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        """Returns the value for a given key, or default."""
            return self[key]
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def as_dict(self, ordered=False):
        """Returns the row as a dictionary, as ordered."""
        items = zip(self.keys(), self.values())

        return OrderedDict(items) if ordered else dict(items)

    def dataset(self):
        """A Tablib Dataset containing the row."""
        data = tablib.Dataset()
        data.headers = self.keys()

        row = _reduce_datetimes(self.values())

        return data

    def export(self, format, **kwargs):
        """Exports the row to the given format."""
        return self.dataset.export(format, **kwargs)

class RecordCollection(object):
    """A set of excellent Records from a query."""

    def __init__(self, rows):
        self._rows = rows
        self._all_rows = []
        self.pending = True

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<RecordCollection size={} pending={}>'.format(len(self), self.pending)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over all rows, consuming the underlying generator
        only when necessary."""
        i = 0
        while True:
            # Other code may have iterated between yields,
            # so always check the cache.
            if i < len(self):
                yield self[i]
                # Throws StopIteration when done.
                # Prevent StopIteration bubbling from generator,
                # following
                    yield next(self)
                except StopIteration:
            i += 1

    def next(self):
        return self.__next__()

    def __next__(self):
            nextrow = next(self._rows)
            return nextrow
        except StopIteration:
            self.pending = False
            raise StopIteration('RecordCollection contains no more rows.')

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        is_int = isinstance(key, int)

        # Convert RecordCollection[1] into slice.
        if is_int:
            key = slice(key, key + 1)

        while len(self) < key.stop or key.stop is None:
            except StopIteration:

        rows = self._all_rows[key]
        if is_int:
            return rows[0]
            return RecordCollection(iter(rows))

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._all_rows)

    def export(self, format, **kwargs):
        """Export the RecordCollection to a given format (courtesy of Tablib)."""
        return self.dataset.export(format, **kwargs)

    def dataset(self):
        """A Tablib Dataset representation of the RecordCollection."""
        # Create a new Tablib Dataset.
        data = tablib.Dataset()

        # If the RecordCollection is empty, just return the empty set
        # Check number of rows by typecasting to list
        if len(list(self)) == 0:
            return data

        # Set the column names as headers on Tablib Dataset.
        first = self[0]

        data.headers = first.keys()
        for row in self.all():
            row = _reduce_datetimes(row.values())

        return data

    def all(self, as_dict=False, as_ordereddict=False):
        """Returns a list of all rows for the RecordCollection. If they haven't
        been fetched yet, consume the iterator and cache the results."""

        # By calling list it calls the __iter__ method
        rows = list(self)

        if as_dict:
            return [r.as_dict() for r in rows]
        elif as_ordereddict:
            return [r.as_dict(ordered=True) for r in rows]

        return rows

    def as_dict(self, ordered=False):
        return self.all(as_dict=not (ordered), as_ordereddict=ordered)

    def first(self, default=None, as_dict=False, as_ordereddict=False):
        """Returns a single record for the RecordCollection, or `default`. If
        `default` is an instance or subclass of Exception, then raise it
        instead of returning it."""

        # Try to get a record, or return/raise default.
            record = self[0]
        except IndexError:
            if is_exception(default):
                raise default
            return default

        # Cast and return.
        if as_dict:
            return record.as_dict()
        elif as_ordereddict:
            return record.as_dict(ordered=True)
            return record

    def one(self, default=None, as_dict=False, as_ordereddict=False):
        """Returns a single record for the RecordCollection, ensuring that it
        is the only record, or returns `default`. If `default` is an instance
        or subclass of Exception, then raise it instead of returning it."""

        # Ensure that we don't have more than one row.
            return self[1]
        except IndexError:
            return self.first(default=default, as_dict=as_dict,
            raise ValueError('RecordCollection contained more than one row. '
                             'Expects only one row when using '

    def scalar(self, default=None):
        """Returns the first column of the first row, or `default`."""
        row =
        return row[0] if row else default

class Database(object):
    """A Database. Encapsulates a url and an SQLAlchemy engine with a pool of

    def __init__(self, db_url=None, **kwargs):
        # If no db_url was provided, fallback to $DATABASE_URL.
        self.db_url = db_url or DATABASE_URL

        if not self.db_url:
            raise ValueError('You must provide a db_url.')

        # Create an engine.
        self._engine = create_engine(self.db_url, **kwargs) = True

    def close(self):
        """Closes the Database."""
        self._engine.dispose() = False

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc, val, traceback):

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Database open={}>'.format(

    def get_table_names(self):
        """Returns a list of table names for the connected database."""

        # Setup SQLAlchemy for Database inspection.
        return inspect(self._engine).get_table_names()

    def get_connection(self):
        """Get a connection to this Database. Connections are retrieved from a
        if not
            raise exc.ResourceClosedError('Database closed.')

        return Connection(self._engine.connect())

    def query(self, query, fetchall=False, **params):
        """Executes the given SQL query against the Database. Parameters can,
        optionally, be provided. Returns a RecordCollection, which can be
        iterated over to get result rows as dictionaries.
        with self.get_connection() as conn:
            return conn.query(query, fetchall, **params)

    def bulk_query(self, query, *multiparams):
        """Bulk insert or update."""

        with self.get_connection() as conn:
            conn.bulk_query(query, *multiparams)

class Connection(object):
    """A Database connection."""

    def __init__(self, connection):
        self._conn = connection = not connection.closed

    def close(self):
        self._conn.close() = False

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc, val, traceback):

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Connection open={}>'.format(

    def query(self, query, fetchall=False, **params):
        """Executes the given SQL query against the connected Database.
        Parameters can, optionally, be provided. Returns a RecordCollection,
        which can be iterated over to get result rows as dictionaries.

        # Execute the given query.
        cursor = self._conn.execute(text(query), **params)  # TODO: PARAMS GO HERE

        # Row-by-row Record generator.
        row_gen = (Record(cursor.keys(), row) for row in cursor)

        # Convert psycopg2 results to RecordCollection.
        results = RecordCollection(row_gen)

        # Fetch all results if desired.
        if fetchall:

        return results

    def bulk_query(self, query, *multiparams):
        """Bulk insert or update."""

        self._conn.execute(text(query), *multiparams)

def _reduce_datetimes(row):
    """Receives a row, converts datetimes to strings."""

    row = list(row)

    for i in range(len(row)):
        if hasattr(row[i], 'isoformat'):
            row[i] = row[i].isoformat()
    return tuple(row)