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# [![Sean Huber](]( owners

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Take ownership of your code.

Knowing who owns a project or section of a code base is very helpful when asking questions or requesting feedback. This gem allows developers to define `OWNERS` files throughout their repository to provide a human and machine readable way to determine who the maintainers are for specific files of code.

These files can be used to:

* find the right people to ask when you have questions
* notify maintainers when changes occur in the files that they care about
* enforce approval from the appropriate people in pull requests

## Installation

gem install owners

## Usage

Define an `OWNERS` file in any directory within your repository. This file should contain a newline separated list of subscribers to notify when files within the directory have changed. The `OWNERS` files are searched recursively up the tree to make organizing owners more convenient.

Subscribers can be anything that suits your needs e.g. emails, GitHub handles, Slack channels, etc.


#### Filters

The `OWNERS` file also supports filtering paths with regular expressions. Any whitespace between these filters and their corresponding subscribers is ignored.

@data         app/models/.*
@ui           \.(css|haml|js|scss)$  lib/bobs_special_file.rb
#whitespace   path/with spaces/is all part/of the filter.txt

#### Multiple subscribers

Subscribers can be listed multiple times in an `OWNERS` file.

@data app/models
@data db

Multiple comma separated subscribers can be listed for the same filter.

@data,@team-leads db

#### Comments

Comments are supported by prefixing lines with `//`.

// this comment will be ignored
//// this one two
  // even this one with whitespace

@data,@team-leads db

#internal .env

#### Finding owners

Find the owners for specific files by passing them to the `Owners.for` method.
This returns an array of `Owner` objects which are simple wrappers around
`String` with a few extra methods.

owners = Owners.for("db/schema.rb", ".env") #=> ["@data", "#internal"]

The owner's `type` can be one of `%i(alert email group label mention tag)`.

owners.first.type #=> :mention
owners.last.type  #=> :tag

The `paths` method returns an array of owned file paths that triggered the match.

owners.first.paths #=> ["db/schema.rb"]
owners.last.paths  #=> [".env"]

The `subscriptions` method allows us to inspect the rules that triggered a match.

owners.each do |owner|
  puts owner

  owner.subscriptions.each do |path, subscriptions|
    puts "  #{path}"

    subscriptions.each do |subscription|
      puts "  #{subscription.file}:#{subscription.line} => #{subscription.filter}"

  OWNERS:5 => (?-mix:db)
  OWNERS:7 => (?-mix:.env)

#### Finding files without owners

Stay on top of owner subscriptions by finding files that don't have any owners yet.

Owners.missing_for(".env", "some/other/file.rb") #=> ["some/other/file.rb"]

#### Git diff integration

To find the owners for files changed with `git diff` use the `Owners.for_diff` method.

Owners.for_diff("your-feature-branch-or-ref", "optional-base-ref-defaults-to-master")

## Command line interface

This gem also comes with a convenient `owners` CLI. Each owner is printed out and separated by newlines.

owners for .env app/controllers/posts_controller.rb app/models/user.rb


#### Debugging and managing subscriptions

The `--debug` option outputs additional information for subscriptions.

owners for --debug .env app/controllers/posts_controller.rb app/models/user.rb

  OWNERS:1 => (?-mix:\.env)

  OWNERS:2 => (?-mix:app/(controllers|models))

  OWNERS:2 => (?-mix:app/(controllers|models))

  ./OWNERS:3 => (?-mix:app/models)

#### Git diff integration

The `git diff` integration works in the command line as well.

owners for_diff my-feature-branch

See `owners help` for more information.

## API

[YARD Documentation](

* `Owners.file`
* `Owners.file=`
* `Owners.for`
* `Owners.for_diff`
* `Owners.missing_for`
* `Owners::Owner#type`
* `Owners::Owner#subscriptions`
* `Owners::Subscription#file`
* `Owners::Subscription#filter`
* `Owners::Subscription#line`
* `Owners::Subscription#metadata?`
* `Owners::Subscription#root`
* `Owners::Subscription#subscribed?`
* `Owners::Subscription#subscribers`
* `Owners::Subscription#subscription`

## Testing

bundle exec rspec

## Contributing

* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
* Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
* Commit, do not mess with the version or history.
* Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

## License

[MIT]( - Copyright © 2015 Sean Huber