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# Cpp Dependency Graph

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Generates useful component dependency visualisations (`dot` or `d3.js`) to study the architecture of C/C++ projects.

Why do all the other languages have awesome tools to analyse codebases but C/C++ does not?

It's time to change that.

This tool aims to -

- provide multiple views into the architecture of a codebase
- generate views at multiple levels of the architecture
- make the resulting views genuinely useful, rich, dynamic and interactive (static views are boring)

## Inspiration

This tool is inspired by a number of projects [rubrowser](, [cpp-dependencies]( and [objc-dependency-visualizer](

The pretty `d3` visualisations are directly copied from `objc-dependency-visualiser`.

A huge shout out to the people behind these projects.

## Comparison With Other Tools

### cpp-dependencies

### cinclude2dot

### dep-matrix

## Usage

### Installation

`gem install cpp_dependency_graph`

### Help

`cpp_dependency_graph -h`

### Overall component dependency graph

To generate the overall component dependency graph for a project, use it like so -

`cpp_dependency_graph visualise_project -r spec\test\example_project\ -o deps.svg -f svg`

Below is the overall `dot` and `d3` component dependency visualisations for [leveldb](


![d3.js visualisation of leveldb](docs/examples/leveldb_overall_d3.svg)

![d3.js visualisation of rocksdb](docs/examples/rocksdb_overall_d3.svg)

**NOTE** - If your project has a large number of components (> 100 and lots of connections between them), then generation (and subsequent rendering) may take some time.

### Individual component dependency graph

This will highlight the dependencies coming in and going out of a specific component. This allows you to filter out extraneous detail and study individual components in more detail.

`cpp_dependency_graph visualise_component -r spec\test\example_project\ --component Engine -o -f dot`

Here's a component dependency visualisation generated for the `queue` component in [rethinkdb](

![Queue component dot visualisation](docs/examples/rethinkdb_queue_component.svg)

![Queue component d3 visualisation](docs/examples/rethinkdb_queue_component_d3.svg)

### Component include dependency graph

This will highlight dependencies of includes within a specific component

`cpp_dependency_graph visualise_component_includes -r spec\test\example_project\ --component Engine`

Here's a component include dependency visualisation generated for the `queue` component in [rethinkdb](

![Queue include graph dot](docs/examples/rethinkdb_queue_include.svg)

![Queue include graph d3](docs/examples/rethinkdb_queue_include_d3.svg)

### Header file include dependency graph

This will highlight include dependencies of header files globally within the project

`cpp_dependency_graph visualise_header_includes -r spec\test\example_project\ --header Engine.h`

Here's a component include dependency visualisation generated for the `errors.hpp` header file in [rethinkdb](

![Errors.hpp include graph dot](docs/examples/rethinkdb_errors_header_include.svg)

### Cyclic dependencies only graph

This will highlight cyclic dependencies between components within a project. This is especially useful for targeted refactoring activities to reduce coupling between components.

`cpp_dependency_graph visualise_cyclic_deps -r spec\test\example_project\`

Here's the cyclic dependencies only visualisation generated for [rethinkdb]( and [leveldb](



## Development

`bundle exec cpp_dependency_graph <cmd> -r <dir> ...`

### Running all unit tests

`rake spec`

### Running a single test

`rake spec SPEC=<path_to_spec_file>`

## License

cpp_dependency_graph is available under the MIT license.

## Warranty

This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied
warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.