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Test Coverage
## [2.1.0]( (2022-04-21)

* refactor(cli)!: Remove support for "extra options" and add -c flag, closes [#916](

### Bug Fixes

* **cli:** cli displays the correct version number ([8b48882](


* the CLI no longer accepts "extra options". Instead you should pass the `-c` flag. To update:

showdown makehtml -i -o bar.html --strikethrough --emoji

showdown makehtml -i -o bar.html -c strikethrough -c emoji

<a name="2.0.0"></a>
# [2.0.0]( (2022-02-15)

### Breaking Changes
* Supported Node Versions were set to match the [node release schedule]( which at the time of writing includes Node 12.x, 14.x, 16.x and 17.x
* The `yargs` dependecy was updated to `^17.2.1` to mitigate a security issue.
* The Showdown Licesnse has been changed from  BSD-3-Clause to MIT

### Bug Fixes

* allow escaping of colons ([25c4420](
* reduce npm package size  ([35730b7](, closes [#619](

### Features

* Added `ellipsis` option to configure if the ellipsis unicode character is used or not. ( Thanks @VladimirV99 )
* Added a default security policy. Please report security issues to the issues tab on GitHub.

<a name="1.9.1"></a>
## [1.9.1]( (2019-11-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **openLinksInNewWindow:** add rel="noopener noreferrer" to links ([1cd281f](, closes [#670](

<a name="1.0.0"></a>
# [1.9.0]( (2018-11-10)

Version 1.9.0 introduces a new feature, the Markdown to HTML converter. This feature is still experimental and is a partial backport of the new Reverse Converter planned for version 2.0.
### Bug Fixes

* **italicsAndBold:** fix issue with consecutive spans ([#608]( ([5c0d67e](, closes [#544](
* **underline:** fix issue with consecutive spans ([81edc70](

### Features

* **converter.makeMarkdown:** [EXPERIMENTAL] add an HTML to MD converter ([e4b0e69](, closes [#388]( [#233](

<a name="1.8.7"></a>
# [1.8.7]( (2018-10-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **emojis:** fix emoji excessive size ([4aca41c](
* **gfm-codeblocks:** add support for spaces before language declaration ([24bf7b1](, closes [#569](
leading space no longer breaks gfm codeblocks ([828c32f](, closes [#523](

* **images:** fix js error when using image references ([980e702](, closes [#585](
* **literalMidWordAsterisks:** now parses single characters enclosed by * correctly ([fe70e45](, closes [#478](
* **mentions:** allow for usernames with dot, underscore and dash ([dfeb1e2](, closes [#574](
* **nbsp:** fix replacing of nbsp with regular spaces ([8bc1f42](

<a name="1.8.6"></a>
# [1.8.6]( (2017-12-22)

### Features

* **splitAdjacentBlockquotes:** add option to split adjacent blockquote blocks ([da328f2](, closes [#477](

<a name="1.8.5"></a>
# [1.8.5]( (2017-12-10)

### Features

* **completeHTMLDocument:** add option to output a complete HTML document ([a8427c9](
* **metadata:** add support for embedded metadata ([63d949f](, closes [#260](

<a name="1.8.4"></a>
## [1.8.4]( (2017-12-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **tables:** raw html inside code tags in tables no longer breaks tables ([4ef4c5e](, closes [#471](

<a name="1.8.3"></a>
## [1.8.3]( (2017-11-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **literalMidWordAsterisks:** no longer treats colon as alphanumeric char ([21194c8](, closes [#461](
* **spanGamut:** code spans are hashed after parsing ([f4f63c5](, closes [#464](
* **tables:** pipe character in code spans no longer breaks table ([0c933a0](, closes [#465](

<a name="1.8.2"></a>
## [1.8.2]( (2017-11-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **fenced codeblocks:** add tilde as fenced code block delimiter ([c956ede](, closes [#456](
* **openLinksInNewWindow:** hash links are not affected by the option ([11936ec](, closes [#457](

<a name="1.8.1"></a>
## [1.8.1]( (2017-11-01)

### Dependencies update

* **package:** update yargs to version 10.0.3 ([#447]( ([906b26d](

### Bug Fixes

* **CDNjs:** bump version to fix version mismatch with CDNjs ([#452](

<a name="1.8.0"></a>
# [1.8.0]( (2017-10-24)


Don't use the CDNjs version of this release. See issue [#452]( for more details.

### Bug Fixes

* **autolinks:** prevent _ and * to be parsed in links ([61929bb](, closes [#444](

### Features

* **ellipsis:** add auto-ellipsis support ([25f1978](

  - *Example:*
      this is an ellipsis...
      <p>this is an ellipsis…</p>

* **emoji:** add emoji support through option `emoji`([5b8f1d3](, closes [#448](

  - *Usage:*
      var conv = new showdown.Converter({emoji: true});
  - *Example:*
      this is a smile :smile: emoji
      <p>this is a smile 😄 emoji</p>
* **start ordered lists at an arbitrary number:** add support for defining the first item number of ordered lists ([9cdc35e](, closes [#377](

  - *Example:*

       3. foo
       4. bar
       5. baz

      <ol start="3">

* **underline:** add EXPERIMENTAL support for underline ([084b819](, closes [#450](

  - *Usage:*
      var conv = new showdown.Converter({underline: true});
  - *Example:*
      this is __underlined__ and this is ___also underlined___
      <p>this is <u>underlined</u> and this is <u>also underlined</u></p>
  - *Note:*    With this option enabled, underscore no longer parses as `<em>` or `<strong>`      

* start ordered lists at an arbitrary number: Since showdown now supports starting ordered lists at an arbitrary number, 
list output may differ.

<a name="1.7.6"></a>
## [1.7.6]( (2017-10-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **tables:** tables are properly rendered when followed by a single linebreak and a list ([d88b095](, closes [#443](
* **tables:** trailing spaces no longer prevent table parsing ([66bdd21](, closes [#442](

<a name="1.7.5"></a>
## [1.7.5]( (2017-10-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **html-comments:** changed regex to prevent malformed long comment to freeze showdown ([3efcd10](, closes [#439](

<a name="1.7.4"></a>
## [1.7.4]( (2017-09-08)

### Bug Fixes

* **helper.isArray:** replace a.constructor === Array with Array.isArray ([466a2eb](, closes [#425](
* **loader:** allow AMD loader to be used within Node env  ([ff24bdb](

### Features

* **base64-wrapping:** support for wrapping base64 strings ([8c593a4](, closes [#429](

<a name="1.7.3"></a>
## [1.7.3]( (2017-08-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **github flavor:** add backslashEscapesHTMLTags to GFM flavor ([5284439](
* **literalMidWordAsterisks:** option no longer treats punctuation as word character ([8f05be7](, closes [#398](
* **tables:** allow for one column table ([fef110c](, closes [#406](

### Features

* **rawHeaderId:** Remove only spaces, ' and " from generated header ids ([1791cf0](, closes [#409](
* **rawPrefixHeaderId:** add option to prevent showdown from modifying the prefix ([ff26c08](, closes [#409](

<a name="1.7.2"></a>
## [1.7.2]( (2017-08-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **githubMentions:** githubMentions now works with openLinksInNewWindow options ([1194d88](, closes [#403](
* **lists:** fix multi paragraph lists with sublists ([a2259c0](, closes [#397](
* **tablesHeaderId:** fix mismatch of option name ([51e4693](, closes [#412](

### Features

* **backslashEscapesHTMLTags:** backslash escapes HTML tags ([5a5aff6](, closes [#374](

<a name="1.7.1"></a>
## [1.7.1]( (2017-06-02)

Important HOTFIX

### Bug Fixes

* **HTML Parser:** fix nasty bug where malformed HTML would hang showdown ([6566c72](, closes [#393](

<a name="1.7.0"></a>
## [1.7.0]( (2017-06-01)


### Bug Fixes

* **anchors:** fix issue with brackets in link URL ([7ba18dd](, closes [#390](
* **excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURL:** add comma to punctuation list ([fa35fd5](, closes [#354](
* **excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs:** fix weird character when this option with simplifiedAutoLinks ([71acff5](, closes [#378](
* **HTML parsing:** fix HTML parsing issues with nested tags ([6fbc072](, closes [#357]( [#387](
* **openLinksInNewWindow:** encode _ to prevent clash with em ([813f832](, closes [#379](
* **package:** update yargs to version 7.0.1 ([#349]( ([9308d7b](
* **package:** update yargs to version 8.0.1 ([#385]( ([5fd847b](
* **simpleAutoLinks:** URLs with emphasis/strikethrough are parsed ([5c50675](, closes [#347](
* **tables:** pipe char can now be escaped ([1ebc195](, closes [#345](
* **url parsing:** fix url edge case parsing in images and links ([30aa18c](

### Features

* **customizeHeaderId:** add option for customizing header ids ([94c570a](, closes [#383](
* **images:** add support for image's implicit reference syntax ([0c6c07b](, closes [#366](
* **literalMidWordAsterisks:** add option for mid word asterisks ([5bec8f9](
* **openLinksInNewWindow:** add option to open all links in a new window ([50235d6](, closes [#362]( [#337]( [#249]( [#247]( [#222](

<a name="1.6.4"></a>
## [1.6.4]( (2017-02-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **encodeAmpsAndAngles:** fix > and < encoding ([7f43b79](, closes [#236](
* **encodeEmail:** now produces valid emails ([605d8b7](, closes [#340](
* **flavor: github:** new version of github does not use prefix 'user-content' in headers ([368f0b6](
* **hashCodeTags:** escape code tags ([41cb3f6](, closes [#339](
* **italicsAndBold:** fix double emphasis edge case ([1832b7f](
* **paragraph:** workaround QML bug ([f7a429e](, closes [#246]( [#338](
* **prefixHeaderId:** make `prefixHeaderId` string be parsed along the generated id ([f641a7d](

### Features

* **flavor: ghost:** add Ghost flavor ([6374b5b](
* **flavor: original:** add John Gruber's markdown flavor ([6374b5b](

<a name="1.6.3"></a>
## [1.6.3]( (2017-01-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **codeSpans:** add - and = to escaped chars inside code spans ([4243a31](
* **italicsAndBold:** fix inconsistency in italicsAndBold parsing ([a4f05d4](, closes [#332](
* **literalMidWordUnderscores:** fix inconsistent behavior of emphasis and strong with literalMidWordUndescores ([0292ae0](, closes [#333](
* **paragraphs:** fix empty lines generating empty paragraphs ([54bf744](, closes [#334](
* **strikethrough:** fix strikethrough being wrongly parsed inside codeSpans ([169cbe8](

### Features

* **events:** add events to all subparsers ([7d63a3e](

<a name="1.6.2"></a>
## [1.6.2]( (2017-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes:** add ~ and = to escaped chars ([bfcc0e4](
* **strikethrough:** allow escaping tilde char ([24d47d7](, closes [#331](

### Features

* **ghMentionsLink:** add ability to define the generated url in @mentions ([a4c24c9](

<a name="1.6.1"></a>
## [1.6.1]( (2017-01-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **simplifiedAutoLink:** fix missing spaces before and after email addresses ([5190b6a](, closes [#330](

### Features

* **encodeEmail:** add option to enable/disable mail obfuscation ([90c52b8](

### Notes

This release also improves performance a bit (around 8%)

<a name="1.6.0"></a>
## [1.6.0]( (2017-01-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **ghCompatibleHeaderId:** improve the number of removed chars ([d499feb](
* **IE8:** fix for IE8 error on using isUndefined function ([561dc5f](, closes [#280](
* **options:** fix ghCompatibleHeaderId that was set as string instead of boolean ([de7c37e](
* **simpleLineBreaks:** fix simpleLineBreaks option not working with non-ASCII chars and markdown delimiters ([b1c458a](, closes [#318]( [#323](

### Features

* **CLI:** add -q (quiet) and -m (mute) mode to CLI ([f3b86f0](
* **CLI:flavor:** add flavor option to CLI ([2d6cd1e](
* **getFlavor:** add getFlavor method to showdown and Converter ([0eaf105](
* **ghMentions:** add support for github's @mentions ([f2671c0](, closes [#51](


* CLI tool now uses the same option defaults as showdown main library. This mean
  the default flavor is vanilla and ghCodeBlocks options is enabled by default.
    To update, add `--ghCodeBlocks="false"` to the command.

<a name="1.5.5"></a>
## [1.5.5]( (2016-12-30)

### Features

* **ghCompatibleHeaderId:** generate header ids compatible with github ([db97a90](, closes [#320]( [#321](

<a name="1.5.4"></a>
## [1.5.4]( (2016-12-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **horizontal rule:** revert backwards incompatibility change ([113f5f6](, closes [#317](
* **simpleLineBreaks:** fix simpleLineBreak option breaking lists html ([ed4c33f](, closes [#316](

<a name="1.5.3"></a>
## [1.5.3]( (2016-12-19)

### Bug Fixes

* parser slowness with certain inputs ([da8fb53](, closes [#315](

### Features

* **requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText:** option to make space between `#` and header text mandatory ([5d19877](, closes [#277](

<a name="1.5.2"></a>
## [1.5.2]( (2016-12-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **listeners:** fix listeners typo ([f0d25b7](, closes [#290](
* **lists:** lines with multiple dashes being parsed as multilists ([10b3410](, closes [#312](
* **nbsp:** nbsp are replaced with simple spaces ([6e90f7c](

<a name="1.5.1"></a>
## [1.5.1]( (2016-12-01)

### Features

* **simpleLineBreaks:** option that parses linebreaks as <br />. This option enables linebreaks to always be treated as `<br />` tags 
  without needing to add spaces in front of the line, the same way GitHub does. ([0942b5e](, closes [#206](
* **excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs:** option that excludes trailing punctuation from auto linked URLs. ([d2fc2a0](, closes [#266]( [#308](

<a name="1.5.0"></a>
## [1.5.0]( (2016-11-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **lists:** enforce 4 space indentation in sublists ([d51be6e](
* **lists:** fix sublists inconsistent behavior ([9cfe8b1](, closes [#299](

### Features

* **disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists:** option that disables the requirement of indenting nested sublists by 4 spaces. The option is disabled by default ([0be39bc](


* syntax for sublists is now more restrictive. Before, sublists SHOULD be indented by 4 spaces, but indenting at least 2 spaces would work. 
  Now, sublists MUST be indented 4 spaces or they won't work.

    With this input:
    * one
      * two
        * three
    Before (output):
    After (output):
    To migrate either fix source md files or activate the option `disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists`:
    showdown.setOption('disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists', true);

<a name="1.4.4"></a>
## [1.4.4]( (2016-11-02)

### Bug Fixes

* make some regexes a bit faster and make tab char equivalent to 4 spaces ([b7e7560](
* **double linebreaks:** fix double linebreaks in html output ([f97e072](, closes [#291](
* **lists linebreaks:** fix lists linebreaks in html output ([2b813cd](, closes [#291](
* **parser:** fix issue with comments inside nested code blocks ([799abea](, closes [#288](

<a name="1.4.3"></a>
## [1.4.3]( (2016-08-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **bower:** fix sourceMappingURL errors in bower by including source ([9b5a233](, closes [#200](
* **comments:** Fix html comment parser ([238726c](, closes [#276](
* **ie8 compatibility:** Improve ie8 compatibility ([984942e](, closes [#275]( [#271](
* **simplifiedAutoLink:** fix simplified autolink to match GFM behavior ([0cc55b0](, closes [#284]( [#285](

<a name="1.4.2"></a>
## [1.4.2]( (2016-06-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **image-parser:** fix ref style imgs after inline style imgs not parsing correctly ([73206b0](, closes [#261](
* **tables:** add check for undefined on text due to failing to parse tables ([6e30a48](, author [stewartmckee](, closes [#257](

### Features

* **smart-indent-fix:** fix for es6 indentation problems ([261f127](, closes [#259](

<a name="1.4.1"></a>
## [1.4.1]( (2016-05-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **tables:** fix table heading separators requiring 3 dashes instead of 2 ([ddaacfc](, closes [#256](

<a name="1.4.0"></a>
## [1.4.0]( (2016-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **hashHTMLBlock:** fix issue with html breaking markdown parsing ([2746949](, closes [#220](
* **HTMLParser:** fix code tags parsing ([71a5873](, closes [#231](
* **HTMLParser:** fix ghCodeBlocks being parsed inside code tags ([7d0436d](, closes [#229](
* **strikethrough:** Fix strikethrough issue with escaped chars ([5669317](, closes [#214](
* **tables:** fix tables to match github's md spec ([f58f014](, closes [#230](

### Features

* **markdown="1":** enable parsing markdown inside HTML blocks ([c97f1dc](, closes [#178](

<a name="1.3.0"></a>
## [1.3.0]( (2015-10-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **literalMidWordUnderscores:** fix different behavior with asterisks ([e86aea8](, closes [#198](
* **simpleautolink:** fix mail simpleAutoLink to ignore urls with @ symbol ([8ebb25e](, closes [#204](

### Features

* **eventDispatcher:** add an event dispatcher to converter ([2734326](
* **hashHTMLSpans:** add support for hashing span elements ([3097bd4](, closes [#196]( [#175](

<a name"1.2.3"></a>
## [1.2.3]( (2015-08-27)

### Bug Fixes

* **blockGamut:** fix for headings inside blockquotes ([3df70624](, closes [#191](
* **blockQuote:** fix 'github style codeblocks' not being parsed inside 'blockquote' ([ed2cf595](, closes [#192](
* **simpleAutoLinks:** fix emails being treated as simple urls ([7dc3fb1d](, closes [#187](
* **tables:** fix md tables being parsed inside indented code blocks. ([50256233](, closes [#193](

<a name"1.2.2"></a>
## [1.2.2]( (2015-08-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **lists:** fix github code blocks not being parsed inside lists ([7720c88b](, closes [#142](, [#183](, [#184](

<a name"1.2.1"></a>
## [1.2.1]( (2015-07-22)

### Features

* **smoothLivePreview:** fix weird effects due to parsing incomplete input ([62ba3733](
* **subParsers/githubCodeBlock:** add extra language class to conform to html5 spec ([b7f5e32](

### Bug Fixes

* **tables:** 

  * fix undefined error in malformed tables ([6176977](
  * add support for md span elements in table headers ([789dc18](, closes [#179](
* **italicsAndBold:** 

    * fix broken em/strong tags when used with literalMidWordUnderscores ([7ee2017](, closes [#179](
    * fix underscores not being correctly parsed when used in conjunction with literalMidWordsUnderscores option ([c9e85f1](
* **codeSpans:** Fix issue with code html tags not being correctly escaped ([5f043ca](

* **images:** fix alt attribute not being escaped correctly ([542194e](

<a name"1.2.0"></a>
## [1.2.0]( (2015-07-13)

This release moves some of the most popular extensions (such as table-extension and github-extension) to core.
Also introduces a simple cli tool that you can use to quickly convert markdown files into html. 

### Bug Fixes

* **headerLevelStart:** fix for NaN error when specifying a non number as headerLevelStart param ([be72b487](

### Features

* **CLI:** simple cli tool (ALPHA) ([f6a33e40](
* **flavours:** add markdown presets/flavors ([7e55bceb](, closes [#164](
* **ghCodeBlocks:** add option to disable GH codeblocks ([c33f9888](
* **literalMidWordUnderscores:**  add support for GFM literal midword underscores ([0c0cd7db](
* **simplifiedAutoLink:** add support for GFM autolinks ([cff02372](
* **strikethrough:**  add support for GFM strikethrough ([43e9448d](
* **tables:**  add support for GFM tables ([3a924e3c](
* **tasklists:** add support for GFM tasklists ([dc72403a](

<a name"1.1.0"></a>
## [1.1.0]( (2015-06-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **converter.js:** add error if the passed constructor argument is not an object ([d86ed450](
* **output modifiers:** fix for output modifiers running twice ([dcbdc61e](

### Features

* **headerLevelStart:** add support for setting the header starting level ([b84ac67d](, closes [#69](
* **image dimensions:** add support for setting image dimensions within markdown syntax ([af82c2b6](, closes [#143](
* **noHeaderId:** add option to suppress automatic generation of ids in headers ([7ac893e9](
* **showdown.getDefaultOptions:** add method to retrieve default global options keypairs ([2de53a7d](

### Breaking Changes

* Deprecates `showdown.extensions` property. To migrate, extensions should use the new method `showdown.extension(<ext name>, <extension>)` to register.
  For more information on the new extension loading mechanism, please check the wiki pages.

<a name"1.0.2"></a>
## [1.0.2]( (2015-05-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **Gruntfile.js** add missing comma in footer. This bug prevented concatenating other js scripts and libraries
  with showdown([5315508]( Credits to Alexandre Courtiol.

<a name"1.0.1"></a>
## [1.0.1]( (2015-05-27)

### Bug Fixes

* **bower.json:** update bower.json main attribute to point to dist directory ([bc3a092f](

<a name"1.0.0"></a>
## [1.0.0]( (2015-05-27)

### Release Information
This is a major code refactor with some big changes such as:
  - showdown.js file was split in several files, called sub-parsers. This should improve code maintainability.
  - angular integration was removed from core and move to its own repository, similar to what was done with extensions
  - A new extension registering system is on the "cooks" that should reduce errors when using extensions. The old mechanism
  is kept so old extensions should be compatible.

### Bug Fixes

* **extensions:** support for old extension loading mechanism ([95ed7c68](
* **helpers:** fix wrong function call 'escapeCharacters' due to old strayed code ([18ba4e75](
* **showdown.js:**
  - fix showdown extension loader ([a38c76d2](,
  closes [#50](,[#56](,
  [#104](, [#108](,
  [#109](, [#111](,
  [#118](, [#122](
  - add unique id prefix and suffix to headers ([c367a4b9](, closes [#81](, [#82](
* **options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks:** fix for options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks only applying in gitHub flavoured code b ([e6f40e19](
* **showdown:** fix for options merging into globalOptions ([ddd6011d](, closes [#153](

### Features

* **registerExtension():** new extension loading mechanism. Now extensions can be registered using this function.
  The system, however, is not final and will probably be changed until the final version([0fd10cb] (
* **allowBlockIndents:** indented inline block elements can now be parsed as markdown ([f6326b84](
* **omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks:**  add option to omit extra newline at the end of codeblocks ([141e3f5](
* **prefixHeaderId:** add options to prefix header ids to prevent id clash ([141e3f5](
* **Converter.options:** add getOption(), setOption() and getOptions() to Converter object ([db6f79b0](

### Breaking Changes
* **NAMESPACE:** showdown's namespace changed.

   To migrate your code you should update all references to `Showdown` with `showdown`.

* **Converter:** converter reference changed from `converter` to `Converter`.

   To migrate you should update all references to `Showdown.converter` with `showdown.Converter`

* **angular:** angular integration was removed from core and now lives in it's own [repository](

   If you're using angular integration, you should install ng-showdown. Ex: `bower install ng-showdown`

* **extensions:** showdown extensions were removed from core package and now live in their own repository. See the [project's github page]( for available extensions