* Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in
* hash references.
* Link defs are in the form: ^[id]: url "optional title"
showdown.subParser('makehtml.stripLinkDefinitions', function (text, options, globals) {
'use strict';
var regex = /^ {0,3}\[([^\]]+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?([^>\s]+)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|(?=¨0))/gm,
base64Regex = /^ {0,3}\[([^\]]+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?(data:.+?\/.+?;base64,[A-Za-z0-9+/=\n]+?)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n\n|(?=¨0)|(?=\n\[))/gm;
// attacklab: sentinel workarounds for lack of \A and \Z, safari\khtml bug
text += '¨0';
var replaceFunc = function (wholeMatch, linkId, url, width, height, blankLines, title) {
// if there aren't two instances of linkId it must not be a reference link so back out
linkId = linkId.toLowerCase();
if (text.toLowerCase().split(linkId).length - 1 < 2) {
return wholeMatch;
if (url.match(/^data:.+?\/.+?;base64,/)) {
// remove newlines
globals.gUrls[linkId] = url.replace(/\s/g, '');
} else {
url = showdown.helper.applyBaseUrl(options.relativePathBaseUrl, url);
globals.gUrls[linkId] = showdown.subParser('makehtml.encodeAmpsAndAngles')(url, options, globals); // Link IDs are case-insensitive
if (blankLines) {
// Oops, found blank lines, so it's not a title.
// Put back the parenthetical statement we stole.
return blankLines + title;
} else {
if (title) {
globals.gTitles[linkId] = title.replace(/"|'/g, '"');
if (options.parseImgDimensions && width && height) {
globals.gDimensions[linkId] = {
width: width,
height: height
// Completely remove the definition from the text
return '';
// first we try to find base64 link references
text = text.replace(base64Regex, replaceFunc);
text = text.replace(regex, replaceFunc);
// attacklab: strip sentinel
text = text.replace(/¨0/, '');
return text;